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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Ryu is a good character idea, but remember it sounds good as an IDEA. Seriously i just cant picture him in smash bros, he should stay in street fighter. Plus he might be to much of a semi-Lucario clone, but only because of there similar moves.
I can see him, but the only reason I would want him in Smash is if Mega Man can't get in and to piss off the annoying Street Fighter fanboys who diss on the Smash Bros Series and those who play it. :p


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I can see him, but the only reason I would want him in Smash is if Mega Man can't get in and to piss off the annoying Street Fighter fanboys who diss on the Smash Bros Series and those who play it. :p
I never thought of that. That's mad funny. Chill though my man Oso plays Super Blocking isn't Broken 4: But Yun Twins Are Edition. Go ahead about Chu though.

second test. sorry for double post.
Try quoting someone homie.

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
Guys...i meant Ryu from Ninja Gaiden. Not Sf.........and I could have sworn that Iblis strongly opposed the idea of Sf Ryu coming into Smash Bros. along with a few other ppl


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
So my last stage idea was pretty fun. After playing through Sin and Punishment it left me with a great deal of inspiration. But now it is time for probably the craziest stage idea I have ever had. It is going to take an old stage mechanics, tweak it, and triple the insanity. In a way this will be the home of a particular returning character, since it will be very applicable to him. So, are you ready for this?

What is this madness?! Why it is the ultimate stage, Nintendo! That is right, this stage takes place on Nintendo consoles! You will begin at the NES and end with the Wii U. All the while dodging the various hazards each consoles brings with it... The consoles will cycle much like Pokéfloats, there will be things that will carry you to the next console. The entire background is a blank TV screen with static. And yes, this is R.O.B's home stage.

The stage begins on a giant NES, it is long and flat. Much like Pictochat orFinal Destination. Suddenly the light flashes and the power button sinks into the console and the image of Super Mario Bros title screen flashes on the backround. Suddenly the background is nothing but a playthrough of World 1-1! While fighting atop an NES no less! But be careful, there is a strange gun above you. It's a NES Zapper, tired of the blood of fowl it is now hunting you! Dodge the crosshairs to survive to the next evolution of entertainment! The NES starts to pan to the left of the screen and the SNES emerges from the right, jump onto the SNES before you get pulled offscreen by the receding NES.

Now it is time for the 16bit era! With the NES gone the screen is blank once more, the stage is now a little more awkward as the design for the SNES is not smooth like the NES. Plus there is a floating controller to the right of the console acting as a secondary platform. Something looks off, what is it? No cartridge in the system? Until now, falling from the sky is a spinning SNES game cartridge. Move out of the middle of the stage before it lands or you will receive massive damage! Now the stage is even more awkward to fight on with the extra level. But the better question is, what game is it? The poser button slides up, the buttons on the the controller/platform start bobbing up and down (which means a hazard for characters on the platform BTW). The screen flashes, A Link to the Past! Our Link begins his adventure in the Dark World, making his way around the strange world. Now the system is off, the controller platform is unplugged from the SNES and begins to lower away, but the stage isn't moving? That is because this time we are going up! Hop onto the Zelda cartridge before you are left behind.

As it rises the cartridge will be your platform and other cartridges (NES, SNES, GB) will rise with you, allowing you to hop platforms to make up for the lack of space. Yes, you will be able to see their cover art and it will cameo many different series and titles.

Finally you make your way to the N64, this time you aren't fighting on the console, but the controller. Super Mario 64 is in the background on this one. As you hop on the control stick and buttons it will cause Mario to change directions or jump on the screen in the background. The controller itself will move around in the air, finally detaching from the system when that section is complete. Below it will emerge our favorite purple lunchbox!

But the Gamecube is sideways, so your view is from the side. The console itself is flat with the controller, again, acting as a platfrom to the lower left. Although this time the cable itself is a platform too and extends from the controller to the console. Giving the most space out of all the consoles to battle on. Be careful standing on the Gamecube, because when the top pops up you will be flung off the stage. Just like in Pirate Ship! Then it will close and our next game will appear in the background and its... Super Smash Bros. Melee!!! You will watch a match between Fox and Marth on Final Destination, no items. The disc will eject and it will fly offscreen to the left. The stage will begin panning to the right, only to unveil a certain white, rectangular box.

Ahh, a flat surface again! There is one Wiimote floating above the stage acting as an additional platform. It will float up and down and moving in accordance to the action of the game behind it. What game is that? Wii Sports of course. The blue light will flash on the Wii and the games will begin. If it's baseball the Wiimote will swipe across the stage, damaging players. If it's boxing it'll jab back and forth. Golf, a wide sweep below onto the stage. Bowling, will begin at the end of the stage and slowly move halfway until making a large skyward swipe. Tennis, simple easy swing. Tired after so much movement, it is now time to take a break. Wiimote lights flash and the system is off. Whew, time to move on. Our last stop, Wii U.

Wii U:
The Wii U tablet will arrive to the side of the stage just like an elavator. Hop aboard, there is plenty of room. So it will descend, no obstacles of gimmicks just a straight out static platform. But what will play in the bacgkround this time? The very match going on. Just like Pokémon Stadium it will be your characters. Except at point the stage will go blank and below you you will see the tablet screen light up. So down you go and go and go, until you begin at the very beginning. The NES...

You my friends just took the ultimate tour. The Nintendo tour, an experience unlike any other.

Stage Examples:

NES: ________
Snes: -...-.-

N64: -_-



Wii U: -_______-

Stage Name: Nintendo
Icon: Gyromite symbol

Nintendo - This song will be an original like Pictochat. It will be composed by Hirokazu Tanaka, and will make use of the many "sounds" of Nintendo. Such as the Gameboy boot up jingle, Gamecube jingle, Wii menu theme, cartridges clicking and scratching. Some of the most random sounds that only "Hip" Tanaka could turn into some musical masterpiece!
Nintendo 3DS - Street Pass Quest
Nintendo 3DS - Street Pass Mii Plaza
Nintendo 3DS EShop - EShop
Nintendo 3DS - Augmented Reality titles
Wii Photo Channel - Bright
Check Mii Out Channel - Select a Mii
Wii Shop Channel - Wii Shop Channel (Brawl)
Gyromite - Gyromite (Brawl)
Mario Paint - Gnat Attack
Meteos - Lastar
Pictobits - End Credits
So many games - Totaka's Song (also here and here)

So what do you think? Was it worth the read? Crazy enough? This is probably a pro-player's worst nightmare but who cares. It's fun and that is what matters! Hopefully everyone enjoyed this as it is probably my craziest.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
You remember wrong and I already said Beserker made a Ryu H. moveset, it came out really nicely LOL

@Stage: I only saw the pics but, THAT HARD READ. Okay finished reading, that's your most complex idea yet. Best thing about it is that I can see it being tourney viable :)


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
@Smooth Criminal: Thanks man. You can check out more following the link in my signature.

I'll re-publish my stage in the morning for those that follow my concepts who are not here.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Next you should make another stage that's like Smashville/Battlefield/Final D/something like that. I'm really interested in seeing what you can do.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Next you should make another stage that's like Smashville/Battlefield/Final D/something like that. I'm really interested in seeing what you can do.
I probably will go with a more subdued stage next time.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I really like the stage, but i'd actually prefer the Nintendo logo on it.

Just me.

But why not expand on that idea and make it so there are a few choices in games to be played on each one? So you could have yoshi's island or a random game like Mickey Mania, the Addams Family, or something for other consoles, like Mario Kart for the N64 and one of the Metroid games for the wii? For NES, also have Castlevania and Caveman Joe(or it might be Ninja caveman or Ninja Joe or something like that).Also, why can't we have a hand-held console in there? I'd love to see the gameboy, one of my oldest friends. ;)

Since i'm ever analytical, there is a problem with my own idea, and thats that the stage itself might be too overloaded. I don't know about capacity-wise on the Wii-u, so forgive me if thats the problem.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I really like the stage, but i'd actually prefer the Nintendo logo on it.

Just me.

But why not expand on that idea and make it so there are a few choices in games to be played on each one? So you could have yoshi's island or a random game like Mickey Mania, the Addams Family, or something for other consoles, like Mario Kart for the N64 and one of the Metroid games for the wii? For NES, also have Castlevania and Caveman Joe(or it might be Ninja caveman or Ninja Joe or something like that).Also, why can't we have a hand-held console in there? I'd love to see the gameboy, one of my oldest friends. ;)

Since i'm ever analytical, there is a problem with my own idea, and thats that the stage itself might be too overloaded. I don't know about capacity-wise on the Wii-u, so forgive me if thats the problem.
Well since it will be R.O.B's stage I kept the logo the same since it kind of represents "hardware" anyways. Yes the reason I did not add more is even with what I have I know such an undertaking would require a lot of work. So I chose the games that were the iconic titles of that generation. Also I did represent the Gameboy in there, just not with the console but their cartridges.

Figured the 3DS version of this stage would utilize the portable consoles instead. ;)


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Would it be a good or bad thing if Hal took off with your ideas?
You know... without the credit?
They're damn good and I would like to see them implemented.
I wouldn't care if they did, no skin off my back as long as they were implemented.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Yeah, good work Star! I'm loving these stage concepts as I am getting very tired of character debates. Flat Zone and Pictochat were almost handheld stages in their own right, although not the same thing. If you zoomed out Picto and added a stylus you'd have Nintendo DS. Flat Zone is already zoomed out to show buttons, at least when you pause.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Nintendo does like to do the occasional out-of-context thing, such as putting a SNES controller in to one of their DK games. Well, it's kind of out-of-context, if you get my meaning. OOh, i can't remember where it is now....


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
You mean the random stuff scattered around Cranky's Cabin in DKC2? Or perhaps the appearance of Mario, Yoshi, Link, and even Sonic's sneakers in the ending sequence of the same game? Really in DKC2 there were a lot of random Nintendo references and cameos. That was Rare but yeah. If that was what you meant...

Phantom Gamer

<font color="#ff00ff">pranked!</font>
Mar 29, 2011
the Moon
I would cry if Espy or Mink came and ***** this thread with ponies (that namesearch bait though LOL)

All I would do is this.

We need back-up.
Well lucky for you I'm neither of them.

Luna coming in late in the night.


....20$ vs Jiggly/ZSS if I win I get the money and you leave the ponies away from me, if I lost you take the money and I have to join the pony cult.

Bring on the ponies!! :troll:
Alright Omega. I'll bring it on to you on the MKWii track during friendlies.

You've lost your mind Omega LOL, aiyyo when are we playing MKWii again? After I get off work tomorrow?
You play MKWii Iblis? How come I haven't seen you on the MKWii thread then? Join us.

This site haz a pony thread?

Lastly I'm curious as to what new characters will be in this new smash game.
I'd really love for my gal Luna to be in this game.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
You mean the random stuff scattered around Cranky's Cabin in DKC2? Or perhaps the appearance of Mario, Yoshi, Link, and even Sonic's sneakers in the ending sequence of the same game? Really in DKC2 there were a lot of random Nintendo references and cameos. That was Rare but yeah. If that was what you meant...
It also had a few Non-Nintendo cameos. Earthworm was there as well. His gun.

SMRPG has Samus, Link, Falcon, Samurai Goroh, and an Arwing. I love Cameos.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Lastly I'm curious as to what new characters will be in this new smash game.
I'd really love for my gal Luna to be in this game.
I love your sig. So much.

This thread's filled with so much hate tonight. and I haven't posted in it in so long!

Why the haters gotta hate? We don't even know nothin' 'bout this game yet, dawg.

People be stupid.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I agree. But yeah, all of those things Crim.

I still have DKC2 on my SNES(actually i have 2 SNESes ;D)

Hang on, i think i might have a stalker here somewhere....


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
:D It was an amazing game, as well as DKC1. DKC3 i didn't mind but i didn't grow up with it like i did with the first 2.

Ok, seriously, i need a certain fighter to SHOW HIMSELF!
Jun 8, 2009
Yeah people complain about camping and all that but the game is actually really fun once you get into and understand it. That's why you should pick the character you enjoy the most so when you are in the learning process it's as fun as possible.
I like camping.

That's what lead me to characters like Snake and Falco.

I hope they make more Donkey Kong games and this time, no tikis.
Jill Valentine. . . ? :)

[COLLAPSE="Revelations Outfit"]

No one should forget Prince Sabure and Demille.
Aww... She looks ugly.

I like her stars costume better.
i dont know about you guys but i can really picture chris red field in smash bros 4, think about it, he has a pretty good chance, he has a lot of weapons that he can bring over to smash 4, and he has been on a nintendo device, the 3DS with mercenaries, so i think he has a good chance. any one else think so?
Actually, I support Chris Redfield despite his chances being low.

@Kuma: Possible playstyles for newcomers....

Toad - Grappler/grabber type + Defensive
Jr - Mind games, stun + Offensive
Ridley - Long range/Threat + Offensive
K Rool - Powerhouse + Defensive
Mega Man - Camper + Super defensive
Little Mac - Combo + Super rush down
Saki - Camper + Super defensive

Was the thread only about SmashChu's posts? At least most of the posts today are gameplay related

RZ - Shield
LZ - Dodge

Any thoughts? I'm not 100% assured of this idea but I like the idea.

How about changing the function of the x or y button. Both of them do jump so I guess we could change one of them
You remember wrong and I already said Beserker made a Ryu H. moveset, it came out really nicely LOL

@Stage: I only saw the pics but, THAT HARD READ. Okay finished reading, that's your most complex idea yet. Best thing about it is that I can see it being tourney viable :)

@Star: Great stage concept.
it didnt work

http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=12952276&postcount=9789 - Ryu H. moveset.

Shortie, your support for Jill is tempting me to make a moveset for her... Errrr.... Must resist.... :I

Err... Never mind about Mega Man :(


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well lucky for you I'm neither of them.

Luna coming in late in the night.


Alright Omega. I'll bring it on to you on the MKWii track during friendlies.

You play MKWii Iblis? How come I haven't seen you on the MKWii thread then? Join us.


Lastly I'm curious as to what new characters will be in this new smash game.
I'd really love for my gal Luna to be in this game.
Dang PH, you love ponies too?

In that case I'm gonna have to show you whose boss on the track.

...and that goes for Iblis too. :awesome:



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I'll just repost my latest stage concept.

[COLLAPSE="Stage Concept"]So my last stage idea was pretty fun. After playing through Sin and Punishment it left me with a great deal of inspiration. But now it is time for probably the craziest stage idea I have ever had. It is going to take an old stage mechanics, tweak it, and triple the insanity. In a way this will be the home of a particular returning character, since it will be very applicable to him. So, are you ready for this?

What is this madness?! Why it is the ultimate stage, Nintendo! That is right, this stage takes place on Nintendo consoles! You will begin at the NES and end with the Wii U. All the while dodging the various hazards each consoles brings with it... The consoles will cycle much like Pokéfloats, there will be things that will carry you to the next console. The entire background is a blank TV screen with static. And yes, this is R.O.B's home stage.

The stage begins on a giant NES, it is long and flat. Much like Pictochat orFinal Destination. Suddenly the light flashes and the power button sinks into the console and the image of Super Mario Bros title screen flashes on the backround. Suddenly the background is nothing but a playthrough of World 1-1! While fighting atop an NES no less! But be careful, there is a strange gun above you. It's a NES Zapper, tired of the blood of fowl it is now hunting you! Dodge the crosshairs to survive to the next evolution of entertainment! The NES starts to pan to the left of the screen and the SNES emerges from the right, jump onto the SNES before you get pulled offscreen by the receding NES.

Now it is time for the 16bit era! With the NES gone the screen is blank once more, the stage is now a little more awkward as the design for the SNES is not smooth like the NES. Plus there is a floating controller to the right of the console acting as a secondary platform. Something looks off, what is it? No cartridge in the system? Until now, falling from the sky is a spinning SNES game cartridge. Move out of the middle of the stage before it lands or you will receive massive damage! Now the stage is even more awkward to fight on with the extra level. But the better question is, what game is it? The poser button slides up, the buttons on the the controller/platform start bobbing up and down (which means a hazard for characters on the platform BTW). The screen flashes, A Link to the Past! Our Link begins his adventure in the Dark World, making his way around the strange world. Now the system is off, the controller platform is unplugged from the SNES and begins to lower away, but the stage isn't moving? That is because this time we are going up! Hop onto the Zelda cartridge before you are left behind.

As it rises the cartridge will be your platform and other cartridges (NES, SNES, GB) will rise with you, allowing you to hop platforms to make up for the lack of space. Yes, you will be able to see their cover art and it will cameo many different series and titles.

Finally you make your way to the N64, this time you aren't fighting on the console, but the controller. Super Mario 64 is in the background on this one. As you hop on the control stick and buttons it will cause Mario to change directions or jump on the screen in the background. The controller itself will move around in the air, finally detaching from the system when that section is complete. Below it will emerge our favorite purple lunchbox!

But the Gamecube is sideways, so your view is from the side. The console itself is flat with the controller, again, acting as a platfrom to the lower left. Although this time the cable itself is a platform too and extends from the controller to the console. Giving the most space out of all the consoles to battle on. Be careful standing on the Gamecube, because when the top pops up you will be flung off the stage. Just like in Pirate Ship! Then it will close and our next game will appear in the background and its... Super Smash Bros. Melee!!! You will watch a match between Fox and Marth on Final Destination, no items. The disc will eject and it will fly offscreen to the left. The stage will begin panning to the right, only to unveil a certain white, rectangular box.

Ahh, a flat surface again! There is one Wiimote floating above the stage acting as an additional platform. It will float up and down and moving in accordance to the action of the game behind it. What game is that? Wii Sports of course. The blue light will flash on the Wii and the games will begin. If it's baseball the Wiimote will swipe across the stage, damaging players. If it's boxing it'll jab back and forth. Golf, a wide sweep below onto the stage. Bowling, will begin at the end of the stage and slowly move halfway until making a large skyward swipe. Tennis, simple easy swing. Tired after so much movement, it is now time to take a break. Wiimote lights flash and the system is off. Whew, time to move on. Our last stop, Wii U.

Wii U:
The Wii U tablet will arrive to the side of the stage just like an elavator. Hop aboard, there is plenty of room. So it will descend, no obstacles of gimmicks just a straight out static platform. But what will play in the bacgkround this time? The very match going on. Just like Pokémon Stadium it will be your characters. Except at point the stage will go blank and below you you will see the tablet screen light up. So down you go and go and go, until you begin at the very beginning. The NES...

You my friends just took the ultimate tour. The Nintendo tour, an experience unlike any other.

Stage Examples:

NES: ________
Snes: -...-.-

N64: -_-



Wii U: -_______-

Stage Name: Nintendo
Icon: Gyromite symbol

Nintendo - Nintendo (This song will be an original like Pictochat. It will be composed by Hirokazu Tanaka, and will make use of the many "sounds" of Nintendo. Such as the Gameboy boot up jingle, Gamecube jingle, Wii menu theme, cartridges clicking and scratching. Some of the most random sounds that only "Hip" Tanaka could turn into some musical masterpiece!)
Nintendo 3DS - Street Pass Quest
Nintendo 3DS - Street Pass Mii Plaza
Nintendo 3DS EShop - EShop
Nintendo 3DS - Augmented Reality titles
Wii Photo Channel - Bright
Check Mii Out Channel - Select a Mii
Wii Shop Channel - Wii Shop Channel (Brawl)
Gyromite - Gyromite (Brawl)
Mario Paint - Gnat Attack
Meteos - Lastar
Pictobits - End Credits
So many games - Totaka's Song (also here and here)

So what do you think? Was it worth the read? Crazy enough? This is probably a pro-player's worst nightmare but who cares. It's fun and that is what matters! Hopefully everyone enjoyed this as it is probably my craziest.[/COLLAPSE]

Phantom Gamer

<font color="#ff00ff">pranked!</font>
Mar 29, 2011
the Moon
Dang PH, you love ponies too?

In that case I'm gonna have to show you whose boss on the track.

...and that goes for Iblis too. :awesome:

Haha. Who is this "PH" of whom you speak of?
If you mean me, my shortened name is PG.
Also Omega haven't you ever noticed my avi at all on the MKWii thread? :p
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