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Worst part of Super Smash Bros 4? Game is out everywhere, go ape ****!

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Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2012
To be fair, Other M was fine gameplay wise, the story is what needed some work but that isn't besides the point (considering Metroid fans are picky but then again what part of our Nintendo Nation isn't picky about SOMETHING)

The thing I honestly don't like about the game is that well, the demo itself didn't include certain characters that are being changed behind the scenes or lacked certain characters depending on the version like Sheik and Lucario. Lucario had so much potential in Brawl and I would love to see how his combos work in Smash 4 and the fact that Sheik In the build that we played on the 3ds looks like a top tier character with some of needle techs returning from melee and also luigi's INSANE down throw (can combo an opponent over 100%? That is some melee stuff)

I am disappointed that we haven't seen the game in full force yet for the characters, like Toon Link, if he is changed, how do we know? How do we know that Ridley is playable or not (I'm leaning towards not but since Sakurai is the biggest troll that works with Nintendo besides Aonuma anything is possible... doubt it). What if Sakurai is just toying with out emotions just to get an overall better reaction at the game's launch with all the different character changes? (ofcourse he is)

We don't know and won't know until the BOTH game are in our hands

Edit: Well since I can't talk about characters, well the only thing I want to do is really dash dance, I just feel that movement freedom is just amazing. This isn't a more a like Melee (or 64 since you can do it in 64, that is honestly the only reason I play Falcon in that game but whatever). I LOVED brawl, more than melee and pm and from playing Smash 4, im going to love it just as much but the lack of Dash Dancing just made me sad because that would have made it perfect for me

So yea... Dash Dancing aka Needs More Free Movement Options (I don't need wave dashing but it is fun)
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Smash Rookie
Apr 27, 2014
Definitely the name, I mean anyone can look up at the box and see the WiiU or 3DS logo, why would you put it in the title a second time?! What were they thinking?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
It's a pun. Smash Bros. 4. Smash Bros. for 3DS / Wii U. It was either that or using another synonym for "fight" and then adding "3DS Edition" and "Wii U Edition" after it.
The latter would have been better than some "implied but never mentioned" pun. By just naming it a number, it just shows a lack of creativity. I heard Sakurai ran out of synonyms for fight, Melee and Brawl aren't the only synonyms for fight in the English Language and probably not in Japanese either.

The Sonic hate is amusing, I'm not complaining that people have different opinions then me, but I am just curious to hear the reasons WHY people are upset that :4sonic: Is back. "BAD GAMEZ" is a weak reason though, recent Pac-Man games range from subpar to mediocre to awful, I ain't complaining about his inclusion.
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Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
The fact transformation characters are separated. This means it's most likely a permanent change in the series.


Smash Rookie
Jul 11, 2014
I agree with the name, they should have least of given it a seperate title like clash, universe, rumble etc. wii u is generic.

- The character selection screen looks kind of boring from the demo, could maybe make it more like n64
-The flame around the smash ball (seems like a really small detail but I would prefer without)
-no option to do more then 4 person battles, would of thought they would have done this by now.
-Wii fit trainer character and miis :/


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2014
For me, it's the Gematsu Leak.
I didn't believe it at first, but now it's hard not to. I just really hate having things spoiled for me like that.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Hello everyone. Better late than never, but after some discussion there will be a change to this thread:

Your posts must critique an element of Smash 4, not the community around it. Do not use your post as an excuse to bash the community.

Keep in mind that this thread specifically is asking people for the worst part of Smash 4 besides characters and stages. Just because you can find something that is the "worst" part of the game, that is no way implies a negative impression of the game. It could simply be a meagre critique or finding the worst in the best. Keep that in mind.

Thanks! ( ' ▽ ')/
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Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2010
Amelia won't let me say
I have to say, reading this thread has been somewhat grating-- not because of the opinions themselves, but because of how much I agree with such a large portion of them. I never liked to think of myself as such a pessimistic dickhole who can't see past such minute details, preferring the more socially appropriate term "cautious realism," but perhaps I need to rethink my priorities regarding Smash and accepting the direction it's taken.

That being said, here are a few things that stand out in particular to me:

1. The re-inclusion of Toon Link: I'm sorry if people are offended by this, but I just don't care about him. He's Link. We already have Link, so... why do we need a second one? I feel like he's just wasted space, even if they had given him anything actually interesting from his franchise rather than just keeping him a complete clone.
2. The re-inclusion of Lucario: First of all, I'm a believer that characters should be getting in on their merits as far as Nintendo's titles are concerned, so to me, arguing he was important in the anime or a movie isn't really a potent case. That being said, I really don't see why he was relevant enough to warrant a slot in Brawl (other than perhaps he was a current gen Pokemon,) or why he continues to be relevant now. IMO, they should have just discarded him.
3. The re-inclusion of Charizard: This has nothing to do with anything other than I really don't like playing him compared to Squirtle and Ivysaur, and would actively avoid him when playing PT. As far as I'm concerned, the least fun of the three made it in, and I'll hold a grudge against him if I want to.
4. The Gematsu Leak: Not only has it served as nothing but a source of spite between the community, but it's also taken away any sense of anticipation or excitement I would have had when something new, particularly a character, is set to be announced. Before hearing of Gematsu, I was actually excited to see what could come up-- certainly I would make guesses, but never actually expected them to be correct, and was genuinely thrilled to see the outcomes. That anticipation has now been replaced with bland disinterestedness because I already feel as though I know the answer. There's nothing fun about that.
5. Ridley: So I started typing a reason as to why I really don't like Ridley. And, upon finishing it, realized I had gone on such a tangent it was about the length of this entire post-- and reading it proved it wasn't particularly kind to those who do support Ridley. Thus, for obvious reasons, I have cut the explanation, but saved it elsewhere if people are interested (and with the understanding it's not meant as personal offense, but moreso a rant.) Suffice it to say, I just don't understand.

EDIT: Oops, I'm sorry if this doesn't meet the guidelines just posted by Hong, feel free to take it down if it's out of line. Post was done before I saw the mod post. =/
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2013
I'm disappointed in the name. It's just kind of boring and unoriginal. Are you telling me there isn't a single word in the English language synonymous with Melee or Brawl that could have been used? At this point I think I'd prefer Super Smash Bros. Tussle over the official name. And I'm only half-joking.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Behind you.
the newcomers and if the Gematsu leak sigh still the newcomers don't get me wrong some of them are cool but there is no hype


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2010
Amelia won't let me say
I'm disappointed in the name. It's just kind of boring and unoriginal. Are you telling me there isn't a single word in the English language synonymous with Melee or Brawl that could have been used? At this point I think I'd prefer Super Smash Bros. Tussle over the official name. And I'm only half-joking.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of really terrible, unfitting words that you could use, and not many appropriate ones. Just off the top of my head:

Super Smash Bros. Fisticuffs.
Super Smash Bros. Altercations
Super Smash Bros. Feud
Super Smash Bros. Duel
Super Smash Bros. Quarrel
Super Smash Bros. Skirmish

The only one I can really see working is something like "Super Smash Bros. Battle," but even that sounds like a stretch to me.

Acadian Flycatcher

Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2014
I'm disappointed in the name. It's just kind of boring and unoriginal. Are you telling me there isn't a single word in the English language synonymous with Melee or Brawl that could have been used? At this point I think I'd prefer Super Smash Bros. Tussle over the official name. And I'm only half-joking.
it's an hilarious pun.

they gonna make @2 versions of tussle?
smash bros tussle u
smash bros tussle in 3d

whats the point of slapping on a random word that means quarrel at the end of the name that means nothing?
people always refer to any smash game as smash, and your friends always know which one you're talking about


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2014
Toon Link
Fox and other veterans getting their lazy Final Smashes back.
The power ups in Smash Run looking like something out of a N64 game.


Eight Leaves One Kame Style
Feb 7, 2008
Newport, Oregon
Unfortunately, there are a lot of really terrible, unfitting words that you could use, and not many appropriate ones. Just off the top of my head:

Super Smash Bros. Fisticuffs.
Super Smash Bros. Altercations
Super Smash Bros. Feud
Super Smash Bros. Duel
Super Smash Bros. Quarrel
Super Smash Bros. Skirmish

The only one I can really see working is something like "Super Smash Bros. Battle," but even that sounds like a stretch to me.
There was always kerfuffle


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2014
The name sucks so much. Call it Super Smash Bros Altercation. Or if you want to reach out to the younger crowd you could call it Super Smash Bros Tussle.

Nintendo really needs to hire me to name all their games. I have some great ideas.
I mean those are only the beginning: Legend of Link, Super Mario Plumber, Luigi's Vacuum adventure, Tinyplantcreatures 4, Mario Battle Cars, Mario Roadtrip 9, Kirby's Thanksgiving, Yoshi's Dream Adventure of not being a horse and having a fat plumber who enslaves him to do whatever he says and then chases him before he can get away and his only escape being death.


Smash Master
Jun 26, 2014
Being petty
Toon Link
Fox and other veterans getting their lazy Final Smashes back.
The power ups in Smash Run looking like something out of a N64 game.
They are out of an N64 game: Kirby Air Ride, which was originally developed for the 64 before being moved to the GameCube.

I personally like the callback, but that's just my opinion.

The name sucks so much. Call it Super Smash Bros Altercation. Or if you want to reach out to the younger crowd you could call it Super Smash Bros Tussle.

Nintendo really needs to hire me to name all their games. I have some great ideas.
I mean those are only the beginning: Legend of Link, Super Mario Plumber, Luigi's Vacuum adventure, Tinyplantcreatures 4, Mario Battle Cars, Mario Roadtrip 9, Kirby's Thanksgiving, Yoshi's Dream Adventure of not being a horse and having a fat plumber who enslaves him to do whatever he says and then chases him before he can get away and his only escape being death.
Yoshi's Dream Adventure sounds like an actual Nintendo game title. Huh.
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Smash Ace
Jan 9, 2002
Jalisco, Mexico
The Gematsu leak. Prediction times at the internet are my favorite. And knowing most of the roster really takes the fun out of it. Like knowing what Christmas presents you are getting.


Smash Master
Jun 26, 2014
Being petty
Anyway, another thing I don't like: the Ultra Sword. Cook Kirby was fine as it was if you ask me.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Worst thing in SSB4? No Skull Kid. :troll:
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Acadian Flycatcher

Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2014
My only issues are realistic and expected. Not like a lot of this bull**** complaining people have been doing.

1) Toon Link's moveset.

Now don't get me wrong, I love the character, I just dislike the wasted potential.
They could have given him a few Wind Waker/Spirit Tracks etc. based moves to make him is own character. But nope they copy and paste that mother ****** like they did for Brawl.
Give him a Deku Leaf, the Skull Hammer, a ****ing Ice Arrow, ANYTHING THAT'S DIFFERENT FROM LINK!
So much potential for this dude that this pissed away in our faces twice in a row...
And the same ****ing dumb ass final smash as Link is icing on the **** pile cake that we are gonna eat up anyways.

2) Sheik's final smash.

I like how she has become her own character, and I like the new moves she was given. However I don't understand why they decided to draw the line at her final smash. It is perfect for Zelda, but makes absolutely no ****ing sense for Sheik. Why would a ninja assassin thing carry around a light arrow? It makes sense when she could transform instead Zelda and pull it out of her snatch but that time is gone. Now I'm not too familiar with what she did in Ocarina of Time but she sure as **** wasn't firing a light arrow around.

3) Other veteran final smashes

The Mario Finalé... the epitome of disappointment. A guy with a video game history as rich as his this was a slap in the face with Samurai's withered ****. He has so much god damn potential that was thrown into the vault with the new F-Zero game. I seriously would have accepted Bee Mario over this flaming piece of dog **** again.

Donkey Kong's bongos? Oh yeah from those ******** Gamecube games where you needed those stupid bongo controllers to play it. **** THAT GAME! One of the worst final smashes in Brawl. But now they added a musical note thing to make it all easier. It's still a piece of ****. Although I can't really think of anything better for the ape besides tossing barrels at people so I'll let it slide.

The Triforce Slash was kind of cool. But Link is in the same flaming piece of **** sinking boat that Mario is in. Such a huge history and such a generic final smash.

4) The already extremely high amount of Landmasters

These things need to reach a level of extinction that would put both the dinosaurs and the Rains of Castamere to shame. I can somewhat deal with Fox keeping his. BUT THAT'S IT! If we learned anything from Brawl it's that Ike fights for his friends, Snake's ass made us question our sexuality but Zero Suit made us sure of it, and Falco prefers the air. SO PUT HIM IN THE ****ING AIR! He needs to jump into an Arwing that is kind of controlled like a Landmaster, where it appears sideways on the map and you can fly around and shoot. You can even perform a barrel roll. And if that howling Stark ************ makes it back into the game it better not be riding a ****ing Landmaster... Have him call in Team Star Wolf for an airstrike! The panther, chameleon and all the other forgettable characters will fly overhead and drop bombs and shoot lasers.

Just plz Samurai.... only one Landmaster...

5) Yoshi's wasted egg potential

Alright this one seems a little Pokedex entry #083 but it can completely be justified.
Now that there has been video confirmation of the amazing **** Pikmin can do when thrown, there needs to be more of it. For those of you living under a fooking rock and not watching every single god damn Smash Bros. gameplay video on Youtube I'll give ya the scoop. So when Pikmin are thrown, they run back along the stage to Olimar. BUT, now when they run back they pick up items along the way and bring them back to the big nosed-Brock eyed ****. And they continue to carry them behind him until they are thrown.

Now what if Yoshi could do something like this? Egg lay attack could eat items, projectiles, fighters, etc. and lay them into an egg. This egg will follow behind Yoshi containing whatever that **** ate. Although players could easily break free, items could not. Yoshi can have up to 3 of these ****ing spheres bouncing behind him and following him around like those leaf headed **** sticks. These eggs now work in unison with Yoshi's egg throw attack. Instead of pulling an egg straight out of his ass to throw, he takes the one that has cooled down and been following him for a bit. When these eggs explode, they release whatever contents were inside of them. If there were items inside, they would act like they were thrown. This means a bomb would explode a when that ***** pops, a freezie would freeze a ****** when the egg breaks, a weapon such as a beamsword would give a slice when it popped. This would add for some ****ing crazy casual play hoarding items and adding to the cluster ****. Now it would work the same with fighters, they would remain inside the egg (unless mashing their controller aimlessly and hopelessly like the first time you fingered a girl) until it explodes. Now tell me that **** isn't crazy?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2014
They are out of an N64 game: Kirby Air Ride, which was originally developed for the 64 before being moved to the GameCube.

I personally like the callback, but that's just my opinion.

Yoshi's Dream Adventure sounds like an actual Nintendo game title. Huh.
But Yoshi's Dream Adventure of not being a horse and having a fat plumber who enslaves him to do whatever he says and then chases him before he can get away and his only escape being death is a much better name.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Anyway, another thing I don't like: the Ultra Sword. Cook Kirby was fine as it was if you ask me.
I also disliked that change.
Kirby had a unique final smash but then all of a sudden he became tiny round pink Link

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I like pretty much everything I've seen related to SSB4 so far, except for one thing: FINAL SMASHES.

I feel like they did nothing to them at all to differentiate them from Brawl. Some of them are totally fine, but SO many characters needed new ones and did not get them (Mario, Link/TLink, Sheik, Olimar, Donkey Kong, and I would argue Marth deserved a new one too - this list does not even include the unannounced vets). There also appears to be no balance among these final smashes (Rosalina and DK's are horrendous while ZSS' and Pit's are OP). Final Smashes were cool in Brawl, but they were also a gimmick. Now they're just lazy gimmicks IMO. They could have done waaaaay better.
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Can pick up a boulder with relative ease
Aug 25, 2012
Since the 3DS version comes out in September in Japan, pretty much everythings gonna get spoiled before we get the game.

Acadian Flycatcher

Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2014
I like pretty much everything I've seen related to SSB4 so far, except for one thing: FINAL SMASHES.

I feel like they did nothing to them at all to differentiate them from Brawl. Some of them are totally fine, but SO many characters needed new ones and did not get them (Mario, Link/TLink, Sheik, Olimar, Donkey Kong, and I would argue Marth deserved a new one too - this list does not even include the unannounced vets). There also appears to be no balance among these final smashes (Rosalina and DK's are horrendous while ZSS' and Pit's are OP). Final Smashes were cool in Brawl, but they were also a gimmick. Now they're just lazy gimmicks IMO. They could have done waaaaay better.

I think in Rosalina's defence it is possible to become so good with her that they gave her a ****ty final smash to balance that out. it could be deadly when used to trap a character off the edge of the battlefield.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2014
Camp Wawanakwa! :D
The worst part of Super Smash Bros 4 so far is that I have to patiently wait for the games release :facepalm:! I had my whole summer planned too! Wake up, play Smash, eat dinner, play Smash, go to sleep, and repeat the cycle the next day :laugh:! Well, at least I know the game with be worth it :D

Also, I wish both versions had a really epic title. That would have been nice, but what we have will due I guess :awesome: #can'twait #wantthegamenow #imveryimpatient :rolleyes:


Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
Miami, Florida
I like pretty much everything I've seen related to SSB4 so far, except for one thing: FINAL SMASHES.

I feel like they did nothing to them at all to differentiate them from Brawl. Some of them are totally fine, but SO many characters needed new ones and did not get them (Mario, Link/TLink, Sheik, Olimar, Donkey Kong, and I would argue Marth deserved a new one too - this list does not even include the unannounced vets). There also appears to be no balance among these final smashes (Rosalina and DK's are horrendous while ZSS' and Pit's are OP). Final Smashes were cool in Brawl, but they were also a gimmick. Now they're just lazy gimmicks IMO. They could have done waaaaay better.
I hadn't thought about this earlier, but yeah, I really do agree with this. I wish there were more variety in the final smashes instead of just copy pasting some of the old one's from Brawl. It's possible they will change some of the Final Smashes since we've only seen the demo, but I'm not holding my breath. Either way it's not a huge deal to me, I will thoroughly enjoy the game regardless.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2014
They are out of an N64 game: Kirby Air Ride, which was originally developed for the 64 before being moved to the GameCube.

I personally like the callback, but that's just my opinion.
I'm fully aware of the callback. But they aren't even remotely tasteful. The throwbacks to 8-bit graphics that Nintendo does a lot is great but this is like, it looks really jarring.

Also, forgot the name, the name is terrible, extremely terrible. The "so ppl don't get confused" thing does not save it one bit. Oh god, the name is really bad.

(Also, the potential lack of competitiveness due to high lag and lack of movement options deserves a mention, but it won't ruin the game for me, it will just change how I play it.)
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2014
Somewhere in the cosmos
Since the 3DS version comes out in September in Japan, pretty much everythings gonna get spoiled before we get the game.
It's like the Brawl days all over again, except the release distances aren't that far this time. I had to wait 5 months for Brawl after it's Japanese release...

Kay kay

Just take the time to admire my signature
Jun 18, 2014
If there is no adventure mode i'm going to be very upset

The Subspace Emissary was the best.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2014
Ichigaki Town
I been thinking awhile of bad things in smash 4 but here its:

1.Copy pasting Final Smashes-Sheik and Toon Link have the same Final Smash.
2.Final Smash are still kinda weak- Mario Final Smash I find more weaker than DK Smash. Yeah that horrible its.
3.Toon Link is a Clone-Even Sakurai say no clone is just put the light version of link there, again. Even Project M Toon Link not feel like a clone. I like him, a lot but come on, give me something new instead of more link.
4.Saki is a assist trophies.
5.Ridley-"You want this big badass, Strong and intimating dragon and making small, not that powerful and can be grab it by Jigglpuff and Kirby 5 inch arm with no finger and anything special." Ridley would be a joke like Ganon.
6.Hazard Stages in Tournaments- I love stage with Hazards but most of the stages, 90% of them, has hazard of them, and were gonna see and use the final destination every stage and battle.
7.Battlefield stage mode. Is many stage can have Final destination clones/Modes, WHY NOT BATTLEFIELD???
The 3DS Version...So little data, double the work and rush, he have its problem but, Thanks to smash run and all characters are the same like the Wii U version. I think the 3ds is a problem before but now am o with its, this Sakurai first try putting smash in a handheld.
(Gematsu is Santa Claus and Sakurai is the tipper.)


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
The fact Chrom is likely the Fire Emblem Awakening rep is easily the worst part of the game.

Going by confirmed information only, uh... The fact the 3DS version stages will have only two tracks is kinda ****ty, but hey, they need to give people at least one or two reasons to buy the Wii U version as well.

Also, no Ridley confirmed yet

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I'm pretty happy with both games this far. Mii Fighters wasn't what I was expecting but I like thier implemation. I was against Pac-Man's inclusion but understood he was getting in. I'm now pretty excited to see him included. Palutena is in which made the roster 100% better. I loved Greninja the day I saw him leaked. Wii Fit Trainer made me laugh and have grown to like her.

But I do have a feel greviences:

1) Palutena's model. I was so looking forward to her passive-aggressiveness and her personality coming out. Taking hints from Dedede and the others, I was really hoping Palutena would be very expressive. But she looks like a Barbie doll. I fully supported her and plan on maining her but her model looks too much like plastic. I hate her taunt/post where she bends her head to one side and places the scepter in front of her shield. I would have preferred a more anime version of her. Plus, why have Pit's model reflect his anime design yet not Paletuna?

2. Rosalina's FS just looks weak. I would have preferred something else like characters getting trapped in floating war stars and catapulted off the stage.

3. Donkey Kong. Mario, Toon Link, and Shiek all have the same FS from Brawo despite them sucking/being clones.

4. Toon Link retains his Brawl move set rather than not incorporating a WW move set. The Deku Leaf and Skull Hammer needs some loving.

5. The lack of a "Turn off stage hazards" option. For example, the Yellow Devil could still appear yet just appears in the background.

6. Skyward Sword Civilian Link. How hard is it to take off the hat? Seriously. This was a big let down for me.

7. Elec Man as Mega Man's AT. I was hoping it was either Roll or Proto Man.

8. Zelda's "buff" didn't help her at all. The Phantom attack doesn't help Zelda's approach options either. It hurts to see a character I love so much still knocked down to the lower tiers.
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Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
The Sonic hate is amusing, I'm not complaining that people have different opinions then me, but I am just curious to hear the reasons WHY people are upset that :4sonic: Is back. "BAD GAMEZ" is a weak reason though, recent Pac-Man games range from subpar to mediocre to awful, I ain't complaining about his inclusion.
Yep, and anything to do with fanbases is even weaker. Like my avatar I enjoy a good trolling of Ya Blue It the Hedgehog, but... it needs a good reason. Ignoring all the rather good handheld releases of Sonic is part of the reason why the casual observance of him is egregiously awful.

If weak games are a complaint, I'd like to point towards someone who has an even worse ratio of bad (and "bad") to good games than Sonic OR Pacman: Yoshi.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2007
You can take a Yoshi's cookie and shove it.

Also, you're totally right because New Island was awful


Smash Lord
May 30, 2014
Yep, and anything to do with fanbases is even weaker. Like my avatar I enjoy a good trolling of Ya Blue It the Hedgehog, but... it needs a good reason. Ignoring all the rather good handheld releases of Sonic is part of the reason why the casual observance of him is egregiously awful.

If weak games are a complaint, I'd like to point towards someone who has an even worse ratio of bad (and "bad") to good games than Sonic OR Pacman: Yoshi.
And even worse then Yoshi: Crash Bandicoot and Spyro after PS1.
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