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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I'm sorry. KevinM and I were practicing bird calls.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
So yea, I've been noticing a massive improvement in my play between when i was previously playing ranked and now, and it's not just my yorick.

Just carried the worst ad ever (ok, well not quite the worst but pretty damn close) using my taric. Jesus, going armor yellows, reds, and quints on taric is powerful, got an early ninja tabi and vayne literally was tickling me. Ended up with 293 armor endgame because i got a frozen heart and seriously, vayne did no damage to me, at all.

Yes, nobody else on my team had any use for a frozen heart, top was renekton, jungle was lee, so i knew somebody had to get it cause the enemy team had a fed jax and there was also vayne.

As per usual, comments critiques and criticisms are appreciated, my lolreplay name is Adumbro Deus and I uploaded most of my recent games including pretty much all of the ranked games I played since I restarted ranked. One thing I definitely need to work on as support is not taking kills though..


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
So yea, I've been noticing a massive improvement in my play between when i was previously playing ranked and now, and it's not just my yorick.

Just carried the worst ad ever (ok, well not quite the worst but pretty damn close) using my taric. Jesus, going armor yellows, reds, and quints on taric is powerful, got an early ninja tabi and vayne literally was tickling me. Ended up with 293 armor endgame because i got a frozen heart and seriously, vayne did no damage to me, at all.

Yes, nobody else on my team had any use for a frozen heart, top was renekton, jungle was lee, so i knew somebody had to get it cause the enemy team had a fed jax and there was also vayne.

As per usual, comments critiques and criticisms are appreciated, my lolreplay name is Adumbro Deus and I uploaded most of my recent games including pretty much all of the ranked games I played since I restarted ranked. One thing I definitely need to work on as support is not taking kills though..
I watched the game. Heres some stuff:

1)Its good that you noticed you need to work on not taking already-secured kills as a support. There was one point bot where it was you, lee and ashe and you kept attacking the vayne who was for-sure dead and took the kill. Another time was after you guys got baron, nunu flashed in and missed the steal. You ulted him when he got low trying to take the kill when he was FOR SURE already dead.

2) This is a big one. You cannot call the ashe the "worst ad ever" and claim to have carried her. First off, you came back with a ninja tabi and an hp pot on your 2nd back. No wards which doesnt help ashe farm safely. In lane, you stunned alistar when he ganked you guys AFTER he had already pulved while vayne was pooping in your ashe's mouth resulting in ashe dying. You didn't peel for the ashe AT ALL in teamfights.

You chased other people while ashe would get dumped on by jax or vayne. This is fine early on since karthus was your big damage dealer, but later in the game when ashe got ie/pd, you should have been peeling for her and stunning>exhausting whoever jumps on her. Ashe has no escapes and depends on superior positioning which she didn't have or a peeler, you.

There was a point in botlane where it was you and ashe vs vayne/nunu and you stunned the nunu instead of the vayne. Again this is a huge mistake and resulted in your ashe getting *****. Work on your stun selection. 90% of the time it is better to stun the ad if you can instead of the support (especially if its after they have already used their cc like with that jungle ali)

If you feel like you are getting ganked or your ad is at high risk for dying then please use the v ping. More often than not, people will listen to you because they dont want to die. A lot of times, something would go wrong bot and you would just say something like "seriously ashe?" or "I dont understand this ashe." While these comments may make you feel better, they contribute NOTHING useful to the team or in helping the ashe play better. Those kind of comments can only hinder your team by lowering the ashe's moral.

Also if you're going to criticize then at least compliment too. The ashe landed at least 3 across the map solid arrows that come to mind and nobody said anything. A simple "nice arrow" is enough to boost confidence and maybe cause her to play better. People's moods affect their play more than you think and playing on negative tilt or causing your teammates to will hurt your chances of winning.

3)If youre going to stun somebody as taric and your ad cant follow up, then you should walk up>shatter them too so that you at least get something out of the stun. There was a couple of times where ashe was too far to follow up and you would stun the vayne when she overextended or was alone. Vayne doesnt have an innate sustain so if you would have walked up and shattered, it would have put more harass on her and pressured her to leave the lane.

4) Do not ever stack your exhaust and your stun. I remember one of the teamfights you exhausted somebody and then stunned them halfway through the exhaust. This is highly inefficient use of your debilitating spells and could cost you a teamfight as every second of cc counts.

5) Ward better, baron was unwarded for the longest time and some of the important brushes around the dragon area were also left unwarded while you were walking around with 3-4 wards in your inventory.

6) Dont ult at the end of the fight and dont prioritize hitting people with your ult (unless ur ap taric) instead of using it at the start of the fight for the aura. During a fight near baron, you waited until 2-3 of your teammates were dead before you used your ult. You want to ult at the start of the teamfight even if you dont hit anybody so that your team can make full use of the aura during the teamfight.

7) I dont like the ninja tabi on taric. It's kind of a selfish buy and you already have your w for armor.Get something that will offer more utility to your team like boots of Mobility/cdr/mercs would have been better. If you are getting killed in teamfights then that's a good thing because it means that the enemy team is focusing you and not your team.

8) D-blade was fine on ashe in that lane matchup and went along with your idea of playing aggressive early on. Try not to be close-minded towards anything that isn't 100% standard meta.

9) Always blow all of your **** before you die in a teamfight. Towards one of the teamfights at the end, you died while still having your exhaust up.

I hope this helps. I don't usually do critiques or whatever but you saying you carried with taric made me curious. If anyone carried that game, it was your karthus.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
I haven't played with new Garen myself since I don't own the champ but I have seen a few jungle Garens since the remake and it seems fine.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I'm just confused about the scaling change. It promotes Garen going tanky instead of AD. Total AD, but at the cost of a lower AD ratio, along with a massively lower base damage means that your biggest edge is from not building AD at all over the old scaling. That's not really a buff to his late game damage, so much as making tanky slightly better.

In fact, at rank 1 he does MORE damage with E and no AD than old Garen.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Lulu support is getting popular now... Least in tourneys.

So i had a game where i ended up buying elixir/fort pots on my support cause i had money to... I was so tanky 0.o! 3.2k Hp as support Lulu

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Glad she is, she has a good number of cc on her and is kinda like Janna but focuses on different kind of support.
She has good utility.



Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area

kk, I'll keep that all in mind and try to work on them next game. I'm not usually not really negative but in champ select another teamate told me about the ashe's lee sin support from last game that was apparently terrible so my attitude wasn't the best going into it, plus I didn't get top lane. Pre-game needs to effect my attitude less.

Actually the ninja tabi rush is sort of something specific I've been running for certain supports to be a lane bully, essentially so I can ignore the enemy AD's harass and therefore play really far up. Sort of goes with my heavy investment into armor in my runes. Finishing the tabi versus getting a ward was questionable though, you're right there.

I get the feeling that the doran's thing is more an attitude thing then it actually being a good decision on ashe's part though, am I correct? Or if so, when would you opt to start doran's? (irony points, got 1 gp10 as taric, rushed tabis, definitely not meta)

And nah, I didn't mean I carried the game, just the lane. Vague advertising gets me a useful critique, sweet!

edit: Figured I'd add a bit more details, the time where i didn't R, we sort of got separated and picked off. I'm not entirely sure how that happened I probably need to review and figure out my actual mistake. I was kicking myself when I realized I didn't exhaust.

I didn't really peel for ashe because I considered diving for and debilitating vayne more important, was I in error or could I have done both more efficiently? I guess my general mentality that game overall was making sure their carries died was more important then keeping ours alive, but feel free to correct me on this.

edit: Figured I'd add a bit more details, the time where i didn't R, we sort of got separated and picked off. I'm not entirely sure how that happened I probably need to review and figure out my actual mistake. I was kicking myself when I realized I didn't exhaust.

I didn't really peel for ashe because I considered diving for and debilitating vayne more important, was I in error or could I have done both more efficiently? I guess my general mentality that game overall was making sure their carries died was more important then keeping ours alive, but feel free to correct me on this.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
tankiness > CDR?
if u die right away u dont get to use cds

also tankiness on almost everything is pretty good

starting to realize many things about the game, its very fun and great, hopefully riot realizes soon they dont have to patch a single thing for the game to evolve

ps i'm so mean in solo queue

macd added that last part, leaving it in cuz i can't argue that
Jan 30, 2010
Carousel Boutique, Texas
So I was forced to play Support Nunu in a blind game.
I fed my graves 7 kills in 5 minutes, it was awesome except that the rest of my team was terrible.
They lost their lanes, went out of position, 2 of them DC'd, the Graves was stupid and I can't carry.
I ended up with the least amount of deaths going 3/6/12

Anyways, I was curious on what advice anyone could give about playing/building Nunu as support, or jungle, or Top.
I want to try and learn this character, he is really fun.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Press E to exhaust enemy
Press W on the closest relevant ally (ad carry > bruiser > ap carry)
Press Q to help securce dragon/baron or heal (best to heal off seige minion so you don't kill a minion)
Press R to slow the enemy party, force flashes, set up ganks, try to steal focus of their cc

Nunu in a nutshell

Jungle Nunu you try to make use of your passive when clearing to conserve mana and counter jungle all day. Save Q to secure dragon/baron with smite, don't use it at the beginning unless soloing


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
so the best way to play kat right now is to get a revolver and a pickaxe then just farm wraiths and wolves all game between waves til a dragon fight breaks out cause you don't have the damage to gank anything lol


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Do you need tenacity or boots on general? Could opted for a different item.. (unless the movement speed is that important)

Also wtf so little kills...

Did they turtle at their nexus turrent?

Lastly... That IP :/


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
kk, I'll keep that all in mind and try to work on them next game. I'm not usually not really negative but in champ select another teamate told me about the ashe's lee sin support from last game that was apparently terrible so my attitude wasn't the best going into it, plus I didn't get top lane. Pre-game needs to effect my attitude less.

Actually the ninja tabi rush is sort of something specific I've been running for certain supports to be a lane bully, essentially so I can ignore the enemy AD's harass and therefore play really far up. Sort of goes with my heavy investment into armor in my runes. Finishing the tabi versus getting a ward was questionable though, you're right there.

I get the feeling that the doran's thing is more an attitude thing then it actually being a good decision on ashe's part though, am I correct? Or if so, when would you opt to start doran's? (irony points, got 1 gp10 as taric, rushed tabis, definitely not meta)

And nah, I didn't mean I carried the game, just the lane. Vague advertising gets me a useful critique, sweet!

edit: Figured I'd add a bit more details, the time where i didn't R, we sort of got separated and picked off. I'm not entirely sure how that happened I probably need to review and figure out my actual mistake. I was kicking myself when I realized I didn't exhaust.

I didn't really peel for ashe because I considered diving for and debilitating vayne more important, was I in error or could I have done both more efficiently? I guess my general mentality that game overall was making sure their carries died was more important then keeping ours alive, but feel free to correct me on this.

edit: Figured I'd add a bit more details, the time where i didn't R, we sort of got separated and picked off. I'm not entirely sure how that happened I probably need to review and figure out my actual mistake. I was kicking myself when I realized I didn't exhaust.

I didn't really peel for ashe because I considered diving for and debilitating vayne more important, was I in error or could I have done both more efficiently? I guess my general mentality that game overall was making sure their carries died was more important then keeping ours alive, but feel free to correct me on this.
I would start dorans when I want to be aggressive bot early on and the enemy team doesnt have sustain while I DO have sustain. That is pretty much what happened that game. They had nunu who cant heal vayne while ashe can outpoke and outrange vayne and she has you to heal her if she takes harass. Thats why I think dorans was fine there.

If your support doesnt have sustain and you get dorans and the other ad gets boots/3hp then you will likely have to back first which is why boots 3hp is the safer option most of the time. Going with the dorans early on like in the situation I mentioned above though can have a big payoff if you manage to get a kill/force your lane opponent to back early from too much harass and can give you an early lead which you can snowball if youre good.

As for peeling for ashe, I distinctly remember her dying to jax in one teamfight by dragon and then to vayne in one teamfight by baron. Both jax and vayne are carries for the other team so if you would have just been next to her, you would have not only allowed her to live longer and deal more damage in the teamfight, but also debilitated one of the enemy team's carries as well.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008

with streaming

is that i keep thinking to myself

why the **** would anyone want to watch this

and then im thinking of what to say

and then im not watching the map

aka john johns johns johns

ps oscar my corkis better than urs 2v2 us


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
it's funny you say that cause we had a jayce that got at least one free wave, if not more, vs an irelia who started DC'd.... proceeded to lose the lane
I think Irelia is one of his more challenging matchups and she can easily snowball on him... but with a wave+ of creeps of lead, there is no excuse to be losing to her.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Does Rumble even have a bad match up in top lane? Like, from what Ive seen, his hardest match up is Diana and that match up still feels even.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Speaking of Diana, what's the consensus on her now that she's been out for a while? Most people seem to think she's overpowered, but I think she's hella overrated. If she's your mid, she needs to get in the middle of teamfights to do anything, and that's bad. If she's jungling, expect no ganks, or crappy ganks, until 6. :\


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
AD carry needs to get MR or ga to survive her stupid burst, its so hard to peel her off before she blows her load

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