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Did America lose a generation?

Kay kay

Just take the time to admire my signature
Jun 18, 2014
Just to clear it up beforehand, this is coming from a teenager; not some 60 year old talking About back in his days.

Now kids today are different, as we know. We watch too much TV, we use too much slang, we know about too many inappropriate things that we shouldn't know about.

America was once #1 in education, now its getting closer to last. These other countries are beating America, fast. What will become of Americas future? Will people from around the world come to this country and become the bosses?

Yolo, hashtag swagger, do those words define American children? Kid's here are loosing their common sense, and social media is a major factor. Kids are dying because of it, because of rumors started by mindless others. These are only a couple of reasons why this generation could fail.

Have we lost a generation of kids? Can we trust them to lead the elders 20 years from now?
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Cammed Z28

SB-Jgd = My FG gamer tag
Sep 29, 2014
Just to clear it up beforehand, this is coming from a teenager; not some 60 year old talking About back in his days.

Now kids today are different, as we know. We watch too much TV, we use too much slang, we know about too many inappropriate things that we shouldn't know about.

America was once #1 in education, now its getting closer to last. These other countries are beating America, fast. What will become of Americas future? Will Asians and natives come to this country and become the bosses? You have 50 Indian doctor's, that's 50 jobs an American could have had, if he had the effort. I have nothing against Natives, I just want everything to be distributed.

Yolo, hashtag swagger, is the definition of American children. Kid's here are loosing their common sense, and social media is a major factor. Kids are dying because of it, because of rumors started by mindless others. These are only a couple of reasons why this generation could fail.

Have we lost a generation of kids? Can we trust them to lead the elders 20 years from now?
We havent quite yet, but this is a very likely thing if the majority of society continues on the path they are currently on. I am 26 and the changes over the last couple decades make me fear for my children and possibly in time their children.... I always am forced to hope that the current trend will in time reverse and values that bring out the best in all of us are embraced and all the rest falls by the way side. The most we can do is begin the change in our own lives and in turn inspire positive changes by leading with example. Actions always speak louder than words

Generation Me is the current generations label, however there isnt a clear answer on just what ages fall under this specific gen
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 8, 2014
Truth is binary, not a continuum.
All generation who suffer through the centralized public school system are lost as far as I'm concerned. It is not a recent issue, nor is the private sector to blame. The abuse of technology is a symptom, not a cause.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2007
If they come to this country the legal way, they are American citizens.

Why this distinction between American, Asian, and Native?

What is an American to you?

What is a "Native" to you?


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
"You might be an American Citizen but you're not an American." Dragon, The Bruce Lee Story

Just sayin... 50 Indian doctors could have been Americans? Lol i know of no doctors that work on green cards...

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
It's more like the government is behind all this. Kids these days or young adults follow whatever they see (like Hip-hop which is the media of it all; it has still been like what four, generations)?

And everyone still enjoys it, and above all that they took it too far with this garbage Gang crap and through life I've lost a brother towards that and he should of been smarter but sadly he's a moron and therefore chose that path, God rest his soul.

Another bring influence on society is no doubt the idols and PARENTS (singers, movie stars and so on) they follow whatsoever they do so if 'hey I should do that since my parents are doing and what do I know'? So they do and like dress provocatively, curse words, and so on. I believe technology was made for good of course but at the same time it's bad for us all heck anything touched my mankind is bound to become terrible for the rest 'one bad Apple can ruin the whole basket'.

It's like a virus that's spreading from each individual (one dumb parent/influence creates an outbreak of countless decades of stupidly and senseless to violence as well.

I blame, society and they're childish actions, government, and our Brainless, and Spineless president (each part plays it's sinister role but mostly it's the PARENTS; however, society is too strong for them to truly straighten out their children the best you can really do is never give up and keep fighting for the best).
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mark welford

Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2014
Decatur, IL
I am not some old man either I am a 16 year old boy in high who see the same problems in our country that you see. no matter where you turn the disease called social media is there ready to infect you with its nasty ways and in my opinion and it is painful to say this but my generation is the worst it is filled with filth and nobody values morals. it just saddens me about my generation everybody wants to be cool nobody wants to be their selves everybody wants to look good, everybody wants to be in the it crowd instead of being who they really want to be. maybe I can say these things because I don't have a social media account and I have never had a cellphone in my life I just do not know if there are any actual leaders instead of followers in the generation I was born in and you are right America is going down the drain fast and it is partly the schools system's fault because their inability to change up what they do with each student. they treat all of us the same instead of going the extra mile to give just a little bit of care to each of us and if they did that maybe their would be less and I am saying this from the stereotypes of my culture dopeboys, crackheads, hoochiemamas, gangsters, hoes and public aid queens. my point is unless something comes around to save this generation we are doomed as a country to keep going down the global ranks.


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
Where's the last place you remember putting your generation before you lost it?

--Your Resident Helpful Canadian


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2009
Planet Tallon IV
22 here, and sorry to burst your imaginative bubble but, while there are definitely some ****ed up kids in the generation below mine, there's also plenty of us in the generations above. I hope you all realize this "argument" has been put forth for just about every generation for... well, a while now, to say the least.

I don't like some of the idols some of the "generation me" or whatever looks up to supposedly, but do we actually know who these people are? Or are we making bold generalizations to assume role models are Miley Cyrus and random dumb vine kids who light themselves on fire?

My point is, I dislike the idea that it's a single generation's fault, like it's all the kids in a single age group. Are there not exceptions to the rule (and which is the exception, the bad or the good?)? And if not, I mean, afterall, we are their predecessors. We should be the standard they look up to and their mentors, no? I don't think anything gets done by pointing fingers and shaking heads, it just removes the blame from anyone else and puts more weight on the good people we point at who'll actually try to fix things.

Also, if you (to pretty much everyone in this thread) want to really understand the topic better, I suggest you look from a perspective other than the "good old American" perspective you've been spoonfed probably your whole life. America was "great" for a number of reasons, and although flawed in its greatness, it had actual reasons for being called that other than "because America". We've been a flawed country for a good while, and I don't think new technologies like social media are going to be the straw that broke the camel's back. If anything, it's the society that influences and controls how those things are used, to an extent.
Aug 6, 2008
Where does a generation begin and where does it end? From what I recall in elementary school a generation might as well have been within your own year and only your own year. I remember there being many barriers that made it difficult for multiple ages groups to intermingle between say K and 5th grade. In middle school, this barrier sort of existed still, but merely because it had grades 6-8 for my own school. After that in 9-12 sort of became the generation due to the fact that I knew many situations where the grades intersected. College broadened the generation boundaries even more. Despite the fact that some people are about 7-8 years older than me we still have many things to discuss within our generation.

I can only imagine a generation boundary becomes more encompassing further on in life if that trend continues.

Either way, I am not really certain there are generation boundaries that are the issue, but merely social boundaries which are the issue. The differences between say a middle school music teacher and the musician in an orchestra which travels across the country. Or perhaps the fast food worker and the white collar worker. While the behavior and mannerisms change from generation to generation it always seems as if the real kicker is the social status in life.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
America is a lost cause and the generation that are 'keeping it strong' are only mocking the true cause.

It's this generation that do not want to face responsibility and ADMIT there's a HUGE reason America has shaped up to commence towards this. After-all, I'm sure back in the old days they would swear easily, dress provocatively, and most importantly disrespect authority and even themselves.
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Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2014
Just to clear it up beforehand, this is coming from a teenager; not some 60 year old talking About back in his days.

Now kids today are different, as we know. We watch too much TV, we use too much slang, we know about too many inappropriate things that we shouldn't know about.

America was once #1 in education, now its getting closer to last. These other countries are beating America, fast. What will become of Americas future? Will people from around the world come to this country and become the bosses?

Yolo, hashtag swagger, do those words define American children? Kid's here are loosing their common sense, and social media is a major factor. Kids are dying because of it, because of rumors started by mindless others. These are only a couple of reasons why this generation could fail.

Have we lost a generation of kids? Can we trust them to lead the elders 20 years from now?
It may seem like this current generation is the worst of the bunch, but in actuality, that's how it is/was with every generation. Each generation has its own stupid trends, and fads that are very harmful to society, yada yada yada, but it's really not as bad as it seems. My parents both told me that it was the same way for their generation and even my grandparents' generations. All teenagers are pretty dumb, including myself. It's just part of being that age. You're becoming an adult, yet you're still a kid, it's a strange time. It hasn't changed at all within the past century.

America isn't nearing last in education, we're still pretty high up. There is an extreme contrast between the United States and say Ethiopia (whose literacy rate is around 30%). America's literacy rate is still 99%, and likely will not change. About the country being the "boss" of the world, America also has the best army globally. We spend more on our military than most countries do combined. Even China couldn't take over us. They may have almost half the world's population, but what good is a billion untrained people against highly trained professionals? We have stations set in almost every country, to where if somebody tried to attack us, we'd know very soon what what happening.

Trust me, it's just a phase, the world isn't going to turn into WorldStarHipHop on the streets or anything. Even if kids are dying from it, it honestly is natural selection, it may be morbid but there's no denying that if someone would even consider lighting themselves on fire that they're probably not cut out to survive. Don't worry.
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
The problem with millennial children is that they have no real identity. Baby boomers are obvious as are their kids, the hippies, their kids the yuppies, and their kids generation y. Gen x is in between some of those markers but you can definitely identify them. Their most of this site's poster's parents age. We saw the invention of the Internet. Aol. Dial up modems. Instant messaging. We watched and some of us cried as the www turned into a giant billboard that kids now take for granted. It is both amusing and sad to think that 10 year olds even know what an iPhone is let alone expecting to own one. Youtube. Ha. Facespace and mybook. Ha. If you only realized how cheap and tawdry your lives have become due to this The Internet.

Oh wait i post on a video game message board wtf (yeah we invented that) am i saying? I'm as much a ***** as the rest of you. I've just been doing it for so long that my bitterness is all but reaching to heaven by now.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2014
Well it depends...I do agree we have some good kids so I wouldn't be mad at that. However I do think we got very bad singers now and money who're companies like rockstar.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2014
70's had heroin and acid and all types of generation gap arguments cause the "entertainment" was different from their parents' era in the 50's, not to mention the free love craze in the 60's which stopped demonizing pre-marital sex..along with OVERT racism

80's had crack epidemics (shout out to Reagen)

it aint nothing other generations havent gone through

and let's be honest us Americans were never the poster child of education to anyone except to us Americans

a lot of the main scientists from many disciplines across history were not American

we'll be fine


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Location Machine Broke
The previous generation(s) weren't all that much goodie two-shoes' back in their day, nor were they the brightest ******** in the ball park.

Teenage stupidity doesn't get better or worse over generations. It merely mutates into new varieties.

EDIT: Finally, a post from years ago I can look back at and go "yeah, past me was right on this one."
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 6, 2014
Montreal, Qc
People have been talking crap about younger generations for decades and it's not something that is ever going to change.

Now kids today are different, as we know. We watch too much TV, we use too much slang, we know about too many inappropriate things that we shouldn't know about.
One generation was books. Another was comic books. Another was radio and now it's the TV. Actually the TV it's fairly arguable because kids watch less and less of it now. It's been replaced by the internet and video games.

Every generation has their own slang. There's a reason no one uses Old English anymore. Language evolves and always will due to each generation creating their own slang. Deal with it.

If you actually think people of your parents generation weren't screwing around with each other at 13-14 years old you're clueless. They just don't talk about it because it was a long time ago so they probably don't remember a single person who had sex at 13. I'm 26 and I remember a bunch of people who were getting handies or blown at 13 but I probably can't name who. Sure you could argue that 10-11 years old is young but those are exceptions and there are always exceptions to everything. Also even if I were one of those kids, I'd never tell it to my own kids. It's normal to be protective of your own kids because we now know how dangerous sex can be and you don't want to see your children doing it unprotected.

You're probably one of the good kids and that's fine. There are good kids in every generation but even then you probably did some stupid stuff while growing up. Some of the stuff you do right now might not be stupid to you but once you reach 25 years old and look back you'll probably realize it then. I felt like you too. I thought the younger kids were stupid and then I looked back and when I was 14 years old and holy **** did I deserve a huge slap in the back of my head way too often. I realize some of the really stupid things I did that I thought were cool could have injured me pretty bad. Just looking at my parents. My dad will soon be 55 years old. Back when he was younger he and his friends would race on the freeway while drunk with a beer between their legs just because it wasn't illegal yet. My dad almost died because of it due to his car doing a barrel roll and I would have never been born.

Being stupid is part of growing up. No one is born wise with life experience. I was stupid back when I was 16 and when I reach 36 I'll probably say I was stupid when I was 26. Also you're going to have to get used to the fact that kids will not enjoy the same things you do. My grandparents had different hobbies and didn't understand the fascination my parents had with their hobbies. My parents are technologically illiterate and don't understand why I love video games, the internet was listened to punk and metal while growing up. Now it's my turn to say that I don't understand the fascination kids have with mainstream music and that swag crap. Does it mean they'll never grow out of it? Of course not... though that doesn't mean some won't. I know a lot of people who still act like when we were 14 and at this point it's unlikely they'll ever change. I just take pride in the fact that I now have a successful career while they're working retail to pay for the alcohol they drink every night and probably other drugs too.

They may have almost half the world's population, but what good is a billion untrained people against highly trained professionals?
Being trained is meaningless if you're overwhelmed. Also knowledge of the territory will beat out trained soldiers any time. The Vietnam war has proven this. Highly trained soldiers with top of the line weapons and equipment got beat by civilians with cheap weapons, sticks and rocks because the soldiers knew nothing about the jungle. If the US were to attack China, China would win for sure. The opposite is also true. Anyhow all of this is meaningless. Today you can take down cities at a press of a button. So it's only a matter of who presses it first.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2014
Today you can take down cities at a press of a button. So it's only a matter of who presses it first.
Although you do make a good point in your response to me, you also would need to factor in other countries when you say this statement. Any sort of attack like this is bound to have many other countries involved.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 6, 2014
Montreal, Qc
Oh for sure but you have to keep in mind that with Russia being right next to China, they wouldn't take an attack from the US very lightly. Russia can still hold its own against the US.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
People have been talking crap about younger generations for decades and it's not something that is ever going to change.

One generation was books. Another was comic books. Another was radio and now it's the TV. Actually the TV it's fairly arguable because kids watch less and less of it now. It's been replaced by the internet and video games.

Every generation has their own slang. There's a reason no one uses Old English anymore. Language evolves and always will due to each generation creating their own slang. Deal with it.

If you actually think people of your parents generation weren't screwing around with each other at 13-14 years old you're clueless. They just don't talk about it because it was a long time ago so they probably don't remember a single person who had sex at 13. I'm 26 and I remember a bunch of people who were getting handies or blown at 13 but I probably can't name who. Sure you could argue that 10-11 years old is young but those are exceptions and there are always exceptions to everything. Also even if I were one of those kids, I'd never tell it to my own kids. It's normal to be protective of your own kids because we now know how dangerous sex can be and you don't want to see your children doing it unprotected.

You're probably one of the good kids and that's fine. There are good kids in every generation but even then you probably did some stupid stuff while growing up. Some of the stuff you do right now might not be stupid to you but once you reach 25 years old and look back you'll probably realize it then. I felt like you too. I thought the younger kids were stupid and then I looked back and when I was 14 years old and holy **** did I deserve a huge slap in the back of my head way too often. I realize some of the really stupid things I did that I thought were cool could have injured me pretty bad. Just looking at my parents. My dad will soon be 55 years old. Back when he was younger he and his friends would race on the freeway while drunk with a beer between their legs just because it wasn't illegal yet. My dad almost died because of it due to his car doing a barrel roll and I would have never been born.

Being stupid is part of growing up. No one is born wise with life experience. I was stupid back when I was 16 and when I reach 36 I'll probably say I was stupid when I was 26. Also you're going to have to get used to the fact that kids will not enjoy the same things you do. My grandparents had different hobbies and didn't understand the fascination my parents had with their hobbies. My parents are technologically illiterate and don't understand why I love video games, the internet was listened to punk and metal while growing up. Now it's my turn to say that I don't understand the fascination kids have with mainstream music and that swag crap. Does it mean they'll never grow out of it? Of course not... though that doesn't mean some won't. I know a lot of people who still act like when we were 14 and at this point it's unlikely they'll ever change. I just take pride in the fact that I now have a successful career while they're working retail to pay for the alcohol they drink every night and probably other drugs too.

Being trained is meaningless if you're overwhelmed. Also knowledge of the territory will beat out trained soldiers any time. The Vietnam war has proven this. Highly trained soldiers with top of the line weapons and equipment got beat by civilians with cheap weapons, sticks and rocks because the soldiers knew nothing about the jungle. If the US were to attack China, China would win for sure. The opposite is also true. Anyhow all of this is meaningless. Today you can take down cities at a press of a button. So it's only a matter of who presses it first.
Irony is bliss

First America wouldn't be here if Japan won the World War two war and heck America even signed a Peace Treaty that demonstrates 'lets not fight anymore and become friends now'. Japan dispices America though and America is piss sacred of Japan because they got lucky with that 'lie-ful tactic'. Though I'm no 'hater' I see facts and I know America isn't all that cracked up to be. Yes, the Freedom to do whatever you would like to do is kind of right; however, people are like children really (they all like to take current events OVER THE LIMIT). And where's authority? Laughing. As well it's not technology no it is not, it was a promising tool but at the same time mankind destroyed their wonderful invention through 'freedom this and that' and America in general once more.

Second, Japan is the smartest country in world and China is the largest population and yet, they keep complete balance, why? Well, they limit things to show in their country, instead of just 'saying they want to keep their country strong' 'they show and present it each and every time' their rules are STRICT, they put fear in people which is how things need to be (everyone needs fear in-order to complete tasks some are just 'wonder people' in general. They show RESPECT to their family/loved ones/themselves. They even show RESPECT to RANDOM people.

Also, I do not believe for a second they were just intelligent because they're 'Asians' they struggled for years to decades(they busted their ass to get where they're at today).

America had everything but blew it because they honestly have no boundaries to withstand on top of the foundation. You can bribe authority with finical income, teenagers (make me cringe towards actions now than before), and finally our proud 'strong and faithful' government.

Lastly America is all a lie, they bully other nations and then oh look 'we give them money now and everything is great'. Now America is the one that will be repaid the favor. The only reason why America isn't annihilated yet is because they're the country that is the largest in trading but not anymore, Canada is now number one with three hundred and sixty two billion.

And America? Oh ' just paying off this easy debt of oh just twenty trillion that's all'.

So, I worry about what secret things the government is hiding from us and what we 'Americans' do not 'don't worry'. Hmm, I wonder where it got us? Mm, here this present 'recession' and the true irony is this isn't the first time this happened.

And America may have the strongest military force but if Japan gets involved towards America 'America is screwed'. Hopefully they don't mess up their only knowable resource which is the military of course but I fear that will come to an end very soon. Oh yes the 'oil' that may be true but how long can we truly live of off oil?

And rumors say that America will file Bankruptcy and live of off the oil. Good luck dealing with the other countries that will let this slide like a Slip and Slide.

And it's not the Teenagers fault, it is the system that updated in a bad way the way teenagers and people are in general. And for the non lazy Americans that do take action and ADMIT there needs to be work and a CHANGE. Respect to you and hopefully I will be wrong towards America (hopefully).

Face it, America is lost and it's all thanks to brainless, and spineless people that dare trust their beloved congress and their faithful decisions that will better our country and our non-lazy citizens. We have a poor education system, people in general.and lastly everyone doesn't want to admit nothing (as if they're changing anything but writing in big words to show everything is fine or will be, imo). I will 'always worry' and 'cringe' towards America's responsible actions towards people in general that will furthermore dig us more deeply in the Great *Depression and barbaric catastrophic chaotic choices and change.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2013
American leadership was largely a product of World War II - we got the best scientists who either fled Nazi rule (Einstein) or were captured Nazis (Von Braun). These guys directly improved education by teaching other scientists, and by making amazing innovations and discoveries (rockets, relativity, and quantum) they inspired the masses to achieve and invest in education. The Cold War also motivated American education far moreso than the war on terror does today. Now that the USA is on a more even playing field with Europe, China, and Russia, naturally their education systems will catch up to ours.

I don't think technology is hurting kids the way OP suggests. Unlike TV/radio/comix, the Internet and video games are interactive. They give kids new ways to play and express themselves, such as Smash and SmashBoards. All good.

Slang has almost nothing to do with education. If kids are failing to learn English it's because their parents didn't help them through elementary school, not because they chose to learn Twitter hashtags instead. Rumors and gossip have been around forever, and our generation is no better or worse than any other.
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N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Hmm, so, what about pornography, cyber bulling (which furthermore leads to suicide (like "kill yourself") I hope you know some have a very low esteem that will actually commit to your 'troll wish?' As many more sadistic websites that have been created to furthermore obliterate our modesty as a country.

Also, 'TV/radio/ comix/internet/videos games/'only promote in someway sexual desires, killing, and so on and therefore result to some obscene person that has been clay-made through all this 'stuff'. Though games have helped me actually in tough times, but almost like 85% of all gaming is just fun or competitive and I know salty attitudes, rage quits, profanity and so on occurs.

And 'Hip hop' is a chronic cancer (surprised no one has mentioned it or worries what others might think if they mention it, I sure as heck do not care a single bit what others will write, the genre is utter garbage).

And how did the parents become this um 'careless' it's past down from generation to generation, and how did it all start? By little problems that therefore lead to major problems and now A PROBLEM. Thanks.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2013
Hmm, so, what about pornography
Porn is among the greatest inventions in history, alongside birth control, vaccines, and refrigeration. In my humble opinion.

And 'Hip hop' is a chronic cancer (surprised no one has mentioned it or worries what others might think if they mention it, I sure as heck do not care a single bit what others will write, the genre is utter garbage).
Not all hip-hop is bad (trip-hop tends to be intellectual and musically complex), and all popular genres have their share of mindless formulaic childish top-20 hits.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Porn is among the greatest inventions in history, alongside birth control, vaccines, and refrigeration. In my humble opinion.

Not all hip-hop is bad (trip-hop tends to be intellectual and musically complex), and all popular genres have their share of mindless formulaic childish top-20 hits.
There has been prove that porn rots your mind and therefore makes you um, stupid. Masturbation is a healthy need that all of us need (I GET THAT), but, like I wrote in my previous comments above (it's taken ABOVE THE LIMITS). Also, in general, there is nothing that is NORMAL, everything is enhanced through something that is useless and a waste of time.

There is methodical music but that's not hip hop (that's pure music).

Hip hop is this, I kill you, I'm king, I get girls, FU, Girls want me, I drink all night, I am the shiz, I am the shiz, haters hate FU, I do whatever the F I wanna do, life sucks, I want to help people but I will continue to sing my song the way I want to play it but I don't want others to follow in my footsteps, I influence others to join me, I influenced weed and violence for that product, and lastly I'm responsible for gangs and killings. I am, Hip hop.

That's Hip hop for you, thanks.
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Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2014
Porn is among the greatest inventions in history, alongside birth control, vaccines, and refrigeration. In my humble opinion.
Porn is actually really bad for your mental/social health. It makes you antisocial, and have high standards.
Masturbation though.....


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2014
@ N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣 N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣 a few points i wanna make in response to yours

first, china is a terrible example of balance. overpopulation and incredibly high levels of pollution alone discredit that notion...like yea they'll be smart but enjoy that lower life expetancy

porn isn't destructive but like anything that gives pleasure there's always a chance for addiction

also you cant complain bout no damn video game violence in this board...that'd be ironic

and hip-hop is one of the most socially aware genres of music ever. your displeasure of the current hip hop mainstream scene is understandable, but if you're open minded, i can recommend you incredible amounts of hip hop songs that prove you wrong

see the negative stuff you hear is the result of record execs wanting to push that image to the children and young adults...to simultaneously make money off of it, and help push legislature that benefits THEM by demonizing a certain population and painting a certain political party as those supported by said negative people

to the point where our women are seen as "welfare queens" and stuff like that


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2013
Porn is actually really bad for your mental/social health. It makes you antisocial, and have high standards.
Masturbation though.....
Prove it! People who are antisocial or have high standards are perhaps more likely to watch porn, but it'd be hard to show that porn causes those things.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2007
Porn is like any other potentially addictive substance... some people can have their daily beat-off in the place of watching TV or something similar and move on with the rest of their day. Other people rearrange their entire life around porn, neglecting friends, families, and responsibilities to spank the monkey. This is the same way that some people can drink off a bottle and not go ape**** if they don't have an equal drink the next day, or even for months. Yet some people suffer withdrawls, they need to frequently have alcohol in their blood.

It's about individual brain chemistry, not the substance used to stimulate it. Society's insistance otherwise is erecting a huge roadblock preventing us from moving forward and generating programs that can actually help the people who suffer from addictions.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Location Machine Broke
It's about individual brain chemistry, not the substance used to stimulate it. Society's insistance otherwise is erecting a huge roadblock preventing us from moving forward and generating programs that can actually help the people who suffer from addictions.
*immature snickering*


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2014
Prove it! People who are antisocial or have high standards are perhaps more likely to watch porn, but it'd be hard to show that porn causes those things.
This is a bit of an exaggeration, but in this part of the page, he makes a very good point. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Bundy#Pathology

Now, sure, porn is great for pleasure and all that, but it can lead to some pretty awful things if you're exposed to it too much. It's got it's ups and downs. You're not likely to end up like Ted Bundy, but porn can lead to bad social behavior.
Trust me man, I like porn just as much as the next guy, but this is pretty true.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2013
This is a bit of an exaggeration, but in this part of the page, he makes a very good point. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Bundy#Pathology

Now, sure, porn is great for pleasure and all that, but it can lead to some pretty awful things if you're exposed to it too much. It's got it's ups and downs. You're not likely to end up like Ted Bundy, but porn can lead to bad social behavior.
Trust me man, I like porn just as much as the next guy, but this is pretty true.
Again, there's no evidence of causation. People with extreme and socially unacceptable sexual desires naturally turn to porn since they have trouble satisfying them the most obvious way.
Wikipedia said:
Multiple biographers,[317][318][319] researchers,[320] and other observers[321] have concluded that Bundy's sudden condemnation of pornography was one last manipulative attempt to shift blame by catering to Dobson's agenda as a longtime anti-pornography advocate, telling him precisely what he wanted to hear.[322]

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
We live in an era where - as redundant as it is to state - we have become almost entirely dependent on what "Serial Experiments Lain" calls, "The Wired".We take all of this for granted because of how much of our very lives it has become a part of. Even more, our kids (mine included) were thrust into a world where the internet and social media has dominated the lives of much of mankind, so unless parents put effort into it (which not many do on the whole), they're not going to know what it's like to live without this kind of technology.

I was born in 86, so I was born into a world where TV, radio, and the Nintendo was a common thing. Video games were just getting a huge boom thanks to Nintendo, and it's impossible for me, just like others after my generation, to imagine a world without it. It is impossible for people born today to imagine life without the internet, and will question how people, like me, managed to live without it, just as I would question how people before my generation managed to function without video games and so on.

Technology is still evolving. Facebook, Twitter, and even YouTube will eventually run their course and give way to something new and more relevant. The internet might be replaced by another form of social interaction that breaks barriers and distances, and even language. In the end, the result is still the same; generations will evolve with the steady advancement of technology, or vanish trying to do so, leaving only those born into it to thrive... if any of what I just said made even a fragment's worth of sense.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
It was the atari for me but same concept. One of my best friends growing up they had no tv except one in the parent's bedroom for.. Stuff. So he grew up not watching tv. He did however have computers, pc and mac, and so was all about the hype when castle wofenstein came out. The doom... Heh.

The Internet was definitely a game changer tho. It linked humans, pun aside, in a way never before achieved and so our social evolution took on a new means of advancing. And of course Porn being something that everyone over eons has been obsessed with one way or another, we've managed to use the Internet to escalate our obsession to new heights especially with the web cam coming into play.

I wouldn't be surprised if there starts a movement here in the near future that abstains from the net. Balance seems to pervade us, as if it is necessary, and so far the tech side is way above the curve. I wouldn't miss it. To me it still a toy. But to my wife it's as necessary as water.
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