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Let's Talk About Being Good: A Rant


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Siglemic: Oh you.

Spam: There's nothing you can do to avoid it... once you've failed to avoid it. That's the point. You can get out of Marth's b-throw gimps because it HASN'T HAPPENED YET. You can do plenty to stop the other player from landing that infinite on you, and it should be your primary focus. Don't lose concentration and don't screw up. You can't stop yourself from dying once you airdodge off the stage, can you? People will say the other guy was better, but I call not SD'ing at clutch moments a skill worth mastering. If you haven't mastered it, it might cost you games.

As for Pink Shinobi, I mostly don't care about who got 7th place or 13th place. I care about who beat who, who lost to who, and who won the tournament. There's no point saying you placed higher or lower than someone therefore you are better/worse unless you played all the same people and one of you beat them all and the other lost them all.

If I think something is stupid, unfair, broken, whatever, I ask myself this: are players better than me losing to it? If the answer is no, then I just have to get better. Pink Shinobi didn't win the tourney did he? People who lost to him need to be prepared to fight his tactics next time. Are you trying to tell me there is absolutely nothing that people can do about Peach camping them? Once Peach decides, "I shall camp!" then the game is over?

If you play a character who can't deal with those strats... well, you can't blame the other guy for exploiting your character weakness, can you? Where's the line for when exploiting character weaknesses turns from "smart play" into "gay?"

I grab a Jigglypuff with Doc and hit her with a Kobe. Good play, or gay play? The death is inescapable as long as I don't screw up, yeah? Just because she can DI doesn't mean she gets out, she just makes it a bit harder. You never see Doc players catching **** for landing d-throw f-air. Well, sometimes you do. Usually the people getting hit by it.

Sheik's d-throw CGs is pretty gay, right? Even though you can DI? But Pika's u-throw CG on Fox isn't gay, though it leads to u-smash at KO percent and you can't get away from it on FD.

My main problem: the criteria for what makes somebody's playstyle or strategy "gay" changes from person to person, and you almost never hear the person WINNING complaining. I'm not obligated to my opponent to give him any kind of chance if I can legally deny him of one.

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
As for Pink Shinobi, I mostly don't care about who got 7th place or 13th place. I care about who beat who, who lost to who, and who won the tournament. There's no point saying you placed higher or lower than someone therefore you are better/worse unless you played all the same people and one of you beat them all and the other lost them all.
This. Unless it's Round Robin, placement is based a lot on who they players end up facing. At Pound 4, Armada could have placed even higher if he didn't meet up with SilentSpectre, or placed even lower if he ran into Darkrain (assuming he'd lose). Plank getting 9th is mostly having ridiculously easy matches for his bracket. Overtriforce was one hit away from beating Mew2King, but he only placed 17th overall.



Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
@ Everyone. It is true that the point is to win by any means I didn't deny that. However some Means are not needed for a competition like this. If someone Times you out and they have 51% and you have 52% then you lose. That is epic bull**** no matter how you slice it. Seriously though if you are that desperate to win then you should just play Brawl.:urg: If you are willing to destroy what makes the Melee community special just to increase your chances of placing higher then your actual fighting skills will take you then you don't belong imo.

As for timeouts like PS vs RC I have an idea. You should simply play again. However the person who counterpicked the stage and failed to decisively win should either forfeit his counter-pick to the person he timed out or They should go to a neutral stage agreed on or random.

As for the whole don't get grabbed it is impossible. Unless you are playing against a Zombie you will get grabbed at some point. TBH I'm not sure why this thread needs to exist though. Most people don't actually have a problem with Hbox(I love Hbox....the homo way:psycho:.) Most just don't like puff is all. I like some IC's players. Wobbles is actually one of them tbh I just can't be a fan of Wobbling or time outs. I don't care who does it the action is gay no matter what characters or players are involved.


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
The game is not special because we *let* it be special. It's a good game because it's a good game, and it withstands the exploitation and abuse of those boring strategies because they are not the top end of the metagame. People who can't beat them don't deserve to win.

And I firmly believe that winning by 52% compared to 51% on a timeout is as legit a win as JV 5 stocking somebody. M2K himself said it; it doesn't matter by how much you win by. You know why it's a legit win? Because we have rules saying "if it goes to timeout, lower percentage wins." Winning under the rules we universally agree to is completely, utterly legitimate. It's not a question about being desperate. It's a question of "did I fulfill victory conditions?"

You're making up ways to win that are "better" than others based on what you, personally, like to watch. I guarantee you that this kind of attitude is what hinders many people from improving. Not because they *don't camp,* but because they wouldn't be willing to if it was the path to victory. I don't believe that pure run-away is a solid strategy and I think most of the boring strategies are beatable and flawed. But if your opponent can't handle it, then USE IT. Exploit his weaknesses until he doesn't have them. It's the only way the two of you can get better, and the only way the two of you will be ready for that one guy who does decide to do it in tournament.


It's not impossible to avoid grabs in most scenarios. Not making any mistakes at all is impossible for humans, but that's not the point. The point is that your strategy should be based around grab avoidance. If you can't avoid grabs altogether, keep the ICs separate. Gimp Nana. I land lots of grabs with ICs... but most of them are when Nana is dead. That's because most characters have an advantage against SoPo in a normal ground game so they're willing to play there. I get significantly fewer grabs with Nana because people don't normally challenge me in the areas where grabs are possible when she's still alive. It's a strategy, a gameplan, and just because you can't execute it 100% of the time due to human error doesn't make it worthless. Keep it in mind and grabs will happen far less to you. If they occur, your focus on Nana gimping will make them less likely to be solid, stock-taking grabs. People who get grabbed and throw their hands in the air and say "IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO ESCAPE" instead of going, "what got me grabbed and how can I avoid it?" will continue to get ***** until the end of time.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
*****s don't know about that p4 gf trash talk mah man juan was taking.

luckily for them i wasn't there or else i'd have been super puerto rican and cussed them out.

nah but real talk, play to win. i only camp when people camp against me or should i say i "abuse the other characters weaknesses" to win when they abuse my weaknesses (lol camping).

also, a win is a win. you advance on in the bracket whether its a time out or what not. i've been yelled at for camping someone out, which is dumb. it's a tourney match, people need to stop complaining.

of course, when i play friendlies, thats a completely different argument.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
lol are you really trying to say that barely winning is comparable to jv 5 stocking somebody? ur crazy

planking and wobbling are not true skill strategies. They are just cheap ways to win under the current flawed ruleset. I think you are very skilled wobbles, but the tactic of wobbling is ridiculously stupid. Having a tactic like that mastered in your back pocket while having to worry about everything else ICs can do gets a little ridiculous. OHKOs are cheap in general, which is why I go for them so much in Melee. A lot of my melee strategy revolves around OHKO


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
Alright then why don't we just play Timed matches or Bonus matches for 8 minutes then.:psycho:

Seriously though Wobbles if you Challenged me to a fight and I hid the bathroom for 2 days until you gave up and went home. I may have avoided an *** whooping but what did I win? Surely I wouldn't win any money for something like that. Definitely no respect. If this game is indeed a fighting game then why cant the fights just be finished? As I said before I would laser camp but its not unavoidable by any means against any character. To me things like Planking are the same as Stalling with Puff's or Peaches SideB. Why should it not be treated the same?

I mean winning by 1% because you ran time out has nothing to do with any kind of skill at all. Maybe the skill to avoid a fight but a scrub can do it all the same. Difference is a Scrub would ****ed it up and SD. Aside from that it is the same.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2007
Hungrybox and Wobbles and are like the Tim Duncan of smash, wobbling, spamming back airs, rests.

it's like post up, pick and roll.

the reason people hate on it, is because your winning with the least amount of effort.

your taking the creativity out of the game.

making it all about getting that W, rather than progressing melee as an art form.


Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
And I firmly believe that winning by 52% compared to 51% on a timeout is as legit a win as JV 5 stocking somebody. M2K himself said it; it doesn't matter by how much you win by. You know why it's a legit win? Because we have rules saying "if it goes to timeout, lower percentage wins." Winning under the rules we universally agree to is completely, utterly legitimate. It's not a question about being desperate. It's a question of "did I fulfill victory conditions?"
This. So many people get caught up in "winning more," that is, crushing their opponent into the ground with a high-risk high-reward strategy that more often than not leads to their demise, as opposed to using a low-risk low-reward strategy that never loses (i.e. Hungrybox's playstyle).
We aren't here to attract women. If we were, then we'd be doing it wrong. It doesn't matter what you look like while you play (in tournament), just win.
Oct 5, 2008
We have people act like idiots on NTSC vs PAL debates and we have people acting like idiots on wobbling debates. What else brings out the idiot side in us Melee players?


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
The following is a serious post:

Props for having a very well written post, Wobbles.

Denying and mocking the notion that a "right way to play" exists is utter bull****. How can anyone be ignorant to the single rudimentary principle of playing games? People play games to have fun! Therein lies the right way to play, to have fun. Players who prevent others from having fun are doing a disservice to their community and to their game. Camping isn't fun, Chaingrabbing isn't fun, Wobbling isn't fun, Planking isn't fun. If employing these so-called tactics disturbs the fun-loving environment that we play in, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.

-People play for fun, and you are not allowed to take that from them.
Except, a simple rebuttle to this arguement is that some people find chaingrabbing, camping, planking and wobbling fun, so couldnt it be reasoned that YOU have no right to take that from them? (on the basis of it being "not fun" anyway. being broken is another matter)

You cant objectively state which tactics are fun and which arent.


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
How exactly did Pound 3 end? Or Pound 4?
Because I'm pretty sure a Captain Falcon player didn't win.
LOL! You'll remember that at Pound 3 M2K was seen as the gayest and Pound 4 Hbox was seen as the gayest. So....idk Still those are just 2 tournaments. Mango wins tournaments as Fox, Falco, Falcon as well so...idk if that is applicable.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2009
i'd like to build off of rockcrock's point

the reason people antagonize players that play in ways that arent entertaining is because of the potential popularization of these "unfun" playstyles. the more people play like that, the more people who dont will stop having fun with the game. the general public sees ugly, cheap wins as a threat to the fun of going to tournaments and therefore the viability of the community as a whole.

if every tournament filled up with planking jigglypuffs and wobbling ice climber players, i'd probably quit going to tournaments. even if i could beat most of them, i probably wouldnt win, and therefore i'd be not having fun and not making money. then theres less players in tournaments, less money, less incentive to practice, and less of a smash community in general.

that being said, i completely recognize the fact that players who win are skilled regardless of their means. wobbles wobbled me for 6 stocks out of the 8 he took from me last week, but im sure the outcome wouldnt have been different at all if he hadnt wobbled me, or even if he hadnt chaingrabbed me probably. i'm just saying that if i went to a tournament and every player tried to camp me out until they grabbed me and then wobbled me, i'd probably beat 80% of them then get 7th, make no money, and regret going to the tournament.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
I agree with what you're saying BigD, but people in favor of RockCrocks point of view need to understand that, inspite of the popularization of "unfun" tactics leading to unfun tournaments, and likely the eventual death of the community, that doesnt make the tactics themselves objectively "wrong" ways to play.

I sympathize with the notion that no one wants melee to turn into jiggs clockouts and IC wobbles, but nonetheless, if it got to that point, I still cant define those styles as being "wrong' ways to play. I'd stop playign too, but the bigger issue is that the sentiment of there being a "right" way to play is still metaphysically incorrect.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
It would never get to that because Peach can throw turnips at planking Puff, and she might as well delete skill disparities between herself and IC players because that matchup is dumb :laugh:

In all seriousness though I think this game is constructed well-enough that it won't come to something dumb like that. The worst we're going to have to deal with in the future (IMHO) is more episodes of Falco Ball Z.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
lol are you really trying to say that barely winning is comparable to jv 5 stocking somebody? ur crazy

planking and wobbling are not true skill strategies. They are just cheap ways to win under the current flawed ruleset. I think you are very skilled wobbles, but the tactic of wobbling is ridiculously stupid. Having a tactic like that mastered in your back pocket while having to worry about everything else ICs can do gets a little ridiculous. OHKOs are cheap in general, which is why I go for them so much in Melee. A lot of my melee strategy revolves around OHKO
Im sorry dude, but you are just whining.

You really just hate getting wobbled lol. IMHO, if you think those tactics are just utterly ridiculous then prove it. I think with your knowledge about the game and skill you would probably be the one to do it.

So start practicing your IC and puff. You got this.


nerf zelda's dsmash
Feb 5, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
i'm just saying that if i went to a tournament and every player tried to camp me out until they grabbed me and then wobbled me, i'd probably beat 80% of them then get 7th, make no money, and regret going to the tournament.
yea, it wouldn't be worth going to tournaments if this were the case, but the beauty of this game is that scenario will never happen. offensive strategy seems to be just as rewarding as defensive strategy, but mostly people play a mixture of both

personally when I see a playstyle like pink shinobi's peach, i find it interesting, cause it's different. If all peaches played like that, I would probably think that this game is stupid, but this game is too good to let only severe camping work as a winning strategy


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2009
oh i dont think that it will come to that either

i just think that the commonly defined "right" way to play is the reason almost all of us play this game, including the people that play the "wrong" way because theyre still playing against players that play the "right" way, which is more fun.

im sure it wont ever come to that because, like i said, if i can get 7th at a tournament where everybody plays climbers and tries to wobble me, then so could other people playing other characters, and then theres no incentive to play ice climbers and wobble for all the other non-winners. deep down though, i think we're all a little terrified of that possibility, and thats why the stigma exists.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
I think Mango often calls Hbox's style gay, and he can beat Hbox, so? Also, I don't know if I agree that if you lose to someone you can't form an opinion of their playstyle :p (for the record, I have nothing against Hbox)

Also, I think the "that wouldn't work vs a better player" is almost good advice. You could be preventing people in your crew from developing bad habits and such. Just a thought, though.
Often is an understatement.

And my point was that if you're aware enough of someones playstyle to form an opinion about it, you should be able to counter it. If you can't find a way to counter it, even in theory, you shouldn't be talking.

"that wouldn't work on a better player" is stupid, because why wouldn't it work on a better player? Is that player faster? Does he know options you don't? Then learn them. All I see in that statement is a john, some form of consolation that you comfort yourself with to sugar coat your loss.

& Why are people so concerned with mid level placings?
Who gives a ****, get good.


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
M2K: As far as the bracket is concerned? The bracket makes no distinction between the 1% time-out and a JV 5. Wins are wins and I refuse to hate on any strategy that leads to victory.

That said, I would rather be able to JV 5 people because doing that indicates a level of dominance over them that will translate into other matches rather than the closeness of that 1%. That's a pretty big risk to take. As I've said before, I don't think many of the lamer strategies are actually the best ones. I think that's a sign the game is actually pretty good! Planking Jigglypuffs and Wobbling ICs aren't going to crop up everywhere because those are not inherently winning strategies. Maybe the Puff one is? But those players weed themselves out of tournaments really **** quickly because what they're doing isn't a tourney winning strat.

However, there are times when the boring option is the best one, and I believe in taking it. I also believe in applauding any player with the foresight to recognize the best skills and strategies, then executing them properly at the appropriate time, regardless of how boring the end result is. I don't want to be applauded for choosing to master a situational infinite before I worked on things like spacing, maneuvering, and overall technical consistency. It was a dumb decision and it's taken years to get down the skills that REALLY win me games. Nobody should cheer for me because I gimped my own progress as a player for the sake of short-term victories.

The problem is that I encountered players who just kind of laughed when I tried to get up and grab them, and then I thought, "now what?" My game plan was shot and after that I would kind of throw out moves and hope they hit, and occasionally I'd get a random grab that got me a stock. But I wouldn't *win,* because my trump card just wasn't good enough. It's based a lot on the opponent's mistakes, and some players just wouldn't make enough of them to win me the game. It's not a good thing to choose to master first unless you only want to beat crummy players, or decent players having a bad game. I don't like that mentality, but I also want to beat EVERYBODY. Period. Having a gimmick isn't enough.

It's a great gimmick though, so when the time comes to use it, I wield it with extreme prejudice. I don't believe in hating on people for doing that regardless of the strat. If it's a bull**** flashy combo, then land that triple knee into Falcon Punch and enjoy having an army of adoring Smashers fellate you on command for the rest of your life. If it's campy and boring and takes 6 minutes, then break out the marshmallows and get ready for hate.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
oh i dont think that it will come to that either

i just think that the commonly defined "right" way to play is the reason almost all of us play this game, including the people that play the "wrong" way because theyre still playing against players that play the "right" way, which is more fun.

im sure it wont ever come to that because, like i said, if i can get 7th at a tournament where everybody plays climbers and tries to wobble me, then so could other people playing other characters, and then theres no incentive to play ice climbers and wobble for all the other non-winners. deep down though, i think we're all a little terrified of that possibility, and thats why the stigma exists.
I agree with this.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
Hungrybox and Wobbles and are like the Tim Duncan of smash, wobbling, spamming back airs, rests.

it's like post up, pick and roll.
Its beautiful isn't it?

You waveland, double shine bair and Duncan just stands there and blocks your shot. Mother****er doesn't even bother to jump. Just stands straight and blocks you like a motha****ing G.


Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Honor really worked out of the Samurai. I mean, just look at their civilization these days.
Oh wait.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
With my Catapult Turtle I can launch my Dragon Champion toward your castle thereby shattering its floatation ring and causing it to collapse on top of your monsters.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
With my Catapult Turtle I can launch my Dragon Champion toward your castle thereby shattering its floatation ring and causing it to collapse on top of your monsters.
But you have to wait a turn for your Swords of Revealing Light to go away because it's currently holding up the castle!


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2009
There are competitive gamers that haven't read Playing to Win ?

Way to overcomplicate a simple issue, wobbles. but I guess some people do need a explanation like the one you've written.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
H box or should I say mr. sexiness in a box? what are your veiws of min. needed to be able to win as anyone?

but hey he's the man with the plan.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Landing 8 grabs with Ice Climbers with Nana in the perfect position to Wobble against a Fox that's actively avoiding grabs and trying to kill Nana every chance he gets seems pretty skillful to me.
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