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The URC has been disbanded.

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
If Meta Knight becomes unbanned, that's fine. Players now have all the information at their hands, and so it will no longer be a thought experiment as to which is better for the community. So now, when the dialogue comes up again, it will be a fair one. Some arguments were rather whimsical for both sides, but now both will be grounded in reality. :)
Very true post. :)

I'm guessing those that want the most turnouts may do both MK banned and MK legal tournaments. Maybe MK banned doubles but MK legal singles, or something along those lines.

Deleted member

I don't think we need to know anything more about the Senate. Upper Level staff describes it just fine.

Deleted member

What's the difference between an ambassador and a senator

Ambassador's are not staff, though they were originally mentioned to have moderation influence in the thread JV posted. That, however, is not true.

Ambassadors are people trying to grow the smash community by getting into contact with possible sponsors for upcoming tournaments, as well as spreading the word about them.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Sanji Himura said:
Words have meanings. Don't imply that you yourself moved to disban something and take credit for starting said something. It makes you lose all credibility relating to the topic at hand.
I'm not really sure what you mean. As part of the Senate I had a say in the decision to disband the URC. I also, over a year ago, had a hand in implementing the then URC. It was approved/given power by the GM at the time (early 2011), but someone had to run something (think of it like this: the president gives approval for something, but he appoints someone to run it).

What would be bad is if I let my own personal attachments to something get in the way of a Smashboards decision if said something is not working. It is not hypocritical to eventually realize something is not working.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
You respond well to challenges to the bull**** you spew. How about you cite sources instead of making random assertions.

Or, you could deflect the argument just because big, bad Ryker called you a ******.

Note: There's the insult so you can avoid the point again. Aren't I nice?
Cite sources? I used posts in this thread. YOU'RE the one being ignorant and deflecting. Go read every post like I did before you make yourself look any worse than you already have.

Did you bother to read all of the posts in this thread? There's not that many. It is misplaced anger because they did not make the sticky rule, they had to follow it. The decision to make this rule was in place as Unity was formed, and the decision to get rid of it was also not up to Unity. How are you going to hate them for something that wasn't in their control? They're not force feeding anything, they're following the rules that were already in place for them.

If you don't like the ruleset, then don't use it lol. National/Regional tournaments are usually stickied yes, but Locals don't usually get stickied from what I've seen. And if a National/Regional doesn't get stickied, they generate enough hype themselves, and from other advertising (facebook/AiB/word of mouth/whatever) that they don't really need a sticky. If you're complaining about your local not getting stickied because of non-Unity, complain about it now that there is no "Unity Sticky Rule" when it's not stickied this time.

People are hating the idea of Unity more than what it actually was. Too caught up in this "I Hate Unity" mode to actually look and listen to what the people from Unity have said about what happened. I didn't like the Unity Ruleset all that much, but I don't blame them for things that were not their fault.
I've read every post in this thread, and its usually people talking about Illuminati nonsense like the Senate and backrooms, which should ALL be disbanded for the record.

As people hating on unity and its idea, I feel like its deserved in this case, because the rule set is being forcibly fed to people. Also, if they REALLY didn't have control over nationals/regionals getting stickied for using unity or not, then why did the backrooms make the rule in the first place for forcibly make people use it. Stop being ignorant. The URC wanted their ruleset used so they made a rule people had to follow or their tournaments wouldn't get hype or views. Would most people honestly go past 1-3 pages just to see if a tournament was in their area?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Cite sources? I used posts in this thread. YOU'RE the one being ignorant and deflecting. Go read every post like I did before you make yourself look any worse than you already have.
Lol, you're clueless. You sit there being belligerent and call it debating.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Cite sources? I used posts in this thread. YOU'RE the one being ignorant and deflecting. Go read every post like I did before you make yourself look any worse than you already have.

I've read every post in this thread, and its usually people talking about Illuminati nonsense like the Senate and backrooms, which should ALL be disbanded for the record.

As people hating on unity and its idea, I feel like its deserved in this case, because the rule set is being forcibly fed to people. Also, if they REALLY didn't have control over nationals/regionals getting stickied for using unity or not, then why did the backrooms make the rule in the first place for forcibly make people use it. Stop being ignorant. The URC wanted their ruleset used so they made a rule people had to follow or their tournaments wouldn't get hype or views. Would most people honestly go past 1-3 pages just to see if a tournament was in their area?
I lost at "which should all be disbanded". Why should the Senate, a higher-leveled moderation group on the forum, be disbanded? Because they're staff and they make decisions for the forums? I'm sure you could give a good reason if you're going to spew this BS.

LOL. You haven't read the thread at all. Tell me: who implemented the rule that said tournaments had to be unity to get stickied? It's been said several times in the thread. Hint: It's not the URC or the BBR.

You wouldn't have to go past 3 pages to find a local tournament, either. You click your region and look for tournaments near you. You're making it seem like any tournament without URC ruleset is doomed for failure because of the lack of stickies... I'm sure there were more than several tournaments ran without the Unity ruleset that were successful.

I can't see how a ruleset of all things can drive a community apart. It's not like the URC said "If your tournament doesn't have our ruleset, then we'll cancel your tournament," and there wasn't really anything in there that would stop advertising as a whole.


Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2009
Wherever sarcasm can be made
Cite sources? I used posts in this thread. YOU'RE the one being ignorant and deflecting. Go read every post like I did before you make yourself look any worse than you already have.

I've read every post in this thread, and its usually people talking about Illuminati nonsense like the Senate and backrooms, which should ALL be disbanded for the record.

As people hating on unity and its idea, I feel like its deserved in this case, because the rule set is being forcibly fed to people. Also, if they REALLY didn't have control over nationals/regionals getting stickied for using unity or not, then why did the backrooms make the rule in the first place for forcibly make people use it. Stop being ignorant. The URC wanted their ruleset used so they made a rule people had to follow or their tournaments wouldn't get hype or views. Would most people honestly go past 1-3 pages just to see if a tournament was in their area?
I lol'd at "Stop being ignorant."

I find it hard to believe that you've read every post in here, and not just skimmed through them and immediately call them ignorant. Going to highlight some things in your response that clearly show you've not read.

1. You say the backroom made the rule to sticky, then say Unity made it to get their tournaments noticed. Choose one please.
2. We've already established that Unity did not make the sticky rule, so there is no way that they "made a rule people had to follow or their tournaments wouldn't get hype or views". They did not make the rule. It's been said multiple times, but you say it's ignorant.
3. If I'd want to see if there's a tournament in my area, then I'd check my region. There are clearly separate regions that you can click on to find your area. Are you upset that your local isn't up there out of the many local/regional/national tournaments throughout the country that could be going on that same weekend? Blame Unity! Acting as if your sticky was guaranteed without Unity is absurd.
4. If the ruleset was truly being force fed to people, why was it not 100% of tournaments using the ruleset? Clearly TOs had a choice to use it or not, no one put a gun to their head and told them use it or else. The west coast from what I've seen has not been using the URS much, yet still gets good attendance in SoCal and NV, Oregon as well. But they weren't using the ruleset, how did they get people to go without a sticky?!
5. How is the Senate nonsense when it's a very important part of this very discussion that we're talking about? If you feel that's nonsense, then I misunderstand what you think a good portion of this conversation is about.

Lol, you're clueless. You sit there being belligerent and call it debating.

Sanji Himura

Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
Strohiem Castle, Germany
I'm not really sure what you mean. As part of the Senate I had a say in the decision to disband the URC. I also, over a year ago, had a hand in implementing the then URC. It was approved/given power by the GM at the time (early 2011), but someone had to run something (think of it like this: the president gives approval for something, but he appoints someone to run it).

What would be bad is if I let my own personal attachments to something get in the way of a Smashboards decision if said something is not working. It is not hypocritical to eventually realize something is not working.
Before I address this nonsense, let me establish three critical facts that are relevant to this conversation.

1. You were in charge of the MLG Brawl tournaments in 2010.
2. Before that MLG season, the rules that they[MLG] put out did NOT match the Brawl Back Room recommended ruleset. One featured example is MLG allowing Pokemon Stadium 2 as a Counter pick stage.
3. You, yourself was a strong opponent of any tournament being featured on AiB at the time that was using the MLG ruleset rather than BBR.

Yeah, it might have been approved by the GM, but who really pushed for it? You saw all of the TO's across the country that was not using the BBR ruleset in 2010, and then the Unity ruleset in 2011-2012. Heck, even I didn't use it at my tournament last year. You and some of the back room gathered data on what rulesets were being used over that year and presented it to the GM and asked him if you can establish a Ruleset committee to be the final say all to the rules of Brawl. He approved.

We have a saying in Texas, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." The community was not ready for a national ruleset, and it probably never will.

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
I see a lot of people freaking out about corruption and tyranny (although it's completely hypocritical coming from mew2king some of us), but regardless of all your ******** accusations, you have to admit that they were responsible for making MK-banned tournaments not horribly taboo. And for that, I thank you, URC.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Sanji Himura said:
1. You were in charge of the MLG Brawl tournaments in 2010.
2. Before that MLG season, the rules that they[MLG] put out did NOT match the Brawl Back Room recommended ruleset. One featured example is MLG allowing Pokemon Stadium 2 as a Counter pick stage.
3. You, yourself was a strong opponent of any tournament being featured on AiB at the time that was using the MLG ruleset rather than BBR.
1. True.
2. The MLG ruleset could not have matched the BBR recommended ruleset, since the BBR never actually took a concrete stance on anything! Here is the Ruleset 2.0 that was the current BBR Recommended Ruleset at the start of 2010 when MLG rules were made.

Let me highlight a specific part:
BBR Recommended Ruleset 2.0 said:
Final Destination
Yoshi's Island

Castle Siege
Lylat Cruise
Pokémon Stadium 1

Delfino (moved from S/C)
Frigate Orpheon
Jungle Japes
Pirate Ship
Pokémon Stadium 2
Rainbow Cruise

Distant Planet (moved from C)
Green Greens
Luigi's Mansion (moved from C)
Port Town Aero Dive
Yoshi's Island (Pipes) (moved from C)
Norfair (moved from C)
Notice: the BBR Recommended Ruleset placed stages in dual categories. Funnily enough though, your example is completely wrong in that PS2 was a CP stage in the BBR 2.0 RR.

3. No I wasn't - I never did anything regarding featured tournaments on AiB until the post URC era, with the lone exception being featuring MLG tournaments. I didn't push or not push for other tournaments to be featured on AiB back in 2010, especially based on rulesets.

So: of your "three critical facts" only the first is true. Also, random aside, probably my biggest regret at the tournament director for Brawl for MLG in 2010 was listening to much to the BBR Recommend Ruleset. I didn't follow everything it had, but I did take ideas/stages/suggestions (9 stage starters) and used them.

Sanji Himura said:
Yeah, it might have been approved by the GM, but who really pushed for it? You saw all of the TO's across the country that was not using the BBR ruleset in 2010, and then the Unity ruleset in 2011-2012. Heck, even I didn't use it at my tournament last year. You and some of the back room gathered data on what rulesets were being used over that year and presented it to the GM and asked him if you can establish a Ruleset committee to be the final say all to the rules of Brawl. He approved.
I pushed for the 'Unity Ruleset', this is true, and I clearly haven't denied that, even stating I, after all, helped start the whole endeavor. The GM of Smashboards and Co-Founder of AiB was actually the one who came up with and suggested the 'sticky'/'featured' tournament policy to me after being presented with the idea of a standard ruleset.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Wow, the Smash community became quite convoluted after I left. Makes me wish I stuck around to see these things live instead of reading about them years after they happened.

EDIT: I hate whoever removed the quick edit thing.
Aug 6, 2008
Wow a Samurai Panda post O_o

Anyways, I cosign my dislike of the recommended rulesets.
That is surprising. Without one, there would seems to be hardly any unity in our rulesets at all. Look at west coast vs east coast, items or no items?

Whether we had a unity ruleset or recommended ruleset, nearly every region would mostly agree on generally the same things. 3 stock, 8 minutes, no items. A counterpick system involving stages and characters along with universally accepted rules such as infinite dimensional cape ban.

Most differences seem to really only be minor. Such as the number of neutrals or what counterpick stages are used. MK ban was really the only big thing going on.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
That is surprising. Without one, there would seems to be hardly any unity in our rulesets at all. Look at west coast vs east coast, items or no items?

Whether we had a unity ruleset or recommended ruleset, nearly every region would mostly agree on generally the same things. 3 stock, 8 minutes, no items. A counterpick system involving stages and characters along with universally accepted rules such as infinite dimensional cape ban.

Most differences seem to really only be minor. Such as the number of neutrals or what counterpick stages are used. MK ban was really the only big thing going on.
I meant how the BBR made Recommended rulesets, my bad for bad communication there.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
When we first started the URC we had good intentions, GOOD stuff was getting done and we saw the results of our work. As we added **** people to the URC, the stink started to appear. Then ******** stuff was going down back there and 3 of us(Me/Chibo and one other dude) were like "this is not the URC we want to be apart of" so we considered quitting. Few days later, BOOM. URC died. So yea im kinda happy its gone and kinda sad its gone.

edit: F the URC for not listenting to me about the card system. I told you guys how to fix it and yall refused so POOP ON U. But good job on getting the mk ban in the lime light, this needed to get done.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2011
Long Island, NY

If it wasn't a majority, then he wouldn't have been banned in the first place. :p.
Smh, "if it wasn't a majority"
read the post by JPOBS and pay extra attention to the bottom two lines in green (i could care less about the part with M2Ks response)

In case of TL;DR:
"The MK debate is a matter of practicality: Do you think we should ban the best character who beats your favorite character.

Of course the poll is gonna be overwhelming in favor of pro ban"

Most characters worst matchup/least enjoyable is MK, give me one reason as let's say a Diddy main or Olimar main to say no to the MK ban. I would lose absolutely nothing out of it, and only gain possible tournament victories...


Feb 6, 2009
MK still beat most people's favorite character 2+ years ago when it wasn't an overwhelming majority.

Do you guys seriously even think before posting this stuff?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
When we first started the URC we had good intentions, GOOD stuff was getting done and we saw the results of our work. As we added **** people to the URC, the stink started to appear. Then ******** stuff was going down back there and 3 of us(Me/Chibo and one other dude) were like "this is not the URC we want to be apart of" so we considered quitting. Few days later, BOOM. URC died. So yea im kinda happy its gone and kinda sad its gone.

edit: F the URC for not listenting to me about the card system. I told you guys how to fix it and yall refused so POOP ON U. But good job on getting the mk ban in the lime light, this needed to get done.
The stink started to appear?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Smh, "if it wasn't a majority"
read the post by JPOBS and pay extra attention to the bottom two lines in green (i could care less about the part with M2Ks response)

In case of TL;DR:
"The MK debate is a matter of practicality: Do you think we should ban the best character who beats your favorite character.

Of course the poll is gonna be overwhelming in favor of pro ban"

Most characters worst matchup/least enjoyable is MK, give me one reason as let's say a Diddy main or Olimar main to say no to the MK ban. I would lose absolutely nothing out of it, and only gain possible tournament victories...
Majority is a majority is a majority. For whatever reasons, more people still wanted him banned than not, no matter what the reason. :v.


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
appeal to majority is an awful argument; it says nothing about whether something actually should/deserves to be banned.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I meant how the BBR made Recommended rulesets, my bad for bad communication there.
I really don't understand what was not to like about those. I mean...they addressed almost all viewpoints of the game and just gave a base set of rules for someone newer or experienced at TO'ing to use however they wanted.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
more people would also like a 0 dollar venue fee every tourney, even though a small minority (the TO in this case) has to pay the price (a big price) for doing something like that. Reasons MATTER. People do it because most people care about self-benefit. When given the choice to make things easier for yourself, most people are going to do it. Right or wrong doesn't matter to most people; life being easier for them is what matters. That isn't good enough and doesn't justify anything.


Smash Master
Jul 1, 2011
There was also no clear indication what the community actually wanted. The 'online poll' was trashtastic.

In hindsight I am glad that the ban gave TOs the gonads to run banned events if they wanted to, I only thought the blanket ban was dumb.
When we first started the URC we had good intentions, GOOD stuff was getting done and we saw the results of our work. As we added **** people to the URC, the stink started to appear. Then ******** stuff was going down back there and 3 of us(Me/Chibo and one other dude) were like "this is not the URC we want to be apart of" so we considered quitting. Few days later, BOOM. URC died. So yea im kinda happy its gone and kinda sad its gone.

edit: F the URC for not listenting to me about the card system. I told you guys how to fix it and yall refused so POOP ON U. But good job on getting the mk ban in the lime light, this needed to get done.
Dang, you and bizkit have been some of my favorite posters ever since this place got disbanded, lol.

I said this on the AIB blog but as you mentioned the grievances seem to stem from the membership of the URC. Not gonna name names but I probably dont need to. Thats why Ive constantly said that as TOs, in spite of the groups ability to enforce the ruleset at their tournaments, it did not necessarily make them (individually) best suited to run such a governing body. Its like having the military run a country.

Granted the varying opinions across the country may have been too much even if the group had top notch members.


Feb 6, 2009
appeal to majority is an awful argument; it says nothing about whether something actually should/deserves to be banned.
Yeah, except it does.

If the majority of the people playing the game want something to be banned then why shouldn't it? Oh "hurr durr they're biased because they're not even good at the game and they don't even know how to beat mk they suck we shouldn't listen to them" blah blah blah. That argument is the worst. Ever.

Honestly it shouldn't even matter what their reasoning is, even if it's because they don't like his alternate colors. They are just as invested in the game and spend as much time with it as anyone else. Someone's opinions shouldn't be discredited solely because of their skill.

A high level player who mains MK and places top 8 at nationals is just as vulnerable to bias (except in that scenario it's in your favor so obviously you only care what he has to say!) as someone who just went to their first tournament and got dead last. He's spending his time and money on the game just like everybody else.

A huge majority of this community thinks the game would be better without MK. No matter how hard anti-ban tries to discredit this it's still an absolute point of concern. You can't just blow it off like it's nothing. Low/mid level players are the ones that fuel tournaments and pot prizes. Where would this community be without that 80%? (I think it was 80%? something like that.)

I would get into other idiotic boulders that anti-ban needs to get over, such as how hypocritical it is that their deadset against listening to the majority when if it was on the opposite end they would stop at nothing to prove how much the majority means, and how most anti-banners act like that poll is the only argument pro-ban has. I'm bored though, and I'm sure this post will be glossed over and people will just continue with their complete disregard for anything logical anyone they disagree with has to say and the neverending cycle of sensationalist comments and everyone calling each other free will continue at it's usual concerning pace.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Honestly it shouldn't even matter what their reasoning is, even if it's because they don't like his alternate colors. They are just as invested in the game and spend as much time with it as anyone else. Someone's opinions shouldn't be discredited solely because of their skill.
You're ********.


Smash Master
Dec 3, 2005
URC started off good, then we realized none of the people in it mained MK and just wanted to use the rule set as a cover in getting MK banned, it was a smooth plot but failed. Thankfully some members and TOs still like real competition and don't ban a character who is beatable, he's just the best, scrubs fail to see this. Everyone really should just use the Apex 2012 rule set + 1 MK per team limit, fair compromise and its a good rule set that allows no over the top CPs even if you lose game 1 to "OMG MK!". Lol.



❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
Yeah, except it does.

If the majority of the people playing the game want something to be banned then why shouldn't it? Oh "hurr durr they're biased because they're not even good at the game and they don't even know how to beat mk they suck we shouldn't listen to them" blah blah blah. That argument is the worst. Ever.

Honestly it shouldn't even matter what their reasoning is, even if it's because they don't like his alternate colors. They are just as invested in the game and spend as much time with it as anyone else. Someone's opinions shouldn't be discredited solely because of their skill.

A high level player who mains MK and places top 8 at nationals is just as vulnerable to bias (except in that scenario it's in your favor so obviously you only care what he has to say!) as someone who just went to their first tournament and got dead last. He's spending his time and money on the game just like everybody else.

A huge majority of this community thinks the game would be better without MK. No matter how hard anti-ban tries to discredit this it's still an absolute point of concern. You can't just blow it off like it's nothing. Low/mid level players are the ones that fuel tournaments and pot prizes. Where would this community be without that 80%? (I think it was 80%? something like that.)

I would get into other idiotic boulders that anti-ban needs to get over, such as how hypocritical it is that their deadset against listening to the majority when if it was on the opposite end they would stop at nothing to prove how much the majority means, and how most anti-banners act like that poll is the only argument pro-ban has. I'm bored though, and I'm sure this post will be glossed over and people will just continue with their complete disregard for anything logical anyone they disagree with has to say and the neverending cycle of sensationalist comments and everyone calling each other free will continue at it's usual concerning pace.
That's democracy for you.


Feb 6, 2009
You're ********.
I lost.
As soon I submitted that post I knew you would do this.

Way to take one tiny part of my post out of context.
Not like I should expect any better though. I basically said that's what would happen later on in that post (which you probably didn't even get to, so I guess I should be blaming your poor reading abilities instead of your ****ty attention span and inability to hold onto a thought longer than a 2 year old).

Way to live up to my expectations, SB!
You so good. :bee:
I feel like a gold star or something is in order here.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
I was one of the people indignant when this entity was first announced btw. Hipster Incom said it was a bad idea before you all did.

That said, I'm actually kind of melancholy about it now. End of an era, you know. That said, we'll see what goes on. Congrats to Alex Strife for basically taking over ruleset making :troll:


Feb 6, 2009
Me too, Espy. Me too.

I don't know how he survives back there with his constant habit of saying something dumb and then trying to wiggle his way out of it with vague comments.
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