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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
wotg have you ever met any smashers irl? I haven't met one yet that is anything like I thought they'd be, so if I were you I wouldn't use online interactions to determine your... compatibility with people. Unless you want to use them, which is your prerogative.


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
I think wotg takes online ssb64 too seriously sometimes.

It's an online gaming community.. It's fun to talk trash to people and stir up drama and what not. Who cares?

It's all in good fun dude.

Everyone I met at Apex was mad chill.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
It wouldn't make one bit of difference meeting them irl or not if we're not into the same things. Smash is the only thing of high interest we have in common really, so it stays there.

This whole thing from some people where they would want someone like me to be ever like them is not happening. We're just not the same kind of people.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
I think wotg takes online ssb64 too seriously sometimes.

It's an online gaming community.. It's fun to talk trash to people and stir up drama and what not. Who cares?

It's all in good fun dude.

Everyone I met at Apex was mad chill.
I don't think you get what's fully going on here, but thanks for your concern. Get off that melee **** and come play me often, bruh.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
i think over emphasizing whatever happened to you and it's incredibly silly to leak it to the subforums


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2012
i can sorta see the point. but that's true for basically anything. i automatically judge the people i take psych courses with, as well as the english majors, because i know i'd dislike all of them and not have anything in common besides enjoying to read. and even then, we'd have contrasting opinions.

it just so happens that, in smash, it's a bit more difficult. a lot of people only seem comfortable talking about the game and not beer, cormac mccarthy, judy garland, the civil war, or ford. shrug.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
i think over emphasizing whatever happened to you and it's incredibly silly to leak it to the subforums
Go away
i can sorta see the point. but that's true for basically anything. i automatically judge the people i take psych courses with, as well as the english majors, because i know i'd dislike all of them and not have anything in common besides enjoying to read. and even then, we'd have contrasting opinions.

it just so happens that, in smash, it's a bit more difficult. a lot of people only seem comfortable talking about the game and not beer, cormac mccarthy, judy garland, the civil war, or ford. shrug.
Yeah man


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2011
I feel what WOTG is saying. I wouldn't like most people on here in real life and they wouldn't like me either. That's why I'm so hesitant to go to Apex or anything cuz I would probably be quiet most the time.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
All of this ASSUMING is making you all look like *****.

In other threads (and this one), there have been discussions about basketball, football, tennis, and soccer. There have been discussions about music which have included all the genres. There have been tier lists about pizza toppings and girls (which is admittedly a little weird, but the subjects have been brought up nontheless).

If you guys don't have tastes in video games, girls, sports, music, and/or food, then yes, no one is going to like you. Geez lol


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
you must be some sort of wizard to see my broken pride through that post.

like i said i was pretty sure it was even but dont remember the numbers so i gave you the benefit of the doubt. wasnt tryin to call you a liar.

if this is just you wanting more games though i'm down

edit: on second thought, im not down. ggs champ.
aiight dude I know you're much better than me don't worry

I wasn't trying to say you were offended you're obviously very chill

WOTG we'll play on the ladder my man. And I will scrape you.


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
It's silly to preemptively judge people before you meet them in person IMO.

How many people thought I was going to be loud and obnoxious since I go around kaillera typing in caps and talking about ****ing dominating everyone?

Probably quite a few.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
Yawn. Just more people who don't know what they're talking about.

@Battlecow, I changed my mind about the ladder, don't like schedules.

Nor do they get the entire message...actually don't get it at all, making it even more accurate.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
lol WOTG. Yeah you take the concept of friendship and stuff too seriously when by nature, it should be, like, not.

inb4 classic WOTG "you don't get it" with zero explanation afterwards etc.

This whole thing from some people where they would want someone like me to be ever like them is not happening. We're just not the same kind of people.
^I think I could be friends with the vast majority of the community. I don't see why I need to have a bunch of stuff in common for that to be true. Interacting with various kinds of people is good for you.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
IDK with a big enough difference in lifestyle and if one party is fundamentally not interested in making nice

just let it go


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2012
It's silly to preemptively judge people before you meet them in person IMO.
yeah, but i don't think anyone goes out of their way to refuse judging someone before they meet them. i mean, it's just a natural thing we do on a daily basis - the moment we see someone in class we don't know, we make a judgment; the moment we see them type a message, we make a judgment; it's our brains working as lazily as usual. it just happens that way.

I don't see why I need to have a bunch of stuff in common for that to be true. Interacting with various kinds of people is good for you.
yeah, this is true. but i feel like you need SOMEthing to talk about or SOMEwhere to go to share an experience. smash can fulfill the experience, but like, what about when that has run its course? i may wanna hit the bar or grab a bottle, and you may not drink. or i may wanna jam and you may not play music. or play some ball but you play soccer. or go to see django but you don't like tarantino. you know?

i'm all for experiencing new folk, but i have to drawn the line somewhere. my ex roommate was heavy into bad rap, lifting, and smoking - nothing i enjoy. we were chill for a while, but now we don't speak anymore. by the same token, i was friends with someone who enjoyed partying and roaming the streets and playing video games and making mischief - all things i enjoy. i haven't seen him in years.

this seems lengthy. oh well.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Geh @ Battlecow and cobr_evolution. I don't think you people disagree with me overall, just on that one specific thing I said, and only when considered out of context at that. This community has a lot of different kinds of people, and if WOTG feels he doesn't have anything in common with EVERYONE I'm gonna go ahead and say it's him, not us (my point is not that he's weird, but that he's making generalizations about the community that probably aren't true to every single person). I'm just trying to express THAT, in maybe a poorly-chosen way.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I mean it's possible for him to be different from all of us

like if he was a buddhist monk for example


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2012
Geh @ Battlecow and cobr_evolution. I don't think you people disagree with me overall, just on that one specific thing I said, and only when considered out of context at that. This community has a lot of different kinds of people, and if WOTG feels he doesn't have anything in common with EVERYONE I'm gonna go ahead and say it's him, not us (my point is not that he's weird, but that he's making generalizations about the community that probably aren't true to every single person). I'm just trying to express THAT, in maybe a poorly-chosen way.
you right. i don't disagree with you overall, i just don't think it's really that simple, you know?

i suppose i see it as, a lot of smashers can get together and chill and have smash in common, but are less likely to be the same kind of friends with them that they are with their regular bunch. ya dig?


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
lol WOTG. Yeah you take the concept of friendship and stuff too seriously when by nature, it should be, like, not.
That has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If anyone is trying to be a loner (at life), it's you, if you genuinely believe this.

classic WOTG "you don't get it" with zero explanation afterwards etc.
How can I???

^I think I could be friends with the vast majority of the community. I don't see why I need to have a bunch of stuff in common for that to be true. Interacting with various kinds of people is good for you.
You don't understand what being a friend is. There's a difference between being cool with someone, than being friends. Yeah, and as far as I can tell most people in this community obsess over things that I don't care about, and vice versa. It's more than just having common interest in entertainment, but also different standards and morals altogether.

I don't think that's how it is though. Seems like WOTG is going out of his way to be a loner to me.
Because you don't know what you're talking about.

intended for those involved only[/SPOILER
Geh @ Battlecow and cobr_evolution. I don't think you people disagree with me overall, just on that one specific thing I said, and only when considered out of context at that. This community has a lot of different kinds of people, and if WOTG feels he doesn't have anything in common with EVERYONE I'm gonna go ahead and say it's him, not us (my point is not that he's weird, but that he's making generalizations about the community that probably aren't true to every single person). I'm just trying to express THAT, in maybe a poorly-chosen way.
You must of didn't read the lines wrapped in spoiler tags. :)

The people it's mainly directed to know who they are. Apparently I'm the one with the issues because to them I make a big deal out of certain things and whatnot... We just see things differently because we're different. I only posted it here as a post print.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I say we let it go. No one here has to do more than play smash with us. Agreed?

SK what schools are you applying to man? Isn't it about that time?


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
+Eleventy, chann

WOTG, what interests do you have that others may have as well, those that be cool with you or friends...? Just curious, WOTG


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
A note to my fellow smashers...
intended for those involved only

For those who don't know, there's been some drama (if you want to call it that), centered around me and certain other people. The common notion is that I have some sort of issue...acting out of character...
Here's the truth of the matter, honesty intended: There is nothing wrong with me, there is nothing wrong with any of you. To y'all I may have changed; been acting strange lately. I'm just having full realization that you are just not my kind of people. For the most part, we have nothing in common but smash. I can't forever pretend like I'm friends with people that are too different from me. We just have different standards on life based on our backgrounds, beliefs, goals, where and how we were raised. That's all we can do is play smash with each other, but overall we can not chill/hang together because we are not genuinely friends. This is not a farewell speech or an attack. I'm just telling it like how it's really going on to put it all to rest. Time to accept it, that's just how life is. Thank you.

Battlecow, I'll take any of those challenges, champ. :)
looks like WOTG even has johns for not getting along with people :p

Also on a more serious note wtf @ people who haven't met any smashers in real life yet assume that all smashers are nerdy/anti-social/etc. Smash players are a pretty diverse crowd.

you kids clearly don't know what friendship is

gotta watch more anime


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
Lets keep anime in the corresponding color code please.

So last night I played some guy who I THINK was kero. He acted all excited after our first game because I "post on smashboards." Then he goes on about how he always wanted to play people that post on smashboards, like "star king? and BATTLECOW!?"

Now at this point I know he's just trolling, because who in their right mind is excited to play battlecow? Then he keeps asking if I thought he could beat bcow, and said that bcow was the first person he played online. Lots of other stuff I thougth was bs, but playing bcow first rang of truth. Based on the strange online interaction that is so common to kero (he's normal in person), and him playing bcow online as his first game, and the fact that he was pretty good (didn't play his pika though), I think I FOUND KERO ONLINE. Gotcha *****!

He'll deny it though.
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