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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
What's it about this time? Entrance or something?
Shortie using an "one-off" as an excuse that he'll never be considered, or not having the biggest fanbase.

The thing is, I don't like one-offs myself, but they are legitimate choices anyway.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Shortie using an "one-off" as an excuse that he'll never be considered, or not having the biggest fanbase.

The thing is, I don't like one-offs myself, but they are legitimate choices anyway.
I haven't played the game so I ain't sticking my nose into this. But I must say that I'd vote for Ganondorf still. I still would because of Shiek's appearence in Brawl.

Also, I got challenged by a guy named NumNu on Brawl yesterday. He said he was the best Bowser Player ever. I owned him with a flawless victory of 10 stocks. That means I still had 10 XD

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I haven't played the game so I ain't sticking my nose into this. But I must say that I'd vote for Ganondorf still. I still would because of Shiek's appearence in Brawl.
Nobody said anything about replacing Ganondorf, but him being a fifth slot. I wouldn't replace G-Dorf no matter what.(although I'm fine with an alternate version of him like Toon Ganondorf, or even regular Ganon)

Likewise, what we did talk about was possibly Sheik being replaced with SS Impa.

Also, I got challenged by a guy named NumNu on Brawl yesterday. He said he was the best Bowser Player ever. I owned him with a flawless victory of 10 stocks. That means I still had 10 XD
I've heard of worse players. Bowser's not beyond bad in Brawl. He's not in the Hyrule Tier for a reason. Anyway, I play a fairly decent Melee Bowser... in low-end tourneys.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Nobody said anything about replacing Ganondorf, but him being a fifth slot. I wouldn't replace G-Dorf no matter what.(although I'm fine with an alternate version of him like Toon Ganondorf, or even regular Ganon)

Likewise, what we did talk about was possibly Sheik being replaced with SS Impa.

I've heard of worse players. Bowser's not beyond bad in Brawl. He's not in the Hyrule Tier for a reason. Anyway, I play a fairly decent Melee Bowser... in low-end tourneys.
I didn't say anyone said that Ganondorg would be replaced, did I? ;)

If Shiek is replaced by SS Impa, I'll have happy days (Tired of the sexual jokes on Zelda due to it :facepalm:)

Also, Bowser was beast on Melee. My friend discovered how to do the Fortress hogging, and kept killing me with it T_T

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I didn't say anyone said that Ganondorg would be replaced, did I? ;)
I probably misread. My bad.

If Shiek is replaced by SS Impa, I'll have happy days (Tired of the sexual jokes on Zelda due to it :facepalm:)
I actually like Sheik more than Impa, but I have no problem with it either. Impa is an extremely important character to the Zelda series as a whole.

Also, Bowser was beast on Melee. My friend discovered how to do the Fortress hogging, and kept killing me with it T_T
Nice. Back in my heyday, I thought he was the worst character. Oy. Loved him, though, but I found Ganondorf a better choice.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Not really. Ghirahim's role in Skyward Sword is bigger then that of Zant's in Twilight Princess. There are three major battles you have with Ghirahim in Skyward Swords. There is also that Zant was upsurp by Ganondorf in Twilight Princess for the final battle whereas Ghirahim is reviving his master in Skyward Swords and that Shigeru Miyamoto wants Ghirahim to be "remembered". Nintendo has also gone on the record to say this is the greatest Zelda game yet, so they are very confident in the product.
Twilight Princess spoilers below! :laugh:
You know technically you encounter Zant 3 times in Twilight Princess right=??? Link "fights" him once in a cut scene, and you have one boss battle with him towards the end of the game of course.
You do realize that is a load of kroc right? Final Fantasy is filled with villains that would be considered one shot. Some of them are not even the "real" final boss yet it does not stop them from being prominent or appearing in crossover games. While the circumstances may be a little different the point remains the same.
Well those "crossover games" aren't in the same ball park as Super Smash Bros. Comparing the two is like comparing an average high school football to the Super Bowl.

On top of that every Final Fantasy character that isn't Chocobo, Sid, etc, or a common enemy only appears in one game. That's why in the Final Fantasy-based fighting games or say Tactics, you got a ton of one-offs; that's the series in a handbag!
Shortie using an "one-off" as an excuse that he'll never be considered, or not having the biggest fanbase.
So far Sheik is the only "one-off" character that has made it as a playable character in smash that wasn't the main character. That was probably justified because:
1. Ocarina of Time is the most popular Zelda game, and was huge when Melee came out.
2. Ocarina of Time is one of the greatest games of all-time, and was hugely revolutionary.
3. Sheik's style and Zelda's style are polar opposites. Therefore (hypothetically) together you can use both of their styles to counter just about anyone, which creates a unique duo.
4. Sheik was ridiculously popular because of Ocarina of Time's success, and her popular appearance and character in Ocarina of Time.
5. Sheik's play style is truly unlike any other character in the series even now. Nobody plays, moves, or fights like Sheik.

I'm not saying Ghirahim won't be considered, but he won't be wanted as much as Sheik was (at least in terms of the percentage of people who wanted them). Sheik was ridiculously popular. Ghirahim can be (rightfully) labelled as just another Zant, Midna, or even Agahim in the Zelda franchise (unless he appears in the franchise again). If Ghirahim has another major role in the Zelda franchise, and doesn't disappear like Vatti, he could easily be in the situation Bowser Jr. is, if not in a better "situation" with the fans if he is well-received and adds a lot of unique character and moves to The Legend of Zelda and Super Smash Bros. As for me, I'm not discounting him. I'm just not counting on him. :laugh:

Deleted member

I was talking about boss battles when you fight the character (not including cutscenes). Ghirahim has three major battles in which you fight him hand-to-hand whereas you only have one with Zant near the end. So really, Ghirahim still has the upper hand in terms of role when compared to Zant.
Johnknight1 said:
1. Ocarina of Time is the most popular Zelda game, and was huge when Melee came out.
2. Ocarina of Time is one of the greatest games of all-time, and was hugely revolutionary.
3. Sheik's style and Zelda's style are polar opposites. Therefore (hypothetically) together you can use both of their styles to counter just about anyone, which creates a unique duo.
4. Sheik was ridiculously popular because of Ocarina of Time's success, and her popular appearance and character in Ocarina of Time.
5. Sheik's play style is truly unlike any other character in the series even now. Nobody plays, moves, or fights like Sheik.
Honestly, a lot of these arguments could potentially apply to Ghirahim as well.

#1: Skyward Swords will also be huge by the time SSB4 is out and what if it comes close to matching Ocarina of Time in sales?
#2: Not revolutionary, but Skyward Swords is also universally acclaimed and some critics goes far as to call it one of the best games ever and some do think it even surpass Ocarina of Time.
#3: Makes sense, but I don't think Sakurai used this as a reason on why he picked Sheik as a playable character in Melee.
#4: Same could apply to Ghirahim.
#5: Kirby's style is unlike any other character. Your point? And Ghirahim could have a style like no other if he got into Smash as well.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Yes I know that. And quite frankly, Ghirahim has one of the biggest roles of any Zelda enemy in the history of the series (I agree with you there).

Yet, I don't think that is enough to get Ghirahim to be playable in smash. At least, not without a crap ton of fan support. Even fan support to the extent of Ike may be good enough. If Ghirahim makes more appearances in the Legend of Zelda and doesn't disappear from the series like Vatti did after multiple appearances, my stance on his chances will change. Until that time, I think he has a minimal shot without a huge amount of fan support.

#1: Skyward Swords will also be huge by the time SSB4 is out and what if it comes close to matching Ocarina of Time in sales?
#2: Not revolutionary, but Skyward Swords is also universally acclaimed and some critics goes far as to call it one of the best games ever and some do think it even surpass Ocarina of Time.
#3: Makes sense, but I don't think Sakurai used this as a reason on why he picked Sheik as a playable character in Melee.
#4: Same could apply to Ghirahim.
#5: Kirby's style is unlike any other character. Your point? And Ghirahim could have a style like no other if he got into Smash as well.
#1. Skyward Sword still most likely won't be as "huge" compared to other titles at the time as Ocarina of Time, especially considering many non-casual gamers have forgotten the Wii. Ocarina of Time easily overshadowed so many classic games at the time. Plus popularity doesn't just land a few months. These upcoming Smash Bros. games are probably 3 to 5 years away. If Skyward Sword and Ghirahim have a lasting legacy and lasting popularity like Ocarina of Time, that does nothing but help Ghirahim's chances.

#2: Many people said that about the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Yet, I've seen reviews as low as 7.5 for Skyward Sword by a major site (Game Spot, although they tend to hate Zelda these day; other sites graded similarly lower compared to most console Zelda games). I think the lowest Ocarina of Time rating I ever saw from a review site was 90% or 95%.

#3. It may not have been an initial reason, but I think it was at least a key reason Sheik returned in Brawl. Plus Sakurai wanted a ying and yang character.

#4. We'll have to wait and see if Ghirham gets that level of popularity. Sheik was pretty high up there on the Melee poll (in the top ten I think) that Sakurai took.

#5. Ghirahim wouldn't be the first swordsman, like how Sheik was the first (and so far only) ninja. Plus just look at her movement. Nobody even moves like Sheik.

Good points overall SSBF, but overall we'll have to see with Skyward Sword. Truly, we just don't know.

I have my doubts on it selling well (as in 6 million plus would be good in my opinion) on the Wii. However, the Wii U version of the game (if there is one) is a wild card. It could sell maybe a few million. It could become a bundled game with the Wii U and become super popular. We don't know yet. Regardless, by this time next year we probably will know how popular Ghirahim is, or at least how popular he can be.

Deleted member

@Johnknight1: I think Ghirahim has a potential to get a large movement towards him being in Smash 4. The reception to him has been mostly positive and I am noticing an increase in support for him.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@Johnknight1: I think Ghirahim has a potential to get a large movement towards him being in Smash 4. The reception to him has been mostly positive and I am noticing an increase in support for him.
Tons of character have potential to have a noticeably big and devote movement. However, you are right. Ghirahim could very well be one of the most sought after character. I agree.

I understand Ghirahim's hype is going to be bigger. Now people actually are playing Skyward Sword (except me). Unless Ghirahim was absolutely terrible as a character or Skyward Sword was awful, of course the game's release would increase his popularity. If a game gets positive reception, often people view the majority of the game's characters positively.

My big question is this: Will Ghirahim's hype die down=??? Again, this smash bros. game could come out 5 years from now. We could have a new console Zelda game. Could the hype still be huge=??? Could the hype until at least the playable characters roster is chosen by Sakurai and the Smash Bros. development team=??? We won't know until them.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
As for the three listed you miss the point again (and the tie into my original point). Very few people were asking for R.O.B and Mr. Game and Watch, and maybe even Ice Climbers to a degree. Those characters were the result of Sakurai's own discretion. The same thing with Roy but to a greater degree as his game was not even released BEFORE he decided to include him into the game. Sakurai has made many a decisions based upon his own criteria, and is why Smash Bros is unique and successful as a series.
UGH. I just deleted everything I wrote. ERG.

Okay, my point was, he doesn't fall under any sort of catagory like those three. G&W, and ROB fall under this retro aspect that is almost NEVER expected. It's where most of Sakurai's Brawl suprise was. ROB, and PT where the two suprising characters. And Roy was added because they needed a clone. Ghirahim doesn't fall under any sort of "I can see him being added because: xyz" catagory. Yes, characters with little/no fanbase have been added, but he doesn't even fall in the same catagory as all those characters. He isn't a main protagonist (PT), a retro, or an BRAND NEW character (Roy). It has nothing to do with him being unknown and that's why he's a poor choice.

Midna was once a better version of Ghirahim, and she didn't (at least) make the final roster. That's why I seriously doubt Ghirahim. UNLESS, the game becomes some revolution to the series and sells like hotcakes. If Ghirahim can't outshine other one shot characters, why would he be added? That's my point. It has NOTHING to do with him being an unknown/unpopular choice. It has to do with him not shining, or at least outshining any others who have been in his situation, and STILL didn't make it.

I see no reason why Ghirahim would be added, but Midna wouldn't be, besides the whole OoT2 MEGAFANGASM thing.

Shortie using an "one-off" as an excuse that he'll never be considered, or not having the biggest fanbase.

The thing is, I don't like one-offs myself, but they are legitimate choices anyway.
They aren't legitimate choices, that's the thing. I would also like to note that I don't think Ghirahim's FABITUDE is going to appeal to the US audience, nd he probably won't grab as big of a following as Midna/others.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
^ Today is Melee's 10th birthday (as in when it was released first, which was in Japan).

Also, nothing has been announced today. Nothing. Just debate over Ghirahim's chances.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I like how ever since I posted that there is no actual recent Super Smash Bros. 4 news there have been but one post after this thread was steadily booming, lol!

But seriously, something tells me we're going to start debating what comes next in terms of news. We already ruled that a reveal trailer would really mark the beginning of the two upcoming smash bros. games' hype. Yet, what do you guys think will come before that=???

Honestly, I think that either the revealing of a new traditional controller (to play with in Smash), the smash bros. development team's unification/formation is completed, or Sakurai will reveal some detail about his future idea or basis of his plan of the next smash bros games will be our next "big" reveal.

I think there is also a tiny chance the actual title of said smash bros. games may be leaked early (just like how Melee and Brawl's roster was leaked early), but I doubt it. I'm not sure if Brawl's title was leaked early. "Brawl" as a title wasn't totally surprising. Personally, I think Clash would be an epic title, and to a lesser extent, so would Barrage, Havok, Fray, and Strife.
Action, Arena, Assault, Battle (for the 3DS version especially), Battle Royal, Beat Down, Blast, Brush, Campaign (for the 3DS version mostly), Challenge, Collision, Conflict, Confrontation, Conquest, Contest, Crash, Cross, Devastation, Duel, Endure, Fight, Final, Ravage, Resistance, Rush, Slam, Spar, Struggle, Tussle, Universe, War, World, and Wrath would also be other good names for a future smash bros. game.

Anyways I'm out. See you all later! :grin:


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I wonder WHEN the hype will hit, and how prepared SWF will be in terms of how big of an area SSB4 speculation will get. I seriously doubt it will stay as small as these two threads.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
This summer is when Smash Boards is gonna be hype.

And no, I'm not just referring to a theoretical E3 2012 reveal trailer. Other than maybe Pikmin 3, I doubt Nintendo would ever announce a project (especially one as big as this) and not speak of it for years. I'm sure they'll at least us inform us on Smash 4's progress then, if not a few solid details (such as elaborating on Smash 4's interconnectivity or revealing and explaining its most innovative features). Sakurai and Iwata, especially the former, were reluctant to announce the project so early, knowing full well that us fans would be disappointed at how far away the game still is, so I'm sure they'll make up for that with something in the near future. For speculation's sake, I doubt we'll be left empty-handed after E3 next year...

Jun 8, 2009
How come every time I check on this thread, it's always a snippy ***** fest over something ridiculously trivial? Oh well. I guess it's still better than the endlessly repetitive Pokemon discussions that spring up every other page!


But I like playing the game of speculating (Even if I know it's trivial) and trolling
Kuma VS Falcon VS John

ALL OUT..... opinion debate..... (Except for the law bull****)

Oh No. Your right. I'm not Sakurai. That means everything I say isnt true and thus I can't say your idea for random Pokemon number 439 isn't dumb and wont happen wth a hundred other ones available to chose from. Ack. You have slain me. Go...od...s..ho.....w...
Despite the number of wrong spellings, I agree with this. Some characters are.... JUST TOO UNLIKELY.... even without thinking about it. I KINDA.... partially agree with asage but.... Goomba = Ridley? HUH? Oh well..... It's time to WAIT.... While speculating
John against camping
I won't pelt you for this since it's your opinion BUT I'm a zoner/camper until the end *salutes*
@Broserker and Kuma: Hey guys, have you played UMvC3 yet? It is epicly amazing, Phoenix Wright definetly work with both Dante and Viper for some reason, it's amazing. :cool:
UGH. I don't have it yet
*looks at UltimateRazer*
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh ;)


Gonna be off for 2 days (Wednesday and Thursday).

Any debate comes (Especially a Toad debate), good luck to Star, Shorts, Brosis, Kumo, Java and Luco.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
^^I guess I don't need luck on my side. :cool:

But yeah, like many people I'll be busy as well over the next few days.

As for the hype, well having only been a guest during Pre-Brawl, I look forward to seeing what will happen. Although looking at some of the SSB4 blogs, from what I can tell it's going to be pretty bad. That and the inevitable Mario rep war.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2010
The only things I would like to see in a new game would be:
1- Mewtwo
2- Easier ways of hacking
3- The same 3d model format of Pokemon Battle Revolution, because if it's like that, then we can import those really awesome stages and pokemon into this game.
That would be awesome, but all of these are less likely to happen.

Jun 8, 2009
Mario rep war?

MEH. I'm not worried about that anymore to be honest. Even before being a Toad fan, I bet my coins on Toad if there's gonna be a new Mario rep. But just like what Shorts said:

"No matter if my favorite character does not get in the game, I'll always like the game for what it is"

BUT, I'll support and root for Toad until the end


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2011
Forest Maze
I like how ever since I posted that there is no actual recent Super Smash Bros. 4 news there have been but one post after this thread was steadily booming, lol!

But seriously, something tells me we're going to start debating what comes next in terms of news. We already ruled that a reveal trailer would really mark the beginning of the two upcoming smash bros. games' hype. Yet, what do you guys think will come before that=???

Honestly, I think that either the revealing of a new traditional controller (to play with in Smash), the smash bros. development team's unification/formation is completed, or Sakurai will reveal some detail about his future idea or basis of his plan of the next smash bros games will be our next "big" reveal.

I think there is also a tiny chance the actual title of said smash bros. games may be leaked early (just like how Melee and Brawl's roster was leaked early), but I doubt it. I'm not sure if Brawl's title was leaked early. "Brawl" as a title wasn't totally surprising. Personally, I think Clash would be an epic title, and to a lesser extent, so would Barrage, Havok, Fray, and Strife.
Action, Arena, Assault, Battle (for the 3DS version especially), Battle Royal, Beat Down, Blast, Brush, Campaign (for the 3DS version mostly), Challenge, Collision, Conflict, Confrontation, Conquest, Contest, Crash, Cross, Devastation, Duel, Endure, Fight, Final, Ravage, Resistance, Rush, Slam, Spar, Struggle, Tussle, Universe, War, World, and Wrath would also be other good names for a future smash bros. game.

Anyways I'm out. See you all later! :grin:
I actually really liked the Super Smash Bros. Universe one that was "leaked"


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
This summer is when Smash Boards is gonna be hype.

And no, I'm not just referring to a theoretical E3 2012 reveal trailer. Other than maybe Pikmin 3, I doubt Nintendo would ever announce a project (especially one as big as this) and not speak of it for years. I'm sure they'll at least us inform us on Smash 4's progress then, if not a few solid details (such as elaborating on Smash 4's interconnectivity or revealing and explaining its most innovative features). Sakurai and Iwata, especially the former, were reluctant to announce the project so early, knowing full well that us fans would be disappointed at how far away the game still is, so I'm sure they'll make up for that with something in the near future. For speculation's sake, I doubt we'll be left empty-handed after E3 next year...
I think Nintendo is going to give us new information (maybe a trailer, screenshots, concepts, etc) at least every 6 months over the next year, and information every 3 months in 2013 (a trailer in 2013 is near guaranteed). After that, I think we will get new information about every month early on, and then maybe even new information on every week day through the Dojo much like Brawl. And expect a lot of hype. Hopefully Smash Boards doesn't crash so frequently like it did in the pre-Brawl days! :laugh:
I wonder WHEN the hype will hit, and how prepared SWF will be in terms of how big of an area SSB4 speculation will get. I seriously doubt it will stay as small as these two threads.
When Brawl was announced that is when they made the "General Brawl Discussion" forum. And that is when the stupidity, craziness, and absolute insanity began! :awesome: :cool: :laugh:
Well I just looked and Sakura Samurai is coming overseas.

It also confirms that the main character is not Takamaru, but instead is a new character called Mallo.
Now this is news. I don't think Mallo is playable material (you never know, though). if Takamaru gets a new game, it could propel Takamaru to be the Little Mac of the East!


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
My Head

King K. Rool

Toad - Besides Third Party characters who is more wanted right now among Nintendo's first party universe? Only one is Ridley.

King K. Rool - He better be in, and he better look like he did in DKC, not the mockery that he is in SLuggers/Barrel Blast. If they make King K. Rool in the art style they made DK and Diddy in Brawl I will be a very happy man.

Plusle + Minum - Obsrure I know, but if there is to be another IC like duo, these two are the obvious choice. Plus they have the body model of Pichu, therefore Pichus moves could be used on them, in essence bringing Picu back in spirit.

Bomberman - IMO the gaping hole in Smash. Other then MEgaman no other third party charter has had as many memerable games as Bomberman. Bomerman for the NES and SNES were THE multiplayer games of their time. Me and my cousins spent hoours playing 4 player bomberman. Then there werethe HIGHLY underrated and overshadowed bomberman 64 games, both of which were really good and fun. Lastly Bomberman Blast on Wii ware is just as fun as the NES SNES days, but now with 8 player. Bomberman has as much history with nintendo as say Starfox. Hopefully Hudson is open to letting him join the Smash series.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Mario rep war?

MEH. I'm not worried about that anymore to be honest. Even before being a Toad fan, I bet my coins on Toad if there's gonna be a new Mario rep. But just like what Shorts said:

"No matter if my favorite character does not get in the game, I'll always like the game for what it is"

BUT, I'll support and root for Toad until the end
If it can happen with us, it'll happen for sure when E3 starts up (if there's no Mario rep shown). I'm not worried about it, but it'll be pretty annoying to put up with.

Good quote though. ;)

Not sure how much of this can apply to Smash Bros, but Skyward Sword will be receiving a manga adaptation soon:

Interesting. It certainly shows how far Nintendo is going with promoting this game.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Both Mario Kart 7 and Fortune Street are releasing next week. While its looking like there may not be anymore characters for Mario Kart 7 (I am still shocked that Waluigi might not actually be playable in this).

Fortune Street, as I mentioned months ago, offers an opportunity for the Geno fanbase to be reinvigorated if he shows up as a playable character in it.

We should hopefully know the entire roster to both games by the end of next week, or the week after that at the latest.

Also, I am still enjoying Kirby's Return to Greatness.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I do not think that is likely Chrono. One of the last two unrevealed characters is likely Toadette and the other people are speculating is either Rosalina or Lubba.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I do not think that is likely Chrono. One of the last two unrevealed characters is likely Toadette and the other people are speculating is either Rosalina or Lubba.
I was honestly not expecting Waluigi to not show up in Mario Kart 7. Also, I am pretty sure there were going to be five newcomers for the Mario side in Fortune Street (though it could have been four). Still, for Geno fans, this is their best chance at rebuilding their shattered fanbase.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I, for one, hopes that Geno isn't in Fortune Street. He needs to stay out of the competition and his insane fanbase doesn't need to be reinvigorated. I must remind everyone that Geno is one of the least deserving characters for Smash. Why should a Mario character who only had one game appearance in 1996 get in over series mainstays like Toad or Bowser Jr.? He doesn't represent the Mario series as a whole like Toad or Bowser Jr. do. It's like adding Error or Blind the Thief for the Zelda series.



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I was honestly not expecting Waluigi to not show up in Mario Kart 7. Also, I am pretty sure there were going to be five newcomers for the Mario side in Fortune Street (though it could have been four). Still, for Geno fans, this is their best chance at rebuilding their shattered fanbase.
Actually as it stands with Fortune Street there are only two unknown Mario characters left. Bowser Jr. and Diddy Kong were revealed in the latest trailer.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I, for one, hopes that Geno isn't in Fortune Street. He needs to stay out of the competition and his insane fanbase doesn't need to be reinvigorated.
Going to have to completely disagree there. Toad's fandom can be called insane too. People want him because of many reasons. I thought he was a very interesting character and key to the story. That's why I like him.

I must remind everyone that Geno is one of the least deserving characters for Smash. Why should a Mario character who only had one game appearance in 1996 get in over series mainstays like Toad or Bowser Jr.?
He had a cameo in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. Also, that doesn't matter. Nobody is more "deserving" than any other. That's just a false statement that people believe is a good excuse. It never was a good one. Frankly, his role in Super Mario RPG was excellent. If it weren't for paying money to Squeenix, his chances would've greatly risen. It's certainly a perfect 3rd party slot as well.

He doesn't represent the Mario series as a whole like Toad or Bowser Jr. do. It's like adding Error or Blind the Thief for the Zelda series.
Bowser Jr. doesn't either. Only Toad does. Nor does Sheik, yet she got in, didn't she? It's fine if you don't like him, but don't use silly reasons like that.

Sheik was in less games than Geno outside of Smash(which isn't the main series they're from), yet she's apparently a mainstay. One-offs are fine for SSB. Even though he isn't a one-off either. Please name a Zelda game besides OOT she appeared in officially. I can name two official Mario games with Geno's appearance. See the problem with the whole thing? You can't say one is more deserving because of more games, nor is deserving much of a reason, since that's too subjective. This is one case where only Sakurai can decide. If it was game count, I'd say Brian from Quest 64 is totally more deserving Sheik or Geno. Clearly, he's not. He's an obscure third party character from a meh series. Geno is in two very popular games.

Personally, I think Geno is one the most deserving myself, but it's not factual.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Sheik only got in because she is Zelda. Simple as that.

That'd be great if you could prove any of this. Too bad that's not provable, now is it?

Sheik being Zelda doesn't really mean anything when they don't play the same at all. Sheik is the same person as Zelda, not the same character. There's a difference there.

By that logic, Tetra should only get in because she's Zelda too. Pretty bad logic there. She should get in because of her own merits. Likewise, that means she shouldn't have been in Brawl either(that is, Sheik) because she's no longer actually deserving.

But you can't really make up arbitary reasons why they're more deserving than another. Geno is definitely a very important Mario character, even if only for one game. Just like Sheik was. He's as deserving as she is, then.

Deleted member

I thought it was confirmed that we were getting only twenty-six playable characters in Fortune Street, ruling out Geno altogether.

The Geno fan base, as much as I hate to say it, will likely be dead by the time the SSB4 is out. I'll still continue to want him in if I move on to SSB5, but I can't really say there's much going for him with Geno scoring a 27.91% on Create The SSB4 Roster.
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