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Near Death Experiences


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2001
On the can singing the bottles of beer song.
I feel like i have a near death experience when ever i see an elderly person driving...

Oh, And mdy brother he got his car totaled when he ran a stop sign because it was in the midle of the night and there was a tree in the way of the stop sign. My brother was knocked out and then takin to da hospital. He was lucky cause he didn't even have a broken bone.

Also, a drunk driver ran into the house next to mine a few years ago...


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2004
This is not my personal experience with near-death, but my 80+ year old English teacher. When she was a bout 20 she was driving her Grandma home and she took some back roads to get to her house. As she drove she saw a person face down in a ditch. She was going to stop and help, but something didn't feel right to her so she decided to drive on and get help. After a few miles she came to a truck stop and went in to ask for some help from the truckers. The trucker went to help the man and it turned out that it was a murderer that was pretending to be hurt in a ditch. The man had a crowbar or a metal pipe and would kill people who tried to stop and help.

This teacher maybe old, but she doesn't lie.
This story gave me chills. Thick of all the little feelings you get and what they mean.


Mar 21, 2001
In Xdade's closet
One time i shot a bottle rocket from my anu5. Strangely enough, that's the closest I've ever gotten to dying.

That **** burned my ball sack. :cool:


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2002
...on the beach...

...last summer I've been involved in a car accident: a -probably- drunk driver was speeding up right against the car I was on.
My friend somewhat dodged in time, falling in the dry canal aside the road.
I was obviously sitting at the passenger seat.
In few seconds all became black: when I re-opened my eyes I was half way over the car's bonnet, with two cracked ribs and an half-perforated lung -as I would have known later...-

the rest is History....

not to talk about my "dark period"....meh, I'd just bore you with it.


Smash Cadet
Jul 5, 2004
USA vermont
in 4th grade or around there i was on a playground thing and i was walking on the other side of the fence thing thats at the top of the playground and i feel off and landed on my head and i woke up when everyone was going inside it was all black until then.


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2004
Brooklyn ,NY
Well...it happened just a while ago while I was playing Unreal Tournament. I just left to get some food while the "press fire to respawn" screen was on. I came back and it said "you are about to get kicked for idling" I was like "NOOO!!!" I had 23 kills and I was in first place and I clicked it just when it said "1 second left". I swear I almost died.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Re: ...death...

Originally posted by zelda85
...last summer I've been involved in a car accident: a -probably- drunk driver was speeding up right against the car I was on.
My friend somewhat dodged in time, falling in the dry canal aside the road.
I was obviously sitting at the passenger seat.
In few seconds all became black: when I re-opened my eyes I was half way over the car's bonnet, with two cracked ribs and an half-perforated lung -as I would have known later...-

the rest is History....

not to talk about my "dark period"....meh, I'd just bore you with it.
Well, it's good you safely made it through. Drunk drivers are the worse kinds of people because they don't take into consideration what they are doing to others. Rarely do they die in accidents and it's always an innocent who is killed or injuried. I had a bad accident near my house where this drunk driver missed the stop sign and went straight into the ditch. He nearly jumped it. Had any car been coming he would have killed them and walked away.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2002
...on the beach...
^ wise wise words there....

soooo, in order to prevent that from happening, never ever drive a car when alchool is flooding your veins....
not really for your safety of course, but for all the other "innocents" around you . :D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2001
On the can singing the bottles of beer song.
these aren't MY near death experiences but who cares?
Well, it's good you safely made it through. Drunk drivers are the worse kinds of people because they don't take into consideration what they are doing to others.
My cousin was killed in an accident by a drunk driver. He was driving from the city he goes to skool in to where his parents live at like 2 in the morning and a car came over the hill right in front of him and was driving straight for him. He was takin to hospital but he died before he got there. The driver of the other car was drunk and was killed.

And one of my teachers told my class that she was drunk one time and she drove from a small town fifteen minutes away from town. She was driving about 160kmh. she got home and passed out at the front door.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 31, 2003
I've nearly been killed by a drunk driver many times, and that driver is my grandpa (but I'm not going into that).

I was also nearly killed once when me and my class were on a trip, the beds had a lower part and an upper part, I was on the upper part of course. Then on one day, I was, for some stupid reasons, hanging upsidedown from my part of the bed. Then I remember that I started to loose grip and things blacked out. The next thing i remember is that I'm sitting on the floor and can't breathe, I of course start panicking and pacing accross the floor while desperately trying to breathe. My classmates (those who were present at the moment) were just laughing at me, I finally stop walking and crouch on the floor because I didn't have too much strenght left,good thing is that I start getting little amounts of air to my lungs, little by little. Then the teacher came angry and shouted something that I was stupid and stuff. It took me some time to be able to breathe well again and my chest was hurting for 4 months after it.

Other one is when I was biking (without helm of course) down a road to a crossroads at high speed, I suddenly notice this girl biking to the crossroads from the right, then things black out again and the next thing I know is that I'm standing on the other side of the girls bike and can't feel a thing, except that it's hot (it was summer). My eyes start to cloud up and I thought that it was my classes, which were hanging just and just from my finger, I was nearly fainting. I noticed that my arms were both bleeding, right one was bleeding more though. I had to be taken to the hospital were they found out that my right elbow was broken and had to be put to plaster. I had just been swimming with my friend for about 9 hours and the hospital trip was 1 hour. I was lucky to only bust my arm, since they say that I landed on grass, it could have been my head instead.

And the third time when I was near death was when I was scuba diving with a group of other people at Madeira. We went to the spot by boat and I start to feel a bit of sick. Then we go diving and everything goes normally. When we went back up and started to go the other spot we were supposed to dive at, I start to feel like I could throw up any minute. I decided to go back to the diving center. Had I continued, it would have been possible that I had thrown up underwater, I would have most likely removed the regulator from my mouth, puked and inhaled huge amounts of water, which would have most likely killed me.

Son of Shade

Smash Cadet
Jul 5, 2004
Orlando, Florida
For a very short time I lived up in the Catskill Mountains in New York. I used to have to get up at 5am just to catch the bus for my almost 2 hour bus ride (which sucked). It was one of those small buses.
Well most streets (more like dirt roads) that went up and down the mountainside where basically parallel to the mountain. Meaning on one side of the street the mountain went up and on the other it went down. Some of the downslopes were very steep in some spots. Most roads also had a Drainage ditch on the side that went uphill. Well one day we hit an Icy patch and the bus started sliding out of control, then it spun around and did a 360. Thank god We ened up in the uphill side and the back wheel got stuck in the ditch. We came very close of falling down the sloped side and if we would have, with all the trees it would have ripped the bus to shreds as we rolled down the hill. :crazy:

I hate the mountains! Thank god we moved back out to civilization!

Dark Bulb 4.1

Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2004
Tucson, AZ
I was bike riding away from my friends house when suddenly 2 really fat chicks get in my way and i took a tight right. I get in the street trying to get control and lose my balance. THen i see a huge ****ing truck behind me... I got the **** up and picked up my ****ing bike and got the **** out of the street really fast. I layed on the sidewalk with my back on the floor getting some air after such a shock. Near death to me... that truck was pretty close.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2003
The closest I've been to death would be almost being run over...twice...but that's all really. Haven't started drinking or driving yet, that's probably why.

First time, I was walking across the street. It was pretty dark and I see this car turning and coming my direction. It was turning slowly, but then started speeding up, which I found strange. It was getting closer and I jus ran forward a lil. The car barely missed me.

Another time, I was walking across this crosswalk. It was a red light for the cars. While I was walking across, this car just speeds by right in front on me. I was thinking holy ****...it almost hit me...

I was close to being blinded one time when playing hockey once too, but it wasnt too serious. It could've been tho.


Smash Cadet
Jun 30, 2004
Torring, Denmark
Near death

I got hit by a car back in november 2001, as I crossed a road with my bicycle, I had a bicycle helmet on, and I got hit by the car, and landed on my back.
The woman who drove the car was helping me inside a tank station, and as I find a place to sit was nearly everything going black for me.


Smash Cadet
Jul 13, 2004
Well, let's see. It was a few years ago, my parents were on some sort of vacation (Hawaii, perhaps?). Anyway, my older brother and his friend were hanging out at my house when they decided it was a good time to perform wrestling moves on me. I agreed.

Now, I know it already sounds stupid, but let me explain. You see, we have this lovely contraption called a Corda-Roy, which is a lovely bean bag chair/bed mix. Let me show you.

That's what my Corda-Roy looks like except it has a khaki color in the middle and the girl wasn't included. But anyway, that was what we performed wrestling moves on. We would do all sorts of things: powerbombs, DDTs, Angle Slams, etc. Then, my brother's friend decided to do a move he had never done to me before, and it was called the Dudley Atomic Drop (DAD). The DAD consists of a full nelson which then follows into getting picked up and slammed on the butt. Now, this move seemed perfectly fine. However, there is always the flaw; the Corda-Roy had flattened so much, that where my butt landed became the ground instead.

Immediately my spine felt like an accordian. A sharp pain went up my back, and then I felt nothing. Here was the scary part: I could breathe out, but not in. Due to lack of air, I passed out. I woke up some seconds later, I suppose, because my brother and his friend were still panicking over the incident. Needless to say, my back was really sore for about two solid weeks afterward, but I said nothing because I didn't want my parents to know.

I probably have a herniated disc that I don't know about. Oh well.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
From the "Embarrassing Experiences" thread:

Earlier this year I locked myself in a cabinet and had to call my friend to come over and let me out :laugh:

Luckily I had my cell phone.

And luckily my door was unlocked.

The cabinet was like a small closet with a door. I was getting some clothes (moving out) and out of boredom I closed the door. It locked. Completely unexpected. You can only open it from the outside. :cry: I struggled and struggled, and finally I was like **** this, I'm calling somebody. I spent the next 15 minutes waiting and sucking air through a little hole in the door. It was summer, and hot as hell. It was about 100 outside, and inside was even hotter. I had to take off my shirt because I was hot and sweating so much. Finally the door opened and it was the greatest moment of my life. He was a great guy, and didn't give me any slack about it.

Come to think of it I seriously could have died in there and nobody would have ever known. It sucks just thinking about how much I could've suffered in there. *shudder* I would've suffocated or died from the heat and lack of air.

But I look back on it and laugh. Usually. I have had a lot of "could've died" experiences.
Other ones (my early life was quite dangerous):

When I was 4, we were playing hide and seek outside. I hide under a car. 5 minutes later, the car starts. I rolled my *** out of there quick right before it pulled off.

4 years old, house caught fire. I was asleep (!!!) and carried out of the house by my dad.

When I was 5, jumped into the deep end of a swimming pool. Couldn't swim. I was at the breaking point and couldn't hold my breath any longer when I was pulled out of the water.

Later that year, I got some kind of disease (possibly pneumonia) that almost killed me. I couldn't speak, sore throat, vomiting, and I had fluid in my lungs. Torture. I missed a month of school, most of the time spent in the hospital.

6 years old, I was leaning over a really high balcony and I flipped over the top. Luckily I didn't let go of the rail but my back slammed into the metal balcony and my arms, which twisted awkwardly, hurt for weeks afterwards. I was pulled to safety by my grandfather.

Also, when I was 6 I was grabbed by a mentally disabled man (completely serious, everyone in the neighborhood knew this) and he tried to toss me over a fence where I probably would've been mauled by his Rottweiler. I kept clinging to the fence until some guy came over and started hitting the man. My fingers and palms were cut up by the fence. Two years later he went to jail (not sure what for). It was weird because before that he was very friendly and never gave trouble to anybody, he just acted a little strange. Guess he just snapped.

7 years old, I lived in a duplex and the kids in the apartment below me started a fire. Once again I was asleep, carried out by my dad.

We then moved into my grandmother's house, my room was in the basement. A few months later I was in my room playing Uniracers on the SNES :chuckle: and my 1-year-old sister was on the bed watching me play. I heard a hissing sound and I didn't know where it was coming from, then the water heater caught on fire. (The fire, it never ends!) Quickly I tossed the controller, grabbed my sister and ran past the water heater (I had no choice), upstairs, and told my uncle. I expected them to think I was joking, but thankfully they believed me. No damage was done to the house.

8 Years old, riding my bike across an intersection, a speeding car runs the light and hits my back tire, sending me and my bike flying. I landed on the other side of the street on my side and rolled several times, but wasn't seriously hurt. A few scrapes and a sore hip.

9 years old, riding my bike down a steep alley hill, my chain snaps (probably due to the previous story) and I couldn't pedal backwards to brake. It just kept slipping. So I desperately put my feet down but it didn't do much. I go flying across the street and a car skids to avoid me. If it hadn't slowed down I would've been annihilated.

14-18 years old, high school :laugh:

18 years old, college :laugh:

The Original Oats

Smash Apprentice
Nov 28, 2006
My experience was nearly drowning in a deep river that had a high current.
But I guess was lucky enough to have been with some of my cousins,
or else I would have just drifted away dead.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Just yesterday I was walking to class at 8:00 in the morning. I live in an apartment complex off of campus and have to cross over a large bridge on the Tennessee river. When I woke up that morning and looked outside to see if it was cold enough to warrant true winter clothes I saw all of the trees just absolutely bending in the wind. The only change I decided to do is not wear my fedora that day because it would probably blow off.
As I was walking the wind was pushing me about but I really didn't care because I was staring at the layers of different clouds that were to the north. But as I made it to the foot of the bridge I realized that the winds were pretty strong and walking over probably wasn't the safest bet, but since I couldn't really go back I decided to cross. Halfway over the wind caught me and slammed me up against the railing and almost tipped me over. Now, the Henley Street Bridge is around 80-90 feet high and was absolutely freezing and I am next to positive that despite being an excellent swimmer that I would have died had I gone over. I was also lucky the wind didn't blow me into traffic.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
A little asterisk for my story: That road has since been blocked off due to a kid I knew being found dead there. He was found with his wrists and ankles tied together and a shotgun wound to his stomache. It was ruled a suicide for whatever reason.


Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2006
I wonder how they would consider that a suicide. Its almost impossible to tie yourself up and blow a hole in your own stomach. I think its a cover-up.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
It was a cover-up.

He was heavy into drugs and was dealing back there, things went sour, they shot him. His parents requested they put "suicide" as that sounds much better than "drug deal gone awry".


Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2006
It was a cover-up.

He was heavy into drugs and was dealing back there, things went sour, they shot him. His parents requested they put "suicide" as that sounds much better than "drug deal gone awry".
See? When ever there are drugs involved, bad things always seem to happen.


Smash Cadet
Aug 8, 2006
Jamiaca, Queens, NY
Well, I have experienced a couple of death moments. When I was about 12, I was right across form my building. My friends and I were trying to catch this guy that attempted to rob me, so i ran acroos the street, and I didn't see a car coming so I kept on running and all I remember is waking up in Queens hospital with a lump on my head and a fractured knee.

Another time was when i was in 8th grade. I just came out of school and saw one of my friends, I grabbed his hat walked bacwards on the streets, and a car out of no where almost hits me. Luckily it just tapped my knee and thats it. My friends started to laugh

About two months ago i grabbed the bus like i usaully do, but this time i got of a stop earlier. So, there was construction on the side walk and I had to walk on the street. I was walking and saw this lady taking her time to walk, so I tried to go in front of her. As soon as I did this this dilevery truck zoomed past me, and the side mirror just tapped my shoulder.

I don't know whats with a the cars, but now I laugh in the face of death.


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
About a year ago I was riding my motorized bike type thing (less than a moped but more than a scooter X_x) I was going about 20 up the hill. The problem was that there are bushes seperating the bushes, and before I know it, I sideswipe a car backing out of it's driveway. The man and woman jumped out to help me out. I was bleeding a good bit, but nothing overly serious, so to avoid law involvment I apologized and then continued on my way. May not sound like much but if it was 5 seconds later I would've gone head on into it.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2006
Sunshine State of Mind
In my cousins house in Summertime New York, (which is excrutiatingly hot btw) . I was sleeping under little stand fan(with no face on the front) and it fell on me. Luckily it only fell on my forehead, and sliced up my head. Still have the scar.


Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2006
I was sleeping when a fire broke out on DEcember 13, 1995. We had these big christmas lights around the window and one of them melted into the surge protecter. It ignited the christmas tree and in a few seconds the whole living room was engulfed in flames. I was sleeping in the room next to the living room and my grandma ran in and woke me up. As I ran by the living room all I remember seeing is smoke everywhere. Anyway, we went out the back window and my Dad broke is nose on the air conditioner when he jumped out. The firefighter said if we would have been in there 1-2 minutes longer we wouldall have died from the smoke alone. That wasn't a good christmas.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I was almost onboard an airliner that crashed.

My mom was buying the tickets (back when you still had to do it in person) and the person in front of her just got the last ones for that particular flight. If my mom had arrived a couple of minutes earlier, we would have been on that plane. I probably wouldn't have died, however, seeing that only the people in first-class were at risk. Two people in first-class died on that plane. It had something to do with a landing problem.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Actually, like I said, only the people in first-class were in any real danger. With my family being the cheapos that we are, we would have been safely in the back. I'm still glad I wasn't on the plane, though. I was already a big enough pessimist growing up and probably wouldn't have needed this experience.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
A car once hopped onto the sidewalk where my friends and I were standing, crashed right into a house. If I wasn't like Spiderman with my reflexes I'd BE the house.

Another time I was about to cross the street with my buddy (tiny one way street - no traffic), and suddenly a pick-up comes speeding out of nowhere and nails him, it would've been me too if I hadn't...um...Let him go first. >____>


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
Man Ron that's terrible lol did he survive? That sucks.

I'm a lot more careful about stuff now, too many crazy people. >_<


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
Well, he lived down the street from where it happened, so naturally I ran and knocked on his door. But I had this weird facial expression going on, I dunno what you call the face you make when you watch your friend get flipped like a pancake, but I was making that face; and his mom thought I was kidding when I told her what happened, since my face looked kinda weird (read: it looked like I just heard a joke; I'm a terrible person) right then. >___>

Yeah though, he went to shock trauma and after a little while, he was perfectly fine.

Random fact: I laughed at my own dad when he fell on his face. >_<


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2005
Stuck in a Hydraulic
I was freestylin down a waterfall ( basically when whitewater rafters put their knowledge to the test by screwing around in whatever waterfall they see, like skiding down it, running through it, so on) See, the waterfall is about 20 feet tall, slick and wide, shallow at the sides, and deep in the middle. halfway through the deep part, there is a gaping hole. I started off to the side, and towads the middle, I jumped across the hole. However, I didnt jump far enough, and the current sucked me to the side I started. I knew there were sharp sticks and rocks on that side, and that nobody would see me drift unconsiously downstream to a hundred foot falls, where I would surely die. I grabbed for all the rocks I could, but they were so slick, it didnt make a difference. As I approached the edge, I knew it would end there.Fruitlessly grabbing for a good hold, i drifted closer to the edge when I stopped. a rock ledge had formed in my direction, and It stopped me just in time to get to shore. Then, I got back in and slid back down :D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
I used to work in a grocery store, and one day, while cleaning the floor, someone made a somewhat racist statement about me. I was offended and said something bad to her at the cashier. As I went back to cleaning the floors, her 6 ft tall, 300 husband busted in and started asking everyone where I was. He said, "I'm gonna bust his ***!" OH MAN, I was so happy I was on the other end of the store at that time.

You can say that wasn't a near death experience, but to my, I thought that guy was going beat me dead.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2006
The Negative Zone
Well one day I was going to my friend's house at night, so I had to cross a very busy street. I was pushing the pedestrian, and finally, the walk sign comes on. So I'm walking over when this guy speeds through a red light, and nearly hits me. He had to look over his shoulder to see if I was still alive, the j***@**. Oh, and my friend DID get hit by a car and fell off his bike. He just said ow, and got back up like nothing happened. I wasn't there, but that's what all my friends said.
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