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Why SHOULD you play video games?


Marsilea quadrifolia
Jun 6, 2003
Location: Location
Stress reliever? You've obviously never played Mario kart 64. I have destroyed paddles over that game. Not that I'm proud of it just the competition was(stil is just not much) fierce at my house and often things were on the line like who did the dishes that night and who got the last oreo.
I was (almost!) a Mario Kart 64 god, that was definitely my favorite multiplayer 64 game. And competition is a great stress reliever, not unlike sports or watching a football game!


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Adding onto that, the many storylines, characters, and settings I've seen from playing many RPGs has given me many outlooks on life.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
videogames are choice and must of the good things don't work because who plays math games and stuff but it's still likely to happen and help


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
You've got it all wrong.

All video games have a main objective. How do you get there? ...Well, you must solve problems.

Problem solving is necessary when living your life. Good problem solvers get far in life.

Wizard Of Seraphym

Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2008
over there *points*
in a way, its the other alternative to the sports stereotype: instead of being physically fit, they tend to make you more mentally fit. With constant reading, puzzle solving, timing, and similar things in games, its benificial to the mind.

Also it tends to increase dexterity. Surgeons (or so i've heard) are trying to find gamers to work in the field because of the dexterity it endows. (i have no proof on that statement though)

God Didi

Smash Cadet
Jun 3, 2009
This is win.

Yeah they should be played because they are fun,keep your mind sharp and some of them are life changingly good.
i disagree if anything games dull the senses and aswell as that promote seclusion from personal contact with others. yes u get social networking through video games but fantasy is not reality and does dull a developing childs mind when it comes to advancing social and sporting skills aswell as promoting obesity and lazyness

Wizard Of Seraphym

Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2008
over there *points*
sporting skills aren't really as useful in the real world as mental skills are, especially in the information age. One of the jobs in high demand right now is programming, along with a lot of other degreed jobs in the IT fields. Sure, physical training does have its uses, but overall the brain is more important. Note I am not saying to play games all day, you should still get some exercise, but in accordance with today's world knowledge is more important.

Now as for the child's mind it depends on the type of game (remember that no game is equal to another, and saying so is like saying swimming is the same as hockey). If you give a child a game like halo or GTA then sure. But there are other games like Trauma Center, Pokemon, and professor Layton that rely much more heavily on strategy and text, extending problem solving skills and vocabulary.

Social networking is how a lot of people meet nowadays. Facebook, myspace, youtube, eharmony- those are all social networking sites. I have known people who have met and gotten married through game networks, people who have joined organizations, run businesses, and get jobs through social networking. Though you should still talk to people IRL it is not something that is so limited to a fantasy realm as you seem to think it is.

Laziness of children deals more with parenting I think than the games. Anyone can set a personal limit to themselves on it. Seclusion isn't complete either, as IRL tournaments of anything promote interaction. I have really nothing to say about senses, though games use visual and audio clues in them.

and thats my counter statement.

God Didi

Smash Cadet
Jun 3, 2009
well first my argument was a general discussion on my concern for well bein of children socialy and physically at current levels of gaming. Your counter is a specific based argument about individual situations uve found and are arguing them into the general......which is just wrong!?

but ill placate u

all medical discussion on the matter states for average humans to be at the height of their brain functionality their body must be physically fit therefore your first argument statin knowledge and mental skills are the most important thing today is tied in with sporting and physical skills. example astronauts

though their are certain games that activly attempt to train the brain and nourish they are a severe minority in the gaming world and are mainly bought by parents as the game with the console on first purchase example brain trainin on the ds. however as market share and sales show give a kid a choice between the new brain trainin and the new halo or gears.....i think i know which wed all pick?

yes i do agree social networkin has made the world a much smaller and social place however the worlds most impressive social networkin and gaming server is world of warcraft and that has already claimed the life of a girl who literally played till she died. i do not disagree that social networkin has benefits but im reluctant to think that a human using a machine for human interaction is natural for kids? yes we of the 21ers club are fine with it and think its great and safe but we grew up when this was in its infancy and not as alluring or immersive. kids nowadays are learnin social behaviour more and more through online situations is that better?

i disagree on parents bein solely at fault especially in this day and age where workin hours for parents is gettin longer that the peace and quiet supplied by a console is tempting? and ive never met a child who can put a limit on themselves let alone keep it. lazyness is derived from getting into a non pruductive pattern, wake up- go to school- come home- food -gaming-bed? sound like a familiar week day? this is the pattern that breeds lazyness and if young kids start to learn it and is built into their way of thinking that is my concern as to where gamin is goin nowadays

and as a last note on tournaments, did u factor in kids that live in countries that dont have tournaments for games or they dont bother goin cause their too young or think their not skilled enough or dont have a team to go with? you cant argue specific to general especially as a counter to a general argument?


Smash Ace
May 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
To distract me from the problems and thoughts about real life, thought it's only temporary and I still acknowledge what goes on and the undeniable things and responsibilities. Thats just my reason though, and it's fun.


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
Pokemon taught me how to read. <.<


Smash Cadet
Jan 22, 2009
The Garden State
I wrote a final humanities paper on a topic similar to this, and have a done a fair amount of research on video games acting as new '3rd places.' basically a third place is not a place of work or the home, but another place that holds certain qualities like,

having an atmosphere where everyone is on an even playing field
easy access
ability to have informal social contact

these are just a few i remember off the top of my head, if you want to know all of the characteristcs type in Ray Oldenburg in google.

Also, i would highly HIGHLY recommend this reading if your writing or saying anything about the reasoning behind playing video games. its a bit lengthy but is quite interesting



Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
I play them because:

-they're fun
-it's a hobby
-it relieves stress

and that's about it.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2007
Why do I play video games? A challenge, a story, an adventure, a stress reliever, an escape from reality, a topic starter, a good time, and an occasional tear jerker... tell me, why shouldn't I play video games?


Smash Rookie
Jan 27, 2009
Playing video games is what keeps me from going outside and freaking strangling somebody.

Though I will admit that hanging out with friends is a better alternative.
Nuff said.

Why do I play video games? A challenge, a story, an adventure, a stress reliever, an escape from reality, a topic starter, a good time, and an occasional tear jerker... tell me, why shouldn't I play video games?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2009
Chantilly VA
I play because they are fun, they arent mind numbing (Most of the time) and they give you an outlet. Whenever I am pissed off I just play some Super Mario World or something then I feel all better.


Smash Rookie
Jun 15, 2009
Clearwater, Fl
The number one most agreeable reason for parents to accept would be from MMO's such as World of warcraft/ Warhammer (Etc.) Because, In said games you and your party are reliant on each other it helps create good leadership skills particularly when running a guild also the player economies help teach children and adolescenece the ins and outs of an economy I.E undercutting the market.. i could make a report on that alone. Hope i helped

Rain the Link Main

Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2009
Chandler, Arizona
Wow, I totally thought you were saying something about SPEAKING English at the beginning and just couldn't put words together. "I have a speech in english" XD So much irony.

Anyway, agreed on the fun notion. I do it for fun. A lot of people tell me Smash is a waste of time. It's just a big of a waste of time as any hobby--unless you're making money at it. I put it this way to my roommate: You may enjoy playing football as a hobby, but you will never make money at it. Therefore, your continual playing of football is a waste of time. Myself, I play Smash and have a lot better of a chance of making money in MMs or tournaments than you will ever in football.

I put it a lot more nicely than that, obviously, but you see what I'm getting at. Smash is a much more realistic thing to go pro at than any sport. You might say that those 'keep you in shape'. Well I'd say that Smash keeps people in shape mentally. It is very mentally intensive at high levels of play. I can't speak for Brawl of course, but Melee is (That's not a shot at Brawl, I just don't play it competitively, so I can't speak for it).

And a lot of people think it's a waste of time for me to put so much stock into just one game. Wow, let's consider the options people: Spend around $50 a month to get a new game and keep up a video gaming hobby in general, or spend around $50 a year getting a new controller and paying for tournament fees? The way I see it, playing Smash competitively is very economic. I'm reaping a large amount of fun and enjoyment out of just one game, as opposed to needing to get every new game that comes out. Heck, I don't even need to buy new systems!

Anyway, that's my rant. I enjoy it. That's a good enough reason for me.
This guy makes my money at tournies :pichu:


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Video games can be quite educational, take Smashboards for instance.

Stree taker-awayer, fun, social, requires stratgy and whatnot.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
well they are sometimes educational (dont be fooled they are sometimes inaccurate), you can live out your wildest fantasies (take gta for example you can kill cops if you wanted to. these games relieve your stress of wanting to hurt someone) they teach hand eye coordination (guitar hero, dance dance revolution, etc) it can let your pretend to be someone you idolize (spider man or someother person just something like that). thats all i can come up with


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2009
Doctors SHOULD play video games.

A study, I forgot where, but I used the info in my college class last year, showed that surgeons that played video games were 33% quicker and 40% more acurrate than those that did not.
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