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want CLOUD STRIFE in brawl? official thread.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007

I really liked Cloud as a character when I played FF7, my first RPG which changed my life ( seriously ).
But he's been milked too much. Everyone sees him as THE Final Fantasy. He's "totally teh ***** emo". And most people who want him seem like drooling fanboys who want him because he's badass or something.
He was a great, deep character in his game and the movie was welcome fanservice for me, but other than that, he should rest in peace before his image is defiled any further.

*sighs again*
FF7 was the last really good Final Fantasy. After that, it just went downhill, struggled to get back up in FF9 but messed up the gameplay, then just died when Yuna donned a Lara Croft attire and sang j-pop songs.
Poor Cloud.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007

I really liked Cloud as a character when I played FF7, my first RPG which changed my life ( seriously ).
But he's been milked too much. Everyone sees him as THE Final Fantasy. He's "totally teh ***** emo". And most people who want him seem like drooling fanboys who want him because he's badass or something.
He was a great, deep character in his game and the movie was welcome fanservice for me, but other than that, he should rest in peace before his image is defiled any further.

*sighs again*
FF7 was the last really good Final Fantasy. After that, it just went downhill, struggled to get back up in FF9 but messed up the gameplay, then just died when Yuna donned a Lara Croft attire and sang j-pop songs.
Poor Cloud.
I agree with you in every way Fawriel! The fact is FF7 was my first RPG ever and I owe a lot to that game, RPG is my favourite genre and it's due to that game (my favourite game of all time). Milked too much is a good way to put it, but to be fair Cloud is pretty much the best representative of main characters they have since Squall was a whiny ***, Zidane...actually he wasn't that bad and then Whinus was the biggest ***** of them all. But yeah. Off of my hate for Tidus for one second. You're labelling him as emo which again I don't really see, he started off detached and the sort of "I'm along for the money then I'm donel" attitude but that was all part of his character development.

Seems FF7 has turned into the popular game to hate since it has a never-ending legion of fans and spin-off titles and it's those that give it a bad name more than anything. Sephiroth + Cloud were awesome characters, but seriously fans need to let them go a bit, we don't need them in Brawl. That and you get the occasional FF7 fanboy that's completely unbearable, that really doesn't help the whole popular to hate situation.

I played FF's in the order really of 7, 8, 9, 6, 5, 10, 3 and I can't say I really enjoyed anything past 9 all that much. 6 while being really quite good was just too old for my tastes by the time I got round to it with a pretty spammy random battle system and the story wasn't as great as I'd been told. 10 was a disaster and it saddens me to see a lot of the "top 10 RPG" lists on GameFAQs sporting 10 near the top of their lists. *Spoilers! Not that you should care*
Couldn't help but laugh my *** off when Yuna ran to hug Tidus and fell right through him on her face at the end of 10 though, almost made it worth playing through the wretched story to get there

Anyway, Cloud not for Brawl. Really, just no.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
.......................................so what did you disagree with? That I called Cloud emo? That wasn't my quote, I was making fun of the haters there. I'm what some would call "emo" myself, being almost manically depressive. So... really, I agree with everything you said. What's your point? ^^;


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
.......................................so what did you disagree with? That I called Cloud emo? That wasn't my quote, I was making fun of the haters there. I'm what some would call "emo" myself, being almost manically depressive. So... really, I agree with everything you said. What's your point? ^^;
Sarcasm is apparently hard to get on the internet :( I'll make a ninja-edit :laugh:

Aaaaaaah, much better :chuckle:


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Oopsiedaisy. I'm a sarcasm sweeper. Good offense but bad defense. D=
Did you ever play FFXII Fawriel? I was gonna try it then I read a few competantly written reader FAQs on GameFAQs about it being an offline MMORPG grindfest with no storyline, so I gave it a miss. Still, it's tempting to see how much worse they could've done from FFX. Would be interested to hear your take on it if you've played it.

Oh and just to keep on subject at the same time, Cloud not for Brawl.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
In fact, I haven't played any FF after 9, but I read, saw and heard enough. I think even Nobuo Uematsu noticed how bad the games were getting... his music just sounds uninspired after a while, although 8 had some really funky stuff. 9 had some pretty songs and a really horribly random battle song. 10 had a few nice tunes and some "is this music" moments. I didn't hear much of 11, but the tunes I did hear, I could guess how they continued without having heard them before. Same old stuff.
I don't have the money for a PS2 or much less a PS3, so no more Final Fantasy action for me. Just actually REDO Final Fantasy 6 with better graphics and sound and some added stuff and there you have the best Final Fantasy possible, period.
...and even if I had the money, I wouldn't bother buying the new stuff.
FF has turned into a money-cow that consists of nothing but fanservice. "The Cactuar is popular! QUICK, MAKE PLUSHIES! AND THE NEXT GAME NEEDS A CACTUAR PROTAGONIST, STAT!"

I hope it wasn't really Cloud who heralded that. I say 3D-graphics make people spoiled. Yes.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Honestly, what I've seen and heard of FFXII has pretty much detered me from playing it anytime soon. The battle system looks weird and neither the characters or story look very interesting. I enjoyed 10 somewhat, but I prefered both 7 and 9 to it out of the ps games.

Unfortunately for Cloud, he's a victim of his own popularity. He was such a great character in FF7, but while I like his new look and has an awesome fighting style in AC, they really have butchered his character. They seem to have decided to cater him more to the masses by giving far more angst than he previously had (emo characters generally seem to a big hit in Japan from what I can tell), and is just thrown into our faces so much now even I get sick of him, and I am (and probably always will be) a fan of his. It's really because of this that, while I like him and admit would try and main him if he was in, he really shouldn't be in Brawl.

The only problem is that he is pretty much the biggest FF character they is, and SE knows this. Part of me feels that they may try to push Sakurai into including him, especially if they realise he is technically eligible (in a very minor cameo role in what isn't even a FF game). Fortunately, it seems like Sakurai is more interested in Geno, so I guess it really depends on who presses harder (and I'm pretty sure Sakurai would be the one who get's his own way). Also, it's possible they may overlook (or not notice, it is a pretty forgetable role) Cloud's appearance and opt for one of the earlier FF characters. FF6 seems the most likely, seeing as it's one of the more popular games, and was the last FF game on Nintendo before they moved to Sony. However, FF4 is getting a DS remake, so who knows (though, personally I've never had much love for FF4).


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
It's still good to know there's sane FF fans out there :chuckle:

What brought out my anger most in FFX was the mediocre storyline topped off with the gayest protaganist ever (with horrid, horrid voiceacting), the fact that the sphere grid worked fine until you maxed it out and had carbon-copy clone characters, stupidly hard bosses which didn't take any skill at all and just hour of grinding the monster arena which I couldn't be arsed with and the end boss died in 1 hit and was the biggest waste of time, ever. Why would you suddenly include the final boss in the storyline right near the end and give him 99,999hp when you CAN HIT 99,999hp? It just felt so cheap. At least Sephiroth took 2 KotR to go down.

I really want to know what all the hype about FF6 was, 'cause I sure as hell don't remember it being the best game ever when playing through it a little while back. Kefka was quite a good villain but really while he was up on the whole destruction and killing sort of thing he lacked actual depth for me and that kinda ruined it a bit for me. It was admirable too that they managed to get so many characters in the game and do it well, but compared with FF7 they weren't nearly as well developed on. Ah well, it always sucks to play old school games heavy on the random battling when you get used to having it easy.

With Dissidia (or something) coming out for the PSP i doubt we'll see any FF characters, which would be good. I can't really see Brawl and Dissidia competing against each other with FF characters when Geno is an obviously surprior choice.

Cactuar or Tonberry for Brawl. Probably the best generic enemies ever created :chuckle:
SE really should just let FF7 drift away and keep it's reputation deservedly as one of the best games ever intact instead of bombarding fans (who'll take anything) with crummy spinoffs. Never gonna happen though :/

Edit: No Virgil, Cloud has actually appeared (although as a cameo) on a GBA game (KH:CoM) so he technically is 1 iota above Master Chief in terms of chances. Sorry.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007

... erm, on the topic of Final Fantasy 6. I don't know. It's just... wow. The way it starts out.. several storylines... no definite main character... so many characters with so much depth, the music, the graphics, all of it, it just really speaks to my soul as a game created with heart. Something that can't be said about the later FF incarnations. The story really doesn't strike me as that great, but that doesn't really matter. Why do you think FF10 had a bad story? It's really complicated and stuff. But it doesn't matter what the plot is, it matters how it's told.

FF6 just... makes me squeal when I think back at it. I'm not sure whether I could keep myself interested in playing it again.. too spoiled with good graphics and stuff... but it's just so complete and and and and and...

I'll put it into a metaphor. Imagine you're an artist and, over the years, you have grown in skill. The pictures you drew when you were young are nowhere near as good, and you see it, but when you look at them, you feel at home.
What I mean is not nostalgia, but just this feeling that you're looking at something that came from the heart instead of the brain.
Or something?


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
FFX's story wasn't complicated really, it just sucked :chuckle:

I know what you mean though, I guess I just didn't know about it until it's too late :( I could happily go back through FF7 though as it's updated engine isn't as tedious. Most important thing I look for in an RPG is a story though, which is why FF7 "really speaks to my soul" ^^.

Oh yeah, and we all knew who the most important guy in Captain Planet was.

Heart, d'uh.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
FF10's story was alright I thought, though granted it got a bit weird in places. Tidus is however one of the worst main characters I've come across, and it shocks me that someone who is actually a fairly good voice actor can make such an annoying character even more obnoxious. He was just a whiny little pansy, and I feel that I can pretty much handle any other RPG character after having experienced him.

I just really enjoyed FF6, it was handled quite differently from most other RPG's I've played (the no definite main character was one, though it is pretty much between Terra and Celes), and Kefka was one of the better villains of the series (though my personal fave is Kuja). The story was pretty good IMO, and many of the characters are dealt with well (though some did seem to be just there). Though at times I think some people overate it a bit much, though that seems to happen with all FF's (except 2 for some reason).


Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2006
New York
I always felt the main characters of FF6 were Terra, Celes, and Locke. Cause Locke is the coolest character in that game :D


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Yeah... but at least that's three major people as opposed to one main character who hogs all the screen-time, character development and all that despite being an annoying, personality-less jerk. *glares threateningly at main characters these days*

EDIT: Oh, missed the post before the last one. So what exactly IS so whiny about Tidus? Never played it, so can't know. The story, I've heard why it's weird. "It's all a dream. Kind of. You know. Err. You are. Not this. Or something?"

And Locke IS a major character... he, Celes and Terra form some sort of love-triangle.
Not in the usual sense.
...that would be horrible.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2006
New York
Yeah, personally in Final Fantasy 7, I hated Cloud. He annoyed me kind of like Tidus (although Tidus is way more annoying) The coolest character imo in FF7 was Zack Fair.

Also, Final Fantasy 1 had 4 main characters!


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Oh, missed the post before the last one. So what exactly IS so whiny about Tidus? Never played it, so can't know. The story, I've heard why it's weird. "It's all a dream. Kind of. You know. Err. You are. Not this. Or something?"
Basically Whinus always cries about how much he hates his dad and blah blah blah about his past which really dragged on, especially the bit where he was actually crying. The script of FFX was really quite poor as well with Tidus having a ton of really embarressing moments with over-cliched lines and the worst bit in the game being where he and Yuna were talking and then they had, I dunno, a contest or something to see who could laugh the loudest and it was really, really god**** terrible. Seriously I actually had to mute the sound it was so cringingly bad. Tidus' voice actor was pretty awful too, I'm usually not very picky when it comes to VA unless it's pretty terrible and the fact that I don't believe you could turn it off really didn't help. Oh yeah and since they let you change the main character's name, none of the characters ever addressed Tidus (said his name) throughout the entire storyline, how believeable is that? Really?

What majorly pissed me off about the storyline was that basically it's just one big journey through with no overworld map and no backtracking, so areas barely got developed on if at all. It was more "Here you are and now you're not, you never have to go back there again." in most cases. On top of that they
introduced the guy (read: thing) behind it all right at the end, and so it wasn't like chasing some badguy throughout the story like it could've been, instead it was "here's some guy that has a slight significance to the storyline, go get him tiger"
and it all felt a bit cheap. Not to mention that his boss battle was so criminally easy. The story wasn't necessarily complicated as compared to say FF7 but the fact that the whole complication thing introduced that
Tidus and some place is just a dream dreamt by some Fayth that don't want to keep dreaming anymore just seemed a bit too confusing and pointless. That, and the fact the Fayth didn't want to keep dreaming anymore seemed the whole motivation for killing the final boss,
and I wasn't particularly motivated.

And Locke IS a major character... he, Celes and Terra form some sort of love-triangle.
Not in the usual sense.
...that would be horrible.

Edit: Oh yeah and what was up with their character portraits? The character models looked pretty awesome and then you see their character portrait and you're like "AAAAAAH! MY EYES! THEY BUUUUURN!"


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Portraits? Where what when? You mean the official artwork of the FF6 characters where everyone has white skin, blonde hair and clothes that look like they have tentacles? If so, a lot of people hate that style, me included. It has its merits, but character REFERENCE art? They always end up looking completely different!!

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
i like Cloud and think it would be cool to pit him against Link. after all the FF series and the zelda series have been battling for best series of all time/best video character of all-time (check GameFAQs for anyone who doesnt know what i'm talking about). sadl enough to say, Cloud has close to no chance of being in Brawl. kingdom hearts on the GBA isnt enough to let him in, especially since know one i know personally ever played that game. whereas Cloud is best known for his original debut in the high-selling PSX (i have the PC version though) title, FF7


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
Ya I would have to agree that Cloud and Link have to be the best two characters out there. Two of the longest games out there. Both have great potential to make it even further. Would I like to see cloud in Brawl, HELL YA I would. I really dont see him actually making it in the final character selection. If he does, IT IS GAME ON *****ES!!!!!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2006
In a galaxy far, far away.
would you be outraged? or over joyed? i would definantly main him. the best rpg character of all time coming to the best fighting game of all time would make super smash bros. brawl be out of this world in awesomeness!!!
outraged or overjoyed? i would puke all over my controler. or my head would explode. or i would get a flight to japan and brutally murder whoever was responsible for crime against the greatest fighting game ever. thankfully, he has no chance. oh ya and hes not the best rpg char of all time. mog is. :)

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Meh, I'm not really for Cloud for Brawl, but he does meet the requirements since he did appear on the GBA

Be pretty neat to see him, but I wouldn't care


Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2006
New York
I wouldn't care if he was in the game, it's not like one character in a game would ruin a game. I would rate his chance of being in the game 0% though...

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Meh, I'm not really for Cloud for Brawl, but he does meet the requirements since he did appear on the GBA

Be pretty neat to see him, but I wouldn't care
true he appeared on the GBA but ask hardcore gamers what they first think about when they hear "Cloud Strife". theyll either say "Advent Children" or "FF7 PSX (or PC if theyre open-minded). he did appear on the GBA and thats a slim chance but theres still not much help considering his real legacy was on the PSX. you may argue that Sonic's real legacy was with Sega but Sonic is more multiplatform that the modern day Final Fantasy series (excluding the GBA remakes). Most modern day FFs end up on a Sony system, some occasionally making it to PC if we're lucky. Cloud also isnt as much of a multi-game character like say Sonic or Megaman or any of the other potential legit 3rd party brawl characters.

I wouldn't care if he was in the game, it's not like one character in a game would ruin a game. I would rate his chance of being in the game 0% though...
i dont think Cloud's chances are that slim reason being that Nobuo Uematsu (composer for the FF series fo those who dont know) is working with nintendo for the brawl music and actually composed the main themeto brawl. also the Sonic-Mario rivalry has been a strong one but many believe that there is a strong Link-Cloud rivalry since FF7 and Ocarina of Time came out around the same time on competing consoles and both were and still are believed to be some of the best video games of all time. also Link's brawl attack looks a bit like omnislash and it would be cool to pit that against Cloud's omnislash but of course that not any help to Cloud's chances.

i would probably rate Cloud's chances of making the cut 20% with all the competition he has. just about everyone except other FF characters and traditional 2D fighting game characters have a better chance than him. Cloud would have to make it over characters like Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Rayman, Pacman, Viewtiful Joe, Megaman, all of which have appear on nintendo consoles far more times than Cloud. i guess we can always hope for the best

p.s. sry for the long post


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
While I like Cecil, Tidus and Squall more than Cloud(That's not saying much...), if there's a Square Enix Character in Brawl, it's him or Sora.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Proven where, sorry? It's not that I don't believe it but I would like to see the source you're quoting from.
Heh, this is the downfall of my statement. It can be found in an article, but, i beleive i found it somewhere on this site (the link.)

But since i can't tell you where it is exactly, there's really no way to tell if i'm telling the truth or not. Of course, i won't mind, but I do beleive it was on this site in a link. And the link was used to prove this point somewhere (i think.)

:) haha, can you trust me? Ah, nevermind, but i did find one somewhere stating that. (I don't even remember the guy who made that statement in the article.)


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Actually, characters can't be in if they
-haven't originated from a game ( any game )
-haven't been on a Nintendo console.

No fusing statements, please.

Hitokiri Battousai

Smash Rookie
Jun 5, 2007
Lockbourne, Ohio

I'm sorry to be negative and I don't mean to flame but to even think Cloud has a possibility of being in Brawl is a pipe dream. First off, Square-Enix is very anal about copyrights (ask anyone who saw 'Video Games: LIVE!' When they played One Winged Angel, they couldn't play footage because Square-Enix wouldn't give them permission to use it). Secondly, Final Fantasy VII, the game he debuted in (and the other games he debuted in, was not on a Nintendo console. The only characters of Square-Enix who have little to no chance to appear in Brawl would be those that were on a Nintendo console - a Crystal Chronicles character or a Final Fantasy XII: Revanant Wings character (Final Fantasy XII sequal for the DS). Cloud has no chance. Aside, Cloud is NOT a Nintendo character. He did not originate from Nintendo or start out on a Nintendo console from a third party company.

Now, just because Cloud made a cameo appearance in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the GBA, that is not enough grounds for the possibility for the appearance of him in Brawl.

Don't take me as a Cloud hater (I enjoyed Final Fantasy VII and I'm a fan of the series) but we need to be realistic here. As said, I'm sorry for being negative and for flaming if I accidently did so.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
I'm sorry to be negative and I don't mean to flame but to even think Cloud has a possibility of being in Brawl is a pipe dream. First off, Square-Enix is very anal about copyrights (ask anyone who saw 'Video Games: LIVE!' When they played One Winged Angel, they couldn't play footage because Square-Enix wouldn't give them permission to use it). Secondly, Final Fantasy VII, the game he debuted in (and the other games he debuted in, was not on a Nintendo console. The only characters of Square-Enix who have little to no chance to appear in Brawl would be those that were on a Nintendo console - a Crystal Chronicles character or a Final Fantasy XII: Revanant Wings character (Final Fantasy XII sequal for the DS). Cloud has no chance. Aside, Cloud is NOT a Nintendo character. He did not originate from Nintendo or start out on a Nintendo console from a third party company.

Now, just because Cloud made a cameo appearance in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the GBA, that is not enough grounds for the possibility for the appearance of him in Brawl.

Don't take me as a Cloud hater (I enjoyed Final Fantasy VII and I'm a fan of the series) but we need to be realistic here. As said, I'm sorry for being negative and for flaming if I accidently did so.
Bravo, my good man, bravo.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
Is it sick that I have an intense desire to set fire to the OP's house?
Yeah, this thread is an abortion. Cloud is the stupidest character suggestion for Brawl since my brilliant idea for TETRIS BLOCK.

Deleted member

Nope. I don't want Cloud in 'Brawl, he'd be out of place and a hit against other characters.


Smash Rookie
Jul 16, 2007
man i cant wait for this game to come out. hopefully it will end all the character suggestion madness until the next Smash Bros.
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