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Mass Effect series discussion


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
That sucks. I know exactly the part you are talking about. And for all my saves from normal, hardcore, and insane playthroughs on my one character, I think I ended up with like 640 some saves. I especially hate forgetting to save on sidequest missions then getting ***** by a Thresher Maw or whatever. I'm having a lot more trouble as an adept without Sniper Rifles. Then again, the biotic powers are sexy as hell.

For ME2, I really hope they have more big cities like the citadel- rumour is it's going to take place in the traverse systems or whatever the crime-ridden galaxys are. Other than that, I don't care if it's the exact same game with new areas- I didn't even mind the repetitive sidequests.

Although I'm sure a lot of people would disagree with me on this, I really hope Bioware (or EA) doesn't have the majority of their production team working on the KOTOR MMO, I'd much rather see ME2.


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
I agree with you on both of those. I was really disappointed that the Citadel was the only place that I could just run around and meet random people, go to the shops, go to bars, etc. And seriously, **** KOTOR.


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
Alright, having played through the game three times in the last week (yes, three), I'm all refreshed on the story and feel the need to rant about things that better happen for Mass Effect 2.

My decisions need to carry over. I cannot make that more clear. I want Ashley to be dead, I want the game to know I did the deed with Liara, I want everybody on Feros to have a normal, thriving colony because I saved them, I want the Rachni Queen to be alive and sing songs of me to her children so they don't shoot poison at me, I want the game to reflect that I saved the Council and nominated Anderson to be the human representative. If the game can do that, best game ever. If it can't, I'll be disappointed, but I'll get over it. As long as the main things are remember... though in a huge game like this, I'd say those are the main things that SHOULD be remembered, as they were all of the actual plot missions in the game, excluding tapping Liara.

I want to go to Earth. And Mars. I want something to happen to Earth. I saved the galaxy and had the option to take over the Citadel (if you choose to not save the Council, the humans gain control of the Citadel), now in the second game the humans should be on the receiving end, to really spite those people who picked the crappy ending (yes, the evil ending sucked. The saving the Council ending was badass) in the first game and for the people who picked the good ending to prove once again that humans kick *** and can take heat even at their home planet.

More side missions involving me, please. So I can hook up with one of two chicks in the first game. That was the only side quest that really affected my character... and it was at the end of the game, so it really didn't affect him much at all. Just make my character more involved other than "Savior of the universe". Give me more romance options while you're at it (Liara was dumb as hell and Ashley was racist. Great choices here!), including male characters for female Shepard and gay Shepards.

Discuss with me, GAW.

Oh and I cannot WAIT to play through the game again once the fall update is released for the 360 and I can install the game onto my harddrive and play it directly off of that. Should eliminate the terrible texture pop in and speed up load times dramatically in a game like this. Can't wait for use that on the sequels, too.

edit: Did you download Bring Down the Sky? I really want it now that I'm playing the game again, but I'm not downloading it at 400 points when it's free on the PC. Ridiculous. Only $5, but ridiculous!


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Yeah, I got BDTS- it has some great dialouge and story, and you get great rewards, but the gameplay isn't really any different from other sidequests. It definetly is more extensive than other sidequests though, and you learn about another race that's been mentioned only a few times in the main game.

I wouldn't pay more than 5 bucks for it, but I'd say it was worth it.

I agree that all your decisions need to carry over, the series would be perfect if Mass Effect 3 was completley different in two different playthroughs based on decisions from ME1 and 2. If not that, I at least want my decisions to be referenced. Like I said earlier though, I'll still buy the game even if that doesn't happen, simply because the universe is so engrossing. I think Kaiden is actually a good romance option for fem shep, at least he's not stupid or racist- maybe a little reserved, but whatever.

This game really doesn't get enough praise. I still found new stuff my fourth time around, especially playing as a chick, just things like Harkin in Choras Den hitting on me at the beggining of the game really shows me how much diversity there is in how things play out.

Anyways, I only have two achievements left for this game, Nueral Shock Specialist and AI Hacking Specialist. I got Asari Ally a few days ago- you have to do EVERYTHING in the game since you get Liara so late- yet I didn't get sick of it at all.

EDIT: I really REALLY liked the citidel missions. I know some people found those boring, but I thought it was great walking around the huge Citadel, learning my way around, and meeting all kinds of people. Missions like "Family Matters" where you have the husband and wife arguing are some of my favorites. Of course, the fighting is great too, but that's not what makes the game what it is.

So, more big places to walk around in and social missions please.


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
Oh, and I'd really like a Salarian squad mate. Pleeeeease.

I've never played through the game as female Shepard, maybe I'll do that on my next play through. What class did you settle on through all your playthroughs? My first time I tried using Vanguard, but was only having fun using the Biotic abilities and Pistoling things because the Shotgun and Assault Rifle were pretty awful when you aren't trained up in them. Once I got leveled up in those two areas it was more fun to play as, but my third time I played through as an Infiltrator, which I think is my favorite. I just wish I could get more Biotic abilities as an Infiltrator... I love the Sniper Rifle (didn't realize it was so **** good), the Tech boosts are sweet (Shield boost, Invincible, etc are awesome) and for Biotic attacks I got Lift and only Lift. Though Lift is one of my favorites. When I see Liara using Singularity and Stasis though, I get jealous.

I tried to get "Turian Ally" and "Asari Ally" in my most recent playthrough. I have no idea what I did wrong. I did the first mission and got Garrus as soon as I got to the Citadel. Then as soon as I was free to explore the galaxy with the Normany, I went to the planet where Liara is and saved her. From that point on I used her on my squad. I did all but two sidequests (Feros: Alpha Varren, it glitched so I couldn't inform the guy I killed the Alpha Varren and Scan the Keepers, which I should just print a map out of all their locations, I'm just lazy). I've heard it takes about 40 side quests and then the story missions from where you can have her onward to get the achievement... I'm going to count up the amount of sidequests I have finished and see. Though I didn't get the achievement for Garrus, either, I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong. :(

And I completely agree with this game having a totally engrossing universe. I just don't want to put it down when I'm playing it. It does a great job sucking me into the game, into the universe.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Infiltrator is my favorite as well. I've only played through as two classes.

My first playthrough was on Normal with a male shep infiltrator and the next two were using the same character to get to level sixty.

Just recently I picked it up again after letting a friend borrow it for a while, and I played as a female Adept, which is totally awesome. I gave her the shotgun bonus, which honestly isn't that much better than the pistol. Anyways, after the Rogue VI mission, I chose the Bastion specialization, which makes you able to hurt enemies during Stasis, which is REALLY sweet. At the end in Virmire I would get out of my Mako and Stasis the Geth Colossus, Carnage, Marksmen, Lift, Warp, Repeat.

Even with all that though, it really just doesn't compare to Sniper Rifles, Electronics, and Immunity. If I did it again, I would chose Sniper Rifles instead of Shotgun, I thought I would have trouble close-range wiht an adept, but singularity, lift, barrier, and stasis all really take care of that, whereas a single sniper shot at Liaras dig site or a Rocket from a rocket drone would one hit me. I really missed Assassination.

For the Ally Achievements, I used this: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox360/file/930279/51615

There's 61 sidequests in the game including BDTS, and I got the Asari Ally Achievement after the 56th or 57th during the Citadel lockdown. The only sidequest that got a little boring for me was Geth Incursions.

As for Garrus, I don't know why you didn't get his. I'm pretty sure I did no more than 40-45 sidquests. total for all my other Ally Achievements besides Liaras.

I'm really pretty excited just for some new DLC, to be honest. There was a new theme that came out recenetly, dunno if that means anything, but I know more is coming.


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
Dude, when I saw Mass Effect had popped up into the "New Releases" category on Live I freaked out, only to find it was that new theme. That disappointed me, but like you implied, it makes me feel like they'll be announcing another mission or hopefully a bigger batch of DLC that's coming out soon. They said they wanted to bridge the gap between sequels through DLC... and so far there's only been one mission. Get on it, Bioware!

Thanks for the guide link, I'll print out the mission names and circle the ones that aren't in my finished log. After playing through the game so many times and having to restart a couple of times because I'd accidentally play into the "point of no return" (Citadel lockdown), I made absolutely sure to keep a save file this last time that I'm still able to dink around with. I'm hoping for it to be my ME2 transfer save, as I've made all the decisions I want and all that jazz.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Jeez, I've spent way to much time in that Gh opinions topic.

Anyways what scares me is that the new Mass Effect book- Acension I think it's called, is meant to bridge the gap as well. I hope that's an extra, rather than replacing DLC to bridge the gap. Bioware has said more DLC is on the way though, so I trust them, I just want it now, ha.

I made the choices I wanted for Mass Effect 2 on my 60 Infiltrator, but I don't want to use him if there's not more levels or a really hard difficulty already unlocked or something- I wouldn't want to use a crazy souped-up character for my first playthrough of the new game. I wonder what you do when you make a new character for ME2? Maybe it'll ask you questions about your past or something?

And something I thought was interesting- how did that one scientist's assitant- Manwell I think his name was know that everyone was doomed and that there was no escape? That's one of the things that hit me hard on my multiple playthroughs. At first I thought maybe he touched the beacon, but Liara said it would take a very contained and strong mind to make sense of the beacon without going crazy.

Oh, and I sent my question about whether we should expect to see ME2 or the KOTOR MMO first to the IGN Three Red Lights podcast, I'll let you know if they say anything. I would be pissed if they made ME2 take a year longer to come out for that ****. It's going to take long enough as it is to fit in all I want.


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
They've just got no reason to be pushing out the KOTOR MMO and Dragon Age before Mass Effect 2. They've said they want to finish the Mass Effect trilogy on the 360... so, uh, get to it? The thing is going to last into 2011 at the latest, so get on those sequels right now, Bioware. Actually, if the 360 does last through 2011, it gives them time to put two years between each sequel, but releasing a game at the end of a console's life cycle isn't a good idea, as games like Psychonauts and Advent Rising found out the hard way. I'd really just like to hear Bioware say "Yes, we've got the Mass Effect team hard at work on Mass Effect 2 and you'll be getting more Mass Effect 1 downloadable content until then" and I'll be ecstatic.

Got Turian Ally and Asari Ally last night. I seriously did about three more side missions and got Turian Ally, and then about two missions after that I got Asari Ally. Again, thanks for the guide, it proved very useful. I ended up doing all but two missions, Feros: Varren Meat (like I said before, that mission is glitched for me) and the second mission when the Citadel is in lockdown.

Started my female Shepard playthrough last night after getting the Asari and Turian achievements. Going through as an Adept. Didn't know you got to pick a Special Ability at the beginning of the game as that class, I've always wanted all the Biotic powers (again, jealousy of Liara in combat), but when I read the description I said to myself "I only get a Pistol?.." (even though the Pistol isn't that bad). When the Special Ability selection popped up and I saw Sniper Rifle I was overjoyed. So far the only thing I think I'm really going to miss is Medium Armor. Playing through with Kaidan and Wrex as female Shepard though, going for their achievements. Also going for the Stasis, Singularity and Barrier Mastery achievements. It was pretty funny, I used Warp about three times on Eden Prime and unlocked the Warp Mastery achievement. I knew I used it occasionally on my Vanguard character on my first to playthroughs, but I had no idea I was so close to the achievement, haha.

I might actually pick up the book. There was already a book before this one, right? And that was a precursor to the first Mass Effect? I love the Halo books, great sci-fi, so I'm sure the Mass Effect universe would also make for outstanding books. Though I've got about three other books I need to finish before I'd be able to pick it up.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Yeah, all I want is some sign of progress, even if that's just- yes, we do have a big team currently working on ME2.

I would pick up the books, but I've got to read two god-awful books for school and I've already procrastinated enough.

And yeah, I'm sure you'll have a blast with the Adept w/ Sniper Rifles- I would definetly reccomend you pick Bastion after Rogue VI, though.


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
Just got Bastion leveled up all the way and am heading to Feros. Can't wait to see how this works out.

Forgot to comment on it in my last post, but I'm remembering this time!:
And something I thought was interesting- how did that one scientist's assitant- Manwell I think his name was know that everyone was doomed and that there was no escape? That's one of the things that hit me hard on my multiple playthroughs. At first I thought maybe he touched the beacon, but Liara said it would take a very contained and strong mind to make sense of the beacon without going crazy.
His comments didn't really hit me until my current playthrough, but there's almost nothing to discuss other than "How did he know that?" I'd love to know how he knew that, or simply why he believed that if he didn't actually know it.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Feros was the hardest main mission for me as an Infliltrator, but as an Adept, it was probably the easiest- but still really fun.

I'm really considering starting another playthrough as an engineer for those last two achievments- I just can't get enough of this game.


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
I know, I saw that and I want it... if I get REALLY bored this weekend, maybe. I've got Viva Pinata 2 though, so that likely won't happen.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
I really have no idea what the teaser trailer is supposed to mean, but it was hella sexy, and all I want to do now is go do another playthrough of the first.

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
Time to start on my 14th play through just because..

Holy crap this video is the best! More awesome are the actual early news than the actual video. KIA? Geth are hacking. I am happy that the devs are hinting towards keeping your old squad. Garrus, Liara, and Wrex are the greatest.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
Time to start on my 14th play through just because..

Holy crap this video is the best! More awesome are the actual early news than the actual video. KIA? Geth are hacking. I am happy that the devs are hinting towards keeping your old squad. Garrus, Liara, and Wrex are the greatest.
Haha good I'm not the only one that has played through it over and over and over. I'm addicted to that game, I'm gona keep playin it right up to when the second one comes out! I can't freakin wait!!!! Definitely in my top 5 video games.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Recently picked this up for PC and enjoying it, at least until combat. I understand some of it is probably because it was made for 360 and ported to PC but the controls in combat is just, well, horrible. Is there a specific "class" that is easier to use for combat? I'm liking the story, but if the combat has pretty much turned me of completely :urg:

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
There's a new video which may not look that new to some but for the rest, here it is:

So far the gameplay's looking very responsive and adding a heat sink to reload makes it more engaging than just shooting your Master Gear AR with Inferno rounds X until everything dies.

Thane's entrance was badass but I won't be fully impressed until I see him in combat. Cool character though.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
So. I should be getting a new gaming laptop around December.

Is that a good time to pick up Mass Effect, or should I wait and see if any ME1+ME2 bundles come out when Mass Effect 2 is released a few months later.

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
Mass Effect 1 is only 19 dollars right now, so regardless, it's one of the best buys in terms of 'Price vs reward.'

ME2 comes out 2/1/2010 so you've got plenty of time.

My Cat Owns

Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2009
North Carolina
ME1: Great story, choppy gameplay, and horrible firefight mechanics (Soldier can overkill, then use some tech to refresh overkill, and use it again, which will kill anything in the game if your assault level is high enough) but overall one of the better games I've ever played. I really hope they look into the cobmat more with ME2


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Skokie, IL
Hopefully the game is longer this time around... Also I'm hoping for more dialogue options. Picking between good, neutral, and ******* every time is just silly.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Recently picked this up for PC and enjoying it, at least until combat. I understand some of it is probably because it was made for 360 and ported to PC but the controls in combat is just, well, horrible. Is there a specific "class" that is easier to use for combat? I'm liking the story, but if the combat has pretty much turned me of completely :urg:
Anyone ?

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
I personally liked the soldier class beacuse i thought all the biotics were annoying to get to on the 360 version.

But, again, the controls for biotics might be easier on PC.

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
Hey man, the beginner class for all is the Soldier class. If you want to add depth to the gameplay, you may want to try the Biotic. Remember that by using the Power Wheel(Command wheel in combat) you can not only use your own abilities, but also your squad mates'.

For maximum use of their abilities, go to Options-->Squad commands-->Set them to defensive mode only(so you can use their offensive abilities whenever YOU prefer, not them.)

You have my AIM, just message me there and I'll walk you though it. Keep in mind I've only played the Xbox version.

Side note: Biotics are the best class by FAR.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
biotics were cool

i just hated pausing gameplay to access the wheel

its annoying

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
I knows I knows. I've played through it as biotic.

I still stand by that it's annoying.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Subject Zero makes me think naughty thoughts. I sincerely hope she has no reservations about getting in bed with my Shepard despite them both being women.
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