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Heroics - X Team - A GAME OF CAT & MOUSE


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2012
"This is pointless."

walk back to wall
turn towards the room

"For those amongst you that share my perspective; let it be known that I am open for your cooperation..."

turn towards Starker

"As for you... your lack of hope will translate into your downfall."

return to sitting with back against the wall


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2012
*Rubs temple* "This is not going to end well when the guy wanting pizza and throwing chairs is making more sense than most in this room."


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2012
"Mr. Starker ... you said you're here to do your job, correct? Do you know anything about our ... mission?"


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
"I assure you, my reptilian friend, that Mr Starker doesn't know any more than the rest of you about your assignment."

The rag tag collection of heroes, mercenaries and civilian metahumans turned to face the mysterious voice coming from behind them. Standing there in turquoise robes and wearing an equally serene smile was the President himself, Chilon the Wise. They had all heard of him before, seen his pictures in the news and on the internet, but none of them had ever met the man in person. His presence immediately calmed the room.

"I appreciate that you didn't alert them to my imminent arrival," Chilon said, turning to Payload. "I'm well aware that you can sense beyond the walls of the room, but it would have ruined the surprise if you had everyone waiting. I hope your flair for the dramatic works in our favor when you embark on this mission."

Chilon made his way to the center of the room and grabbed one of the hastily arranged folding chairs. Taking a seat, he gestured for the others to join him, adding "Mr Blackburn, I believe your chair is over there, laying near the wall where you threw it."

Now we can finally begin! Chilon is going to be explaining your mission in great detail in my next post, but first we have our very first in-game challenge for MVP points!

2/3rds of a Leader
Here's how this challenge works. I've asked 100 people to guess a real number between 0 and 100. The trick is that their goal is to make their guess 2/3rds of the average of all the guesses. That is your goal too! Since I've already calculated an average, your guesses won't cause that average to change, so don't bother trying to out think your fellow players. Just focus on out thinking the mass of 100 players I previously polled.

The two players who get closest to the average will receive:
  • 1 point towards MVP in the game (2 points if you guess the number exactly)
  • A Heroics field promotion from "Recruit" to "Novice"
  • Will be assigned a team leader and given extra responsibility during the roleplaying portion of the game!

As you can tell, this is a very important early challenge that will have major consequences for the remainder of the game. I'm going to request that you all PM me your answer by Thursday at 8:00 PM PST. I would make the deadline even shorter, but SWF is going to be offline for a full day in protest of SOPA/PIPA so I want to make sure you have a chance to respond.

In the meantime, feel free to post your responses to Chilon's presence. Focus on thoughts rather than actions in this instance and get ready for an exciting mission!

Shane Starker

Jan 2, 2012
Port City
"Huhn. Probably should've scanned the room. Didn't think y'all were sneaky like that."

"Don't suppose the Big Cheese told you how much I gotta do before I'm off the hook, but it's worth askin' I guess."

Trent Washington

Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2012
Number games are great, but I hate trying to rely on the answer of other people in order for us to guess it correctly <_<


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
The puzzle is OOC guys. Follow the formatting. You are reacting just to Chilon right now. The challenge is entirely out of the context of the game.


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2012
Feeling completely ignored, grab a chair and sit down near Chilon the Wise.

Stow my pipe.


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2012
Payload shrugs, then smiles, relieved to finally see someone with an air of authority rather than bluster. He'd felt the shuffling of bodies through the corridor and figured it to be an entourage getting dismissed. That, or a kill squad ready to flush the room. Either way.

"No problem. Never show up the client."

He grabs the back of one of the chairs and, with a flick of his wrists, sends it spinning across the room. Payload vanishes with a loud crack, as though the air around him collapsed in on itself. Simultaneously, he appears seated in the chair, legs crossed, his sudden weight bringing the chair to a stop.

"I don't know about these Joes, but I'm ready."

Shane Starker

Jan 2, 2012
Port City
"I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even have parents."

Realize Chilon is going to milk his wise man schtick for a while before answering me, if he even answers me at all.

Click tongue across palette.

Light another cigarette and wait, nonplussed, for him to start talking.

"I don't suppose anybody's got a mickey on 'em. If we're playin' the waiting game, I could use a jolt."

To Payload, without looking at him

"Unless somebody wants to make a beer run."

Ronnie Cordova

Smash Rookie
Jan 2, 2012
Kickass County
Snap chair around backwards and set a foot in it.

"You know, I can respect a nice stylish entrance, points that I didn't see you coming, but I would appreciate it more if you'd been the pizza guy. When are we gonna be able to food up?"


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2012
while facing Chilon

"Those with a goal need no distractions. My past is nothing but foundation for my future, it is not relevant for others."

"...Especially not for the both of you."


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
The Mission

The winners of our first challenge are Shane Starker and Lumox, both of whom guessed 17. The answer was actually 19 in this instance and many of you were pretty close to the mark. In a perfectly rational world, everyone would play this game and repeat the 2/3rds loop down to 1 or even 0, but this world and the people in it are rarely rational!

That means Starker and Lumox each gain one point towards being named MVP of the game and become the team leaders on your mission. More details from Chilon below!

"Don't suppose the Big Cheese told you how much I gotta do before I'm off the hook, but it's worth askin' I guess."
"You will be along for the duration of the mission Mr. Starker," Chilon replied. "You are being paid, after all. And as I understand it, you always complete the job."

"You know, I can respect a nice stylish entrance, points that I didn't see you coming, but I would appreciate it more if you'd been the pizza guy. When are we gonna be able to food up?"
You'll be able to eat before you embark on your mission Mr. Cordova, although I believe it might be wise if you all refrained from alcohol at this time. You'll be boarding some aerial vehicles soon and airsickness tends to reduce one's effectiveness in a potential battle."

The mention of battle caused the room to suddenly snap to attention. Chilon took the opportunity to look around at all their faces a moment. He seemed to be looking for something in each of their faces, but never said what. Instead, he pulled a handheld holographic projector from his robes and placed it on the table.

"Most of you have heard of the great villains of our time: Doctor Arachno and his spiderbots, the hero-murdering Apex, The Brotherhood of Chaos. They've all left their mark on the world in a very public manner. However, in recent years a new, more secretive criminal element has slowly been making strides for power and control across the globe. It's possible that this organization has been around for much longer than we realized or that they took control of older, smaller criminal networks as they spread around the world. But however they came to be, they have finally made their way onto the radar of Interpol and Superhuman Council.

"So far we have only captured a handful of agents, most of whom were engaged in some kind of arms dealing in developing nations. Every one of them has found a way to kill himself upon capture, so very little information has been gleaned so far, but what we have discovered is incredibly unsettling. It seems they have locked down the black market for arms, taking over the movement and sale of weapons all across the globe. Gangs in New York, dictators in small African nations and even some otherwise reputable national governments all seem to be purchasing from this one organization. Any sizable competition has either been absorbed or eliminated.

"The name of this organization, as near as we could tell until two days ago, is Echelon. However... recent developments suggest that Echelon may in fact be a codename for the leader of the organization. Three weeks ago a notable nuclear scientist suddenly appeared in one of the main chambers at the SHC office in England. He seemed to be suffering from radiation burns and his body had been badly damaged by whatever means he used to teleport himself into the room. Mechanical teleportation, as I'm sure you are all aware, is a dangerous proposition for anyone, let alone an aging and frail European scientist.

The scientist is a Xandanbourg national and according to our records has rarely traveled outside of the tiny mountain country except to attend conferences on nuclear science. He didn't live for very long after teleportation, but as he died he muttered over and over that "Echelon has the ultimate weapon. He's mad. He'll destroy the world. Please stop him."

Chilon reached out and tapped the holographic device in front of him, which buzzed to life quickly and began projecting. Suspended in the beam of light was the head of a man. He had a slender face that ended in a surprisingly square jaw, medium-length, dark brown hair swept back neatly into place and a roman nose. His powerful features combined with a look of pure pride that belied his noble upbringing.

"This is Grand Duke Benoit," Chilon continued. "He is the man we currently believe to be Echelon. All attempts to surveil him have been fruitless. In public he is constantly surrounded by protection and all our means of tagging him for tracking, both magical and mechanical, have failed. More difficult than whatever technology he uses to protect himself from observation is his status as a head of state. We have no hard evidence that he is Echelon, although some existing data seems to point to Xandanbourg nationals being involved in many of the Echelon "events" we've tracked over the last few years. In fact, we were very close to opening up an investigation into the Xandanbourg military and national bank when we received this very credible information pointing to their nation.

"I'm sure you see where this is going. Xandanbourg has not signed the UN Resolution on Superheroics, so we cannot legally operate within their borders. We would have been content to continue observing the Grand Duke and monitoring criminal networks for evidence, but the recent mystical event in Europe was centered directly in Xandanbourg's northern mountain range. The earthquakes that followed it have been increasing in frequency and power. If the Grand Duke is testing some kind of nuclear or mystical weapon, he have to intervene, despite the sovereignty of their nation.

"None of you have previous connections to the SHC. In fact some of you have downright unsavory reputations in international circles. Others are completely unknown. Only a handful of our most trusted guards and scientists have had contact with you. Sending you to investigate these events provides the Council with plausible deniability and given your particular set of skills, you have a good chance of escaping detection. You may have to engage Echelon forces and you may even have to elude the Xandanbourg military themselves to complete your mission. But once you have the evidence you need to justify a full, public... investigation... we'll send in the forces necessary to stop whatever might be happening. But due to Xandanbourg's status as the world's top exporter of nuclear fissionable material and nuclear technology, we would risk a true world war if we acted prematurely.

"We're going to be splitting you into two teams. One will attempt to breach the Xandanbourg border covertly from the German side of the mountains in the north. The other is going to track down another lead. An ancient mystic, almost as ancient as myself, has been living as a recluse for many years. Uncharacteristically for the Echelon network, there has been a sudden burst of chatter about seeking him out. We believe this has something to do with the magical event in Europe. Regardless, The Raven, as he's known, has been an ally of the SHC in the past and if Echelon forces are looking for him, we'd prefer to get to him first."

Chilon stood up and looked around the room. He paused a moment when he got to Shane Starker and gave him a gentle, but knowing, smile.

"I'm sure you understand," he said to Starker. "That given your status with German officials, you cannot be the one to lead the team into Xandanbourg. However, your tactical skills and practical experience in battle makes you the best choice to lead the team searching for The Raven. I'm sure you'll have no problems navigating in the Mexican desert though. You may not be a hero, but you'll be paid well for leading the team, better than Archetype promised in fact. Just try to bring the team back in one piece. I'll make sure you get a sizable bonus for each living member of the team you return to us.

"You'll be taking along Gecklone, Supercell, Nineband and Mr. Cordova on your excursion. Try to get familiar with them before you leave. I'll send along the mission brief when you load up in the jet to depart."

Chilon turned to the rest of the group. "That means you six will be making your way into Xandanbourg territory. Please be prepared to use your combined skills to escape any way possible if you are detected. The SHC will not be able to take responsibility for your actions, so if you are caught, you will be on your own.

"Your team leader is going to be Lumox. He is young but he has a certain advantage that I expect will make him an excellent leader. I'll provide him with mission details and get you underway soon as well."

Chilon scooped the holographic projector from the table and turned to leave.

"Oh, and Mr. Blackburn," Chilon said, turning back to the recruits, now teammates whether they liked it or not. "I'd appreciate it if you cut out the 'baby' comments directed at Casmick during the mission. That kind of distraction may be funny in the basement of the Council, but it could get someone killed in the field. Particularly since she has the power to crush your skull flat in her metallic form."

Chilon left the room and left the two, newly formed teams a few moments to organize themselves before the adventure began.

The game will soon be split into two threads, one to track each mission. Until I post those threads and your mission briefs, please take a few moments to chat with your teammates and reveal your character's thoughts and feelings about the mission.


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2012
"Mexico, eh? Blimey! That's hittin' pretty close to home, that."

Turn to Shane

"So you're the bloke who'll be leadin' us out into the old frontier? I reckon you'll want to hear about our abilities a bit, size us up t'know where to place us?"

Take out my pipe and set it between my teeth, reaching for a lighter as I speak:

"Role-wise, I mean."

Take a drag from my pipe and look upwards

"I could use a good adventure."

Shane Starker

Jan 2, 2012
Port City
Pause in mid-drag and grin.

" 'Bout time I started gettin' some respect around these digs. One mission, huh, Wiseman? Start balancing your checkbook. I ain't gonna be long."

"Bonuses and a paybump too, huh? Now you boy scouts are speakin' my language."

Exhale and turn to NineBand and the others.

"Alright then. Tell me what the hell the buncha you can do. What're you good for? Y'know. If anything. Gimme the skinny and I'll try not to let you slow me down. Y'all are cargo now, and I ain't gonna lose out on my payday 'cause you decided to get fancy on me."


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2012
"Oh this is complete bull****. This isn't damned volunteer work, this is being drafted! Oh, so help me when I find out who set this up..."

*Glares at door, seething*

"Could at least have stuck me with the group looking for the old lady, but noooo"


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2012
"...If it must be so. "
Stand up
Turn to Shane

"Do not think more of this than it is, for even though you are devoid of humanity, I will have to accept you as my leader."

"Being my leader, I request you explain your powers, for I rather not be blindsided by an ally."


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2012
"I have no objections working under Mr. Starkers command. While I do not agree with his worldview he seems to be a reliable man as long as he's geing payed adequately. I'm more concerned with this infant ... wanna-be philosopher, Mr. Sato. It's merely a question of time when he gets on bad terms with somebody in our group and cause problems. Is there no way the line-up can be changed? It is not that I have a personal issue with Mr. Sato but I foresee difficulties that might be too fundamental to overcome. A conflict within our group - breaking out tight during our mission - would be fatal to our success."

Turns to Sharker

"My name is Gecklone. I'm an artificially created being based on a crossing between the DNA of a super intelligent human and the reptilian DNA of the reptilia squamata gekkota species. My human willpower and the absence of a gender grant me complete immunity to any type of psychical manipulation, whereas my reptilian genome supplies increased power, speed and reflexes. Being a helf-reptilian my system functions perfectly even under the adverse circumstances ... such as the extreme aridity of the mexican desert. I'm positive I will be of good use for our team."


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2012
"I ensure you, you need not worry."

turn to Gecklone

"I am disciplined to focus on the task at hand... and when requested to, follow a leader. Do not take me lightly, I have a goal which I put above all else."


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2012
*talking to self*
"The Raven...wait, Chilon just said that he is almost as ancient as that mystic. What does that say about him? Is there also chatter about finding him? "

To Lumox, going for a handshake

Hiya! Guess you're gonna be our leader! Let's go infiltrate Sandyberg. It's gonna be easy as pie."


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2012
shakes hand

"It will probably not be that easy.

When we get more mission details I'd like to develop a flexible plan with contingencies. I'd prefer we get in and out without anyone knowing we were there."

Shane Starker

Jan 2, 2012
Port City
Sato said:
"Being my leader, I request you explain your powers, for I rather not be blindsided by an ally."
"Fair enough, Blondie."

Move cigarette to left hand and stand up. Flip back catch on belt to press The Button. A light hum and visible blue current moves through the armor, emanating from a power source.

Rear up and punch a hole through the center of the table, watching the metal shear inward leaving two gnarled curves of metal in its place. Flick off the Button and close the safety catch as the reverberations continue to tremble through the floor beneath us.

"Ain't got no inhuman talents. Never did. But I picked up this saucy little prototype workin' for a, heh, not-so-recognized government. Well, at the time. Heartell they've got things sorted with the U.N. now and everything."

"Power source feeds off the hits I take and my own movements, and charges up that button and a few other nice little gizmos I got. Pumps 'em full up with a nice jittery shockwave. Real handy for tearin' up some insurgents."

Return cigarette to mouth for a puff, but hesitate long enough to say one more thing.

"Or marines."

Shane Starker

Jan 2, 2012
Port City
Gecklone said:
"My name is Gecklone. I'm an artificially created being based on a crossing between the DNA of a super intelligent human and the reptilian DNA of the reptilia squamata gekkota species. My human willpower and the absence of a gender grant me complete immunity to any type of psychical manipulation, whereas my reptilian genome supplies increased power, speed and reflexes. Being a helf-reptilian my system functions perfectly even under the adverse circumstances ... such as the extreme aridity of the mexican desert. I'm positive I will be of good use for our team."
"I had a feelin' they could only genetically engineer your particular brand of ugly in a petri dish. Heh. But alright. So you're the Lizard King. Got it. Don't suppose you can stick to walls? Camouflage? How much can you lift? Can you take bullets? Gimme your limits, Bowser."

Ronnie Cordova said:
"Hello 'Boss Man,' we gonna food up or what?"
"Caught the sarcasm there, bud, but it ain't gonna work. So you wanna get some eats? You heard the Brainiac. We'll get some later. Meantime, why don't you drop the sass and tell me what you can do. Other than standin' there like a blaxploitation reject."

"Rest of you mooks, form up and tell me what the hell you're good for. Now. That goes for you too, Blondie."


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2012
"Very well."

"I guess a demonstration of my powers would be most telling."
Simultaneously, turn all lights off

"I am Supercell, messenger of Lei Long."
Meanwhile, make thundershocks circle around body, lighting up myself

"My domain..."

"is electricity!"
With the shocks circling, walk towards a wall
touch wall with hand
start walking on it
Walk around the room by wall, until behind Starker

"These are my three main powers. I can power and de-power electrical devices, fire thunder-shocks, and walk on walls using static."

Turn lights back on
Revoke thunder-shocks
Stand on the ground behind Starker

"In addition to that, I can empower punches with electricity..."
Look at hand
Look at Starker

"Then there is something more experimental... The technique is yet to be completed, but should I execute it correctly, I will attain lightning speed for a short period of time. I rather not use it, lest it is necessary."

"...Not to mention, living in the mountains trained me to be quite the survivalist. No doubt you will require skills like that when going to a hostile territory like the Mexican desert."

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