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THRILLER: This was it. Congrats to Cao, Amaterasu, Tibs, Shaya, Meteor and Unreon <3

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Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill

I think you did a really good job with coaching me in my matches. I'm just not used to switching a new play style I'm already so used to. Regardless, you helped and I'm very grateful for it. It contributed to the win against Tom!

Really, thank you :). Don't feel bad. Frustration gets the better hold of me. I'll do better next time.

Wubs cuted xoxoxo


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Friday night was so amazing. Andy and Simon with us at Maccas, family next to us staring at Simon as he tried to eat a Cheeseburger and got bun stuck to his face.

Then we stuck napkins to his hands.

But yeah, it was just so amazing. I'm sure we all made a couple of people who were out on the town that night pretty happy aswell.


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia

I think you did a really good job with coaching me in my matches. I'm just not used to switching a new play style I'm already so used to. Regardless, you helped and I'm very grateful for it. It contributed to the win against Tom!

Really, thank you :). Don't feel bad. Frustration gets the better hold of me. I'll do better next time.

Wubs cuted xoxoxo
where the hell was cao when i was playing then?



Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Or those guys who sat down in the park next to us and started eating dinner while watching.

Or that guy with the wine who decided to join in on the opening of the dance near the fountain.

So much fuuuuuuun.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
ok kids, shoutouts time!

thriller dance group, you guys were amazing, I wish I could have seen you on friday night
awesome addition to the tourney! cao-sama is the best ever!

said what I needed to say to you guys already, but good **** once again, bring the ****!


Ilag: you get a special big shoutout, which is more an appology, I'm sorry about that halberd thing (but it was pretty dam funny) call me gay and stuff, but I still love you! dont quit smash!!! (I'll teach you snake ;))

ted: thanks again for hosing us, all the usual stuff, 3rd in teams in **** for us, but we'll bounce back as usual.

ricky: I really think its only a matter of time before your sonic starts beating my snake (thats what she said) good to see you again dude and grats on 1st in doubles.

liam: lol, man you made this tourney so much fun, its so lol hanging out with you, also your dk still has it man.
lets go to robocop as cyborg ninja's with rolled up scrolls that shoot mist that... oh wait, you havnt watched that **** yet, go do it ***.

toby: you ****, pokemans trainer is sooooo unbelievablely good, holy hog****, good thing I've found your weakpoing (new pork city, fufufufufu) come to canberra already fuuuuuuuu!

SD: didnt really talk to you or play you, but good **** with the thriller dance, and melee singles! you could have had it man!!! speaking of melee, I need to get schooled by you next tourney, see if I can figure some stuff out.

Bjay: !!! so good to see you at tourneys again, sorry I forgot to bring jump :( you should come visit us in act sometime.

zero: fufufu you can never hope to match my power!!!
nah you'll get there.

Keita: wow, for a newcomer you were retardadly good, very impressed! keep coming to tourneys!

Melancholy: good games in melee dude, I love playing against your peach, its a good even fight that I have to put everything into if I want to win (sorry about timing you out on that last match, totally an accident!) if you want some coaching in brawl I'd be happy to help, but you'd be better off talking to splice 'cause his G&W is pretty amazing.

SummonerAU: sorry I didnt really play you or talk to you, just made wierd faces at you evertime I walked past, the new act dudes loved you, keep being a winner ;)

The rest (haha)

tibs: what a winner! good stuff dude, and great games, 2 stocking me on brinstar was ****ing crazy

Amaterasu: your young link is ridiculous, I think you pretty much combo'd me from start to finish in those matches.

C-Dog: you've really come a long way in a short while, you did really well at this tourney, all you need to do is drop those last few small habits and you'll be ****** so hard.

J-Birds: dammit I always tell myself I'm going to play some matches with you next time I see you and I never get around to it, I think a trip down to qld is in order soon, hopefully you can show me how to tech chase better ;)

Hotdogs: didn't get to play you either :(

Earl: good games dude, just when I thought I had you figured out after beating you in pools, you came back against me in the bracket with the ****, I look forward to our next match.

Nicks: dude, your followup's from earls attacks in doubles is way too good, and your really breaking out in singles too, shoulda played you! you better **** back up in melbourne.

ViVa: mario is 2g, come train with us in act already, your the pro-est of mario pros!

Nova: bad luck dude, cant believe you didnt get through pools! totally should have hung out with you more, maybe hit up the casino.
7 is my favorite number ;)

Vyse: great to seem you again man, deffiently felt like a real tourney with you around.
nsw needs to see more of you dammit! naza no murasamajou!

EA: get through pools man! shoulda come stayed with us on the sat night, it would have been epic.

alzi: your not bad dude, but you need to learn to use your head more.

hope thats everyone


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Land of Ooo
I was sleeping on a table bench and got woken up by the roar of Scabe timing you out. I'm sowwy... I'll coach you real good next time.
You make it sound like it was intentional on Scabe's part.

EDIT: shoutouts when im not dead


Oct 29, 2004
Nope, that's just your own misinterpretation.

You make it sound like I actually watched the match. ;)


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
definately wasn't intentional, which makes it an even stupider way for the game to end. i lost by 2%. gg.

we got timed out in teams once too. and two other matches would've been timed out if we didn't rush in with 1 minute left and get owned by trying to approach wario.

it seemed to be happening a lot...

but friday was amazing. so amazing that i fully intend to go to sydney again on the uni holidays. preferably not for smash, but just to catch up with all the awesome people there. didn't get to hang out with them nearly as much as i wanted to...


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
I dont understand why everyone times you out attila but I never get timed out by anyone?
I play way more campier then you


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
lol Luke, I don't think I ran into any ACT guys that tourney except for Scabe.

Just posting to say, eat it Scabe's puff, get stomped more.

:D :D :D :D :D


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
your ganon makes me wet

lol zero I'm soz, snake comes first :(

also campy is the way to go!
nades for no 1 on the tier list


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
Yeah it's true. Playing the campy Snake was actually pretty enjoyable, although incredibly FRUSTRATING. ZSS can't get past a wall of grenades.

substitute grenades with any word for your own mad libs!


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
Shoutouts, Sorry I forgets anyone.

T.O's: Fantastic tourney, thanks a lot for organizing it, I had a lot of fun. ^_^

Gords: Thanks so much for housing me, I really appreciate it. Good times were had, like when we ordered pizza, and watching you and zxv play melee. Your family was awesome too. :3

Zxv: Cool guy, pro at smash. 0 to 120% on C~dog was amazing. Beating gords in 50 seconds on poke floats was so funny. Sorry I wasn't very talkative in the car most of the time. XD

EA: You were pretty cool too, we didn't get to play at all though. :(

Vermy: We did awesome in teams! That brinstar match was pro <3. Thanks for the advice and stuff after I played Ilag, but I think I just need to practice the matchup with mario, not pick up diddy again. me stupid. :urg:

Leisha: It was a shame that you didn't get enough sleep before the tourney, don't worry about not playing as well as you could've, It happens to us all. =)

Scott: Good job in singles man, you're so pro!

Nova: LOL @ alzi, didn't say a thing. XD

Druckey: Well done :3

Scabe: ZOMG, you beat attila! YOU ARE SO AMAZING, teach me how to be amazing too please. <3

Tibs: YESSSSSS, I did it! ^__^ lol. God I love playing your diddy,
lolwtf o_o
It's so fun. Congrats on 1st too, so **** <3. It was cool talking to you too.

a': Ggs in those friendlies we played, also State pride > Character pride. :p

Toby: Yay we got to play! You're so **** with PT, It was awesome playing you again.

Ilag: Nado. That's about it I guess. :(

J-Birds: Mang, you tall, so tall. ggs in pools, singles was kinda gay though, ATTILA! :mad::mad::mad:. Nah you probably would have won without him anyway ;). Also, THAT WAS MY COUCH, FUUUUUUUUU. :chuckle:

Luke: <3 for the random comments.

Dancers: That was amazing. <3

ViVa: l2beatmk.


Jan 17, 2002

Photos from the 1st day of the tourney, I'll have a couple of extra pics from Sunday up by tomorrow.

None of my shoutouts will really have anything to do with smash but anywaaay

Cao - I wubs you x infinity. You worry too much that I don't have fun but I do. <3

Simon - Thanks for looking after us, from picking us up at the airport to housing Cao and I. You're such a cool guy and YOU BETTER BE COMING DOWN FOR THE ZOMBIE SHUFFLE IN MAY. You are one of my favourite zombies evar. FFA's with you and Em were fun as, stop killing each other, I shouldn't be winning. Hahahaa.

Attila - Wuubbbsssssss. I saw your timed out match, sadfaces. <3 I very much enjoyed our little morning coffee (and tea) jaunts and you were an amazing zombie! Squee radar approves!

Unny - Wubwubwub. Best dancer evaaaar. EVAAARRRRR.

Em - I'm so glad you decided to learn the rest of the dance and got to join us for a while, you were awesome as the grudge, hahaha! FFA's were definetly fun, I always appreciate it when you invite me to join in! :]

kaleidoruby/zero - Another awesome zombie! <3 Thanks for your dancing enthusiasm! I loved the make up job we did with you! : D


Sieg - You're a bowling beast. RAWR.

Chris/Amaterasu - True to our pact, you won with my controller. With pikachu. TOO AWESOME. Really enjoyed talking to you now and then. : D

Scabe - Bowling wubs <3 You'll get that strike one day!

Jaz - I always enjoy seeing you around, thanks for the awesome job you did with video-ing our zombie escapades around Sydney! :]

Shaya - i wants your amazing speaker beds/mats. Yeeeeeeeeee.

Did I miss anyone? idunno. Oh well. Wubs to everyone anyway. <3


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2009
Firstly, just want to prepare you all for perhaps the biggest rage over the number 7 you have ever seen nova do >__>

Secondly, I may as well do shout outs :p In no particular order:

Event organisers = I don't think I can add much to all the things everyone has already said to you guys, but yeah, seriously without you this wouldn't have even existed and I for one am thankful for all your hard work to give me such an awesome weekend!

Shaya = Thank you for your efforts to pronounce my name correctly.... It hasn't gone unnoticed :p Also thank you for putting up with my random bouts of annoying you >_>

ViVa = Nice to see you again.... and actually have an irl conversation with you :p

Nova = Obvious thanks for like, everything... I had an awesome time with you - misdirections, snipers, drugs and all. As for the rest, I think it can all be simply summed into: ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Ilag = I know I didn't have much to do with you and you probably don't remember me, but thanks for the lolz you gave me :p

Tibs, shmot/Atilla & Team 7 = Thank you for what was simply the funniest melee match I have ever played in my life :p

Stray = My mentor.... Thank you for yet again taking time to teach me. One day I'll make you proud :D And nice to chat with you again, of course.

Vyse = In summary, I just think you're a pretty cool guy. From the bits that I heard, great job on the commentary.... I look forward to hearing it :p

Cao = Sorry plans didn't work out, hope to get to know you better some other time :)

Scott = Well, I already said my stuff to you on msn, but I didn't want you to feel left out :p

J-Birds = ....You know.... :p Good luck with Kaion ROFL

Leisha = Thanks for my Lucario sticker, the lollies and being your uber cool self <3

David = NO - I will NOT hug you!!! LMAO! Had some great times with you buddy :)

Rad = Thanks for teaming in brawl! Although, I may have scarred you off me for a while :p

Also thanks to the people who unlocked levels on my Wii... I don't remember who you were but yeah :p

Big generic thanks to everybody that attended too - you are all terrific <3

P.S. One day Lucario will own you all..... Mark. My. Words. :p


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia

I am sad that I did not attend.
Maybe I will have to go to Robocop to make up for my absence at Thriller.

Zac, you should go, too. c:


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
shoutouts. apologies if i forget someone; there's a lot of people i want to mention here.

cao: just for a second i thought sd might have had you. just for a second. but in the end, you're just 2g. thanks for organizing everything, and for introducing me to amazing people in sydney. wouldn't have met simon/zero/sieg/sloth/anyone if you didn't play mediator. you are australian smash.

ash: mega wubz for my super make-up artist! the amount of feedback of got, and the amount of people at uni asking how much my make-up cost to 'get done' is seriously through the roof. and you're just such a fun person to be around. smiling all the time, even without caffiene. <3

unreon: yes. yes. yes. you are actually amazing. no, like seriously. i can't even begin to express the level of amazing that you are currently at. pro as dancing, so much soul you pew pew and you're just a top guy to be around. thanks.

sd: don't leave! it will be so sad! you haven't even taught me how to pew pew yet! and we need to dance again! but seriously,. we need to go for a drink at some point. i'll be back in sydney in a month or two if you're still around... oh, and teach me to ROAR TURN properly please, too :)

toby: oh PT... he makes me so sad. but it's good to hear you're getting back into the swing of things. i think we're quite similar in a lot of respects, both in and outside of smash. just a pity we didn't get more time to chill. and you still need to take me to your dojo, too. thanks for the housing <3

shaya: why were you hiding from me the entire time? did you fear my rage? i barely chatted to you at all, and that makes me sad. and you told me you like to dance. that means you're locked into whatever dance we're doing at robocop. gj on the result; i'll teach you the ways on anti-diddy next time you're in melbourne.

simon: your costume has more awesome than i could actually comprehend. seriously. and you committed to the bloodied hands so well... not to mention smeargle lololol. thanks for showing me around sydney and babying me in melee; good times. pity you had work on the sunday, but we'll catch up soon.

emily: thank you learning the dance <3 you actually picked it up really quickly, too. you're definitely one of those smashers you who i'd like to get to know better. and you need to teach me how to beat sheiks, too, cause they ruin me in melee. my fair spam just doesnt seem to work lol.

zero: wubz @ your scar face lol. our games were pretty tight; i apologize for my poor attitude. it had been a frustrating day, and you deserved better from me. gg on ps1 too, beast my falco despite the early kill i had on the first stock. pushed me way further than earl's zss, that's for sure.

sloth: you my friend, need to dance. if you ddr like that, you can learn to thriller. actually, i wanted to see some ddr. i was obsessed in high school, and have played a couple of times with ashley too. oh, and thanks for the sandbag with young link, cause it got me in bracket <3

sieg: you also, need to dance. you were obviously in love with the living dead swaying in front of your eyes. give into your desires and fall into the trance. oh, and gj with sf4 too, i hear you're the ****. you also make me laugh easily, which is always a kick-*** quality.

jaz: had the photography all sorted. gj bro. although i hear you lost to tibs in melee? like seriously? stop sandbagging in the bracket, dude :p

chris: <3 melee pikachu. and you beat ted too. and took his rage with grace, i hear. come back to melbourne soon! wubz!

scabe: ggs bro, your just too good. i'll study hard and bring it next time though, so dont stop getting better. i always admire someone who gets amazing with a low tier character, and has the guts to stick with them. imagine if you used mk :O

j-birds: nice to put a face to the name. top guy, but unfortunately, i dont think that really applies to smash too well. but you do definitely remind me of myself 8 months ago (back when smash was innocent). get your *** down to melbourne cause i miss snake dittos horribly.

vyse: sad face at our pool! it was pretty harsh... and youre definitely better than that. move to vic so you can practice with a bunch of different people... its a pity about the state of brawl in qld... one day, one day. might come up for the july tourney. give me a good reason :)

bjay: lol @ ps1. that tree is super amazing. good games man. you dont completely avoid everything like most warios, which is a very welcome change of pace.

leisha: your wii is so cuted! im always sad face for rob... you should use snake :D

ricky: teams was pretty epic. i <3 your ness so very much. and pk flash to shield break is amazing lololol

tibor: good. redeemed yourself from rocky embarrassment. did wanna pew pew you in the finals though, but rage denied me the chance. lucky you. come home cause i wanna **** your fox in melee some more.

turtle: glad you showed up in the end. marth dittos almost made me wanna get pro at melee. almost. maybe next time.

luke: hear you ***** on saturday. pity i didnt see any of it. i was looking forward to some dittos (you know how much i love that mu) but didnt manage to catch you. your snake is catching up bro, good to see. love the mine usage <3

scoot: you were supposed to win! what happened in the second set against earl? pity we only had one friendly, cause i wanted more. the important part is that i won though lol. teach me the ways of broken falco.

earl: lucky didnt have to play you again. dunno if sdi --> bair wouldve worked this time. chris is 2g at mk dittos, he's super aggressive, which works too well. couldnt touch you guys in doubles, nice work.

EA: sorry i played pretty gay in pools. i was scared to be honest. ice climbers x4 in teams was amazing though. and practice that nado spacing :)

condog: kirby is so gay. seriously. hurry up and practice that d3. we need one, and he's actually a good character. you better than hotdog now?

hotdog: lol @ kirby mains having 'dog' in their names. falco vs kirby was actually really fun. enjoyable games, which was a nice change of pace. stick to it.

nicks: thought i had you in that match. brought it back quite well but couldnt quite catch you. what happened in singles? you're supposed to be the ****.

ted: similar to nicks' shoutout, but tibs couldnt catch your wario in doubles at all. 2g. and how did you lose to tibs? i was expecting some sort of ****...

nanda: taught me a lesson in taking things seriously. i wont be picking ics against you soon... although i did trip over preforming that first cg...

nova: lolololol had lots of fun playing you. espc you and druckey in melee. that was actually probably the funnest match ive ever had. stick to zelda; i had no idea what was going on.

julian: good to catch you in australia, improving well too. teams was heaps fun, too :D

silfa: nice dk. you evidentally know the mu. spikes are always cool, too. looking forward to a rematch.

liam: not sure where you were hiding, but thanks for letting me invade your house <3

viva: apologies for my apparent betrayal. i just hearted jbirds too much. his snake was so prettyful, and he evidentally had no idea of the mu at all O_o

ilag: lololol l2 space. nado beats nades. you just need to learn how to play. which wont happen unless you try, unfortunately.

dekar: where the hell were you!?

alzi: where the hell were you!?

sam the cyndaquil: squeeeeeeee!

in short: the dance was amazing, and friday was the most fun ive had in forever. thank you very much, thriller brigade!


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Thrilleeeeeer, good stuff.

Thanks to Toby/Liam and Gords for the housage.
Thanks to TO's and everyone who brought this all together.

Sorry to the people whom i cut friendly's short with i just really couldn't be bothered playing those days i felt so drained.
Ugh **** took sooooo long i really cbf playing in the end and was just mucking around, gg with the bracket Shaya... soigh.
I suppose ill try and take everything more serious next time and play properly/gheyer.

Also everyone should play gentleman's like me. Oh and stop camping like faaaags.
Proper shouts later.


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
This was awesome, I agree with everything Dave said - Friday was incredible.

I'll probably type up some shoutouts at some point but in short wubs to everyone esp OOS people - Ash, Dave, Bryce, Michael, Attila, Tibor, Em, you guys are amazing <3.

Regarding videos which I know people are eager to see I'll be putting adobe premier pro on my laptop tomorrow to start editing, but unfortunately using quicktime to record audio instead of garage band messed up the video recordings somewhat, they're still watchable but they are sped up a little in parts. In short it's going to be difficult to synch up the audio with the speed of the videos unless I can find a way to slow it down. Stupid technology fail. I'll do what I can but rest assured there will be videos.


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Shoutouts! I'll try to keep them brief for a change.

Cao: Still 2G, it seems not matter how far I come you're still just a step ahead. I enjoyed our matches, but moreso your company and your crazy schemes (Thriller Brigade) - Thanks for making this tournament so memorable!

Ash: <3 <3 Awesome hanging out with you and thanks so so much for the makeup job and photos and everything else! I must come to Melb and catch up with you and Dave soon. Much wubs. OH SNAP

Attila: It was so good to catch up and actually hang a bit even if the hectic schedule made it difficult at times. Bad luck with Brawl its a lame game you should convert and join the cool people (Melee***s). We def need to catch up again soon and go for a low carb beer. Ps your pecks r scary.

Em: I'm sorry! IC's really are gay especially when you're uncertain about the MU. Your sheik is amazing and definitely could have taken it out especially in winners when you had me up against the ropes. Who knows if it wasn't for me you probably would have taken the crown. It was great to see you again it seems like an age since rocky last year. More games next time! <3

Tibor: The master. Grats on Brawl and a good result in Melee. Beating Jaz!? good ****. Watching your diddy is the only thing that keeps me playing brawl :) Also Lauren is hot as **** but the Hills is bad so you should prob avoid it from now on.

Earl: It seems we barely get a chance to talk but you're a great guy and an awesome smasher too. You nearly had us in melee teams and far 2G in brawl. Looking fwd to seeing you next time!

Toby/Liam: You guys get dual shoutouts coz you're both awesome and you have my utmost gratitude for taking me in on thursday and shadow kicking my face in. Karate was so much fun as was pancakes after. One day I'll win my $1 back from you Toby you sandbagging beast and grats to Liam in Brawl.

Shaya: What can I say, you do so much for our scene and don't think it goes unnoticed or unappreciated, without you none of this would happen so you have my extreme gratitude. Bad luck on losing to tibs but hey, its tibs.

Turtle: The man. I'm glad you decided to come and I hope you had a great time in spite of everything. Always a pleasure hanging with you my brother <3333 Ps: we bad.

Jaz: Thanks for putting us up on Sunday Jaz, you the man. Love hanging with you you're legit one of the funniest guys I've ever met and always making events so much better. Bad luck on melee but you've got til October or so to get back to your best, maybe a few more games against Lara will get you where u want to be <3

Simon: Should have come Sunday!!! As always you're so much fun to be around, esp on Friday with your Joker zombie and smeagol impersonation. 2G. Good job in teams too you guys almost had me and Turtle and I'm sure you would have placed well in singles too. Make sure you keep coming to stuff yeah?

unreon: The King of POP! Thoroughly deserved title, watching you dance just blew my mind it was a level above the rest! Bad luck losing to zxv, but watching your Falco now I can see just how far you've come in a short space of time. I think soon you'll start seeing the results you deserve.

Zero: ZOMBIESSSS YESSSSSSSS. Too much fun no?

Scabe: you > Turtle! Who knew? Good job beating Attila and awesome bowling! You're a really cool guy and I love you <3

Bjay: Sorry I failed in teams, I guess we just didnt have what it takes to beat TORNADO. We tried :( It was awesome seeing you again, good times as always <3

ILAG: TORNADOOOOO lol dw about teams I didn't mind I just like to rage sometimes haha. You're an awesome dude and shouldnt quit smash I'd miss you too much. You look like Mango.

Seig: So good that you came! You are the king. Hanging with you is always so much fun who cares about freakin video games. BURGER BURGER BURGER - man up before next time XD

Bryce: It was great finally getting to spend a bit of time with you and play some smash, you're a top guy and I hope the trip was worth it. I had a lot of fun with you in and outside of smash and I can't wait to see you DDR and have a beer <3

Chris: Dude you are like the nicest guy I've ever met but if you're Pika gimps me on zero one more time I'm going to have to... nah I could never do anything untoward to you you're too amazing <3 seriously though your melee game is far above your own perception of it and your MK is untouchable. Keep up the good work and good luck with your studies!

Leish: You're awesome, I love your hats. I'm sorry I made you feel bad about stage choices! I was only joking around <3 Always fun to play wth you and you're a lot of fun to have around.

Ted/Luke: I barely saw you guys :( Whatup there? Bad luck on your placings guys, everyone has a bad day from time to time, you'll be back.

Newcastle guys: THANKS FOR COMING - I hope you all had fun. <3 Alex for staying with us and sorry for waking you guys up in the middle of the night.

Nova/Vyse: great job on commentary guys, hopefully my laptop didn't botch anything <3

Ricky: Well done in doubles, you took Shaya further than I could have haha. Good set in singles too, you're MK was just too clutch in the end. Sorry I was cheering so loud for Liam vs you, I love you both but Liam is my lover as well as my friend I'm sure you understand.

F3: Thanks for making my 2 hr trip take 6 hours. GOD ****IT.

Anyways this tournament was amazing, but Friday was what keeps me so connected to the scene and coming back for more. <3 all.

Sorry if I missed anyone.



Oct 29, 2004
SD - At some point, Ashley and I will ask you to collaborate the Thriller Dance, Venue, and Gameplay footage all into one montage (Not sure who wants to go all out to make this, so I'll leave this offer out in the open). Congrats on getting Premiere Pro; I used it for OC2 videos. It is an excellent program, especially if you work Photoshop files into it!


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2009
Blacktown NSW
SD - i only look like mango coz of the hair. i'm getting my hair cut tomoz anyways coz its way way way too long



Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
Haha scabe I said the exact same thing to myself before I read your post
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