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The Pig Masked Army's Fearless Leader: Claus/The Masked Man

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Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
I'm gonna get stronger. ...I'm gonna get so strong even Dragos won't stand a chance against me! Dad... I..."
— Claus
This is the main topic for discussing the character potential of Claus, one of the main antagonists from the game "MOTHER 3" for the Game Boy Advance. I'll update as I think up more information or people post something good.​
Claus (クラウス Kurausu) is a major character from Mother 3. He is a boy from Tazmily Village, and the older twin brother of Lucas. Claus looks very similar to Lucas other than the different colors of his clothing and hair, though he is energetic and far more courageous than Lucas.​
There are spoilers in this thread, but the game has been long enough to have them out, so hopefully I don't do too bad of a job here.​
Pig Mask Army Members (Supporters; just ask to be on here - Also pick a Pig-Mask between the ones still available: Pigmask Trooper, Navy Squeal, Pigmask captain, Pigmask Major - Once all those are taken, go for a color or other rank!)​
-TheThirdKoopa (Leader/The Masked Man himself)
-FireEmblemnier (Pig Mask Colonel)
Claus (The Masked Man)
Original Claus Thread (Check these old threads out!)
Claus for SSBB Thread
Deku Boy's Claus support essay
(My personal favorite is in the first Collapse)

Arguments and Counter-Arguments (Plus a bit of reasoning)
(Points for him to be in) 1. Why Masked Man?
Not only did he receive a few emails but back on NSider he was actually a very liked character along with his brother, Lucas. To add to that, he's literally one of the characters with the most moves out of all Nintendo characters. This is literally not a joke. There's so many moves you can pull from him and you would still have enough to give him three-four movesets.
2. He's a popular pick, and the most popular for the Mother series.
I will admit his popularity has declined, but to this day, he's still the most wanted Mother rep. He also did receive high on polls and he would be well-liked among fans.
3. Asides from the protagonists and Giygas, he's the most important character, and second most in Mother 3
Despite him not being in your party, he really holds to a very high extent of trashing most of the plans made by your party and doing many things in addition to that. Really, play the game yourself and see.
4. The Mother Series has been denied it's Mother 3 representation since Smash 64, and we already have most of the game fit into place
Probably the weakest argument to support his inclusion, but hey, it's been quite some time. we already literally have Porky as a boss, Jeff as an assist, New Pork City as a stage, and all of the protagonists as characters.
5. He would complete his franchise
Though, I will admit just having Lucas/Ness with the Claus/Ninten costumes is fine. Zing.
(Arguements) 1. The next rep should be Ninten! He follows into the series!
So okay, there's the whole "Each protagonist must be represented!" but this really hardly proves true for the Mother series. For starters, if you haven't, just google up "Ninten" - It's even shown in the sticker designs and other designs that he's hardly thought up of as a different character. What makes this argument even worse is that Lucas was one of the very few characters intended to be in every Smash... and over Ness. Say if he were in Smash 64, then it really does come down to a lot of questions (Though based on Art of Mother 3 on N64, I think I'm kind-of more glad it's on the GBA...)
It's really a null argument since even the creators don't think highly much of Ninten. Though, I will say Mother 1 should still be represented by a bit more music such as Mt. Itoi and Paradise Line and a stage (Mt. Itoi and Paradise Line?) - Sometimes it's better to support Mother 1 through... other methods to tract interest.
This is more about why Ninten doesn't really feel than why Masked Man does. I could go on, but let's look at some other stuff. Really, the google search should say enough for you, and if it doesn't, I don't mind adding in more.
2. It'd be Porky! He appeared Twice!
...And he seems to be better suited as a boss anyways. Not only is the guy not all that interesting, but in Mother 2 he hardly holds much significance until the very end. In Mother 3, while he does drive the plot, he does kind-of sit there as well as discussed by Golden and I in the thread. Porky's better fitting is just staying as a boss, and reoccurring really doesn't matter for a series like this, or frankly, for most franchises. It's not the appearences that counts - It's the impact it can make. Plus, if we were even to see Porky playable, where would Masked Man go? It's much more viable to keep Porky as a boss and to make Masked Man playable. That way, we achieve the best for reaching out Mother as best as possible.
There's not really much to him asides from his two game appearances that helps either. I mean if the game was Mother 1, maybe, but even then we dive back into Ninten on the "Sometimes we might want to rep it in a different way"
3. Too much Mother repersentation!​
This is probably the best argument against him, and if he's disclosed from the final roster, this will be why. I could still see him as DLC. I'll admit it's hard to give a series as much reps as it has games, but it's more of a "This would be interesting" than "This franchise needs it". I agree there are other series who deserve another addition first such as Metroid and DK, but if it doesn't get in the way, who would mind it? It gives us more of a chance to at least see ports of Mother 1 and 3, and it also gives us a cool addition to Smash Bros who would be playable here.​
4. Japan-Only​
We got Earthbound on VC and the people who made the Mother 3 fan-translation are already/have semi-talked with Nintendo and it's getting more and more love. Zing. To add to that, Lucas isn't all that Japan-only anymore (While translation of Marth's and Roy's games took forever) and we had Marth and Roy. Zing.​
To add to that, after Marth's appearance twice, we got remakes of both of his games (Granted one never went outside of the U.S.), so zing.​
5. He would be a spoiler!​
The game has been out for quite a while. Would suck if they remake it, but it's not the biggest spoiler, and we've had some other stuff such as Zero Suit Samus and Sheik. Taking into account that we've already received New Pork City (which is a GIGANTIC spoiler in and of it's own) that's saying something already!​
6. He's already a costume!​
As his kid form, which is fine but as shown by screen shots here, him as the Masked Man is much different asides from physical structure and the fact he has some PSI moves.​
Adam Zinch's moveset: (copypasta from facebook)​

Next up is Claus, or The Masked Man from Moter 3. Really quick though, many people complain that Claus shouldn't be in because "It would be to much of a spoiler to the fans who haven't played Mother 3" well for the people who didn't play Ocarina of Time, the Zelda/Shiek thing ruined that suprise too.​
Claus Moveset​
B- Beam Cannon- Claus fires a single beam out of his arm. The beam is about as big as the ray gun shot, but stronger and leaves an electric effect to it.​
<B>- Double Strike- Claus jumps forward swinging his sword downward. If he hits someone with his sword he automatically attacks twice with a finishing blow type strike​
Up B- Cyborg Wings- Claus flies upwards with his wings​
Down B- PK Thunder- a giant thunderbolt comes down and strikes next to him, like Pikachu's but much quicker​
Final Smash- Lightning Strike- Claus lifts his sword upwards then slashes it down, summoning Lightning to strike every opponent on the stage, the only downside to the final smash is that it is predictable and easily avoidable if you dodge at the right time. If the bolt touches you, you take a good deal of damage though​

God Robert's Cousin's moveset:​
I've thought of a moveset of my own for the Masked Man. I wanted to diversify what aspects of him are represented, slightly focusing on him being the Pigmask Army's commander more than being a PSI user, a cyborg boy, or electrical swordsman.

Neutral Special: PK Love - Claus uses his PSI powers to emit a slowly moving pattern of light-blue hexagons. Functions similarly to Ness' PK Flash and Lucas' PK Freeze. Where as Ness' PK Flash does heavy damage and knockback, the Masked Man's PK Love does heavy damage and a ton of hitstun, leaving the opponent shaking in place for a few seconds before being sent flying.
Side Special: Pigmask Bomb - Tosses out a round, pink bomb that rolls to the side until it reaches a stop. Explodes after about 2 seconds and is affected by terrain physics.
Up Special: Lightning Strike - The Masked Man extends his mechanical wings and flies straight up in a blitz of thunder, spiking any opponent he touches during it.
Down Special: Shield Killer - Whips out a device that creates a wave of orange-lines in front of him. If the opponent is shielding when he uses this, their shield is instantly broken.
Final Smash: Pigmask Raid - The Masked Man takes out his phone, which plays the Pigmask Army's ringtone. Helicopters come flying from above, dropping Pigmask bombs and the occasional New Year's Eve Bomb that has no knockback but instantly does 200% damage to the opponent. During all this chaos, a couple of Pigmasks drop down from the copters and begin to shoot at the opponents. The final smash ends with both Pigmasks trying to bum-rush the opponent with the highest current percentage before they grab onto the helicopters' ladders and fly off.

Fireemblemneir's moveset:

Masked Man
Masked Man is the strongest of the Mother characters in physical and PSI capabilities, yet is the slowest. Most of his attacks does significantly high damage. He may be the slowest of the Mother characters, but is still as fast as most mid weight characters maybe even a little faster.
Neutral Special- PK Love Omega- Works like Lucas and Ness' neutral special, but is the strongest of the 3 it is a white silvery color. May stun opponent. Does about 26% fully charged

Side Special- Beam Cannon- Claus fires two beams out of his arm. The beam(s) is about as big as the Samus' uncharged shot, but causes bigger knockback and damage and leaves an electric effect to it. Does about 20% fully charged

Up Special- Cyborg Wings- Claus flies upwards with his wings, it's useful recovery, but very predictable, before the leap the wings coming out can damage the opponent does about 10% it the wings hit opponent

Down Special- PK Thunder- a giant thunderbolt comes down and strikes near to him, like Pikachu's but much quicker and it doesn't hit him Does about 15% damage.

Final Smash
Lightning Strike- Claus lifts his sword upwards then slashes it down, summoning Lightning to strike every opponent on the stage, the only downside to the final smash is that it is predictable and easily avoidable if you dodge at the right time. If the bolt touches you, you take about 75% damage and will most likely get KO.

Tilts, Smashes, Airs, and Grabs
AAA- Masked Man on his first of the three attacks jabs with his arm cannon, then Headbutts and finally slashes with his iconic sword, which causes decent damage and knockback. Hit 1-10%, Hit 2-15% Hit 3-19%

Side Tilt- Masked Man quickly jabs with his arm cannon. like Samus. Does about 14% damage

Up Tilt- Masked Man does a light slash with his sword over his head. Does about 16% damage

Down Tilt- Kicks almost exactly how Ness does. Does about 12% damage

Dash Attack- When Dashing he will shoot I small PK love shot, if you attack. Does about 13% damage
Side Smash- Masked Man stabs at the opponent with his sword, causing large damage and knockback. Does about 27% damage

Up Smash- Masked Man jabs his sword upwards, causing large knockback and Damage. Does about 26% damage

Down Smash- Masked Man slashes at both sides of him, causing large damage and knocback. Does about 24% damage

Forward Air- Masked Man slashes, vertically in the middle of the air and slashes again opposite way, Does about 22% damage with both attacks.

Back Air- Masked Man quickly turns around shooting a blast of PK Love a. Does about 14% damage.

Up Air- Masked Man shoots a blast from his arm cannon above his head, which dissipates quickly. Does about 12% damage.

Down Air- Masked Man shoots a blast of PK love a, below him, Does about 14% damage.
Pummel- Once Masked Man grabs the opponent, he jabs at the opponent with his arm cannon. Does about 9% per hit.

Forward Throw- Masked Man tosses the opponent forward and shoots at him with his arm cannon. does 16% damage

Back Throw- Masked Man tosses the opponent behind him and shoots a small PK Love blast at him. does 15% damage

Down Throw- Masked Man throws the opponent to the ground and shoots PK Love and an arm cannon blast at the same time. Can be chained to be done again. Does about 18% damage.

Up Throw- Masked Man tosses opponent in the air and slashes at him as he's falling. Can be chained to be done again. Does about 17% damage.

Up Taunt- Masked Man takes off the mask revealing Claus and nods at the screen, then puts mask back on.

Side Taunt- Masked Man looks at his sword and looks away while lowering his hand.

Down Taunt- Masked Man spreads his wings out and soon retracts them.

Finally, some pictures to support! Put these in your sig or somewhere. Show the love! :

And finally, how about a Kirby hat?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Looks like Kuma was still fighting in the end for Claus


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
heh yeah! I saw that too.
ooo, someone had this banner! might as well steal it.



Smash Cadet
May 8, 2012
Bradford, Ontario
Claus in the next Smash bros would be so awesome! He is one of my favourite characters from Mother 3 and I could see him as being pretty powerful and unique as well. There's just so many options from his sword, lightning attacks, PK love, his Arm Cannon plus he could probably glide around like pit or Meta knight with his wings. :D I don't how likely it would be, considering how under supported mother is compared to Nintendo's other games, but they did put in Lucas so there is a chance.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I don't expect any new Mother character for SSB4, but personally I would love to see Claus in Smash. He would have quite the diverse and interesting moveset (with a sword, an arm-cannon, a jetpack, and lightning attacks), as well as being a lightweight-ish villain, and would be totally unlike Ness and Lucas's movesets.

I don't hold too much hope for him, but he's a pipe dream of mine. At least for Smash 4.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I was actually really disappointed not to see Claus in Brawl. I was really hoping for him. I hope he appears in some form. He has amazing move set potential but, sadly, Sakurai has no love for the Pigmasks.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Smash bro's needs more badass characters. Like, not evil, just badass. Claus fits that bill. I'd love to see him in this game. His moveset potential is huge.


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
you mean besides just a sticker in Brawl?

All of these character discussion groups are really just going to bring up your hopes and dreams until they come crashing down when said character's chance has been dashed. But at least you won't be disappointed alone.


Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
It's kind of like American Idol...but geekier.

And unless you are rooting for Hatsune Miku, no one sings and dance for a spot....

So maybe it's not. It's still fun to get excited about a character you like/love.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2012
I have a feeling he will get in but he'll be really overpowered.Almost as much as meta knight.


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
An overpowered character is usually fast or has really fast reflexes... Meta Knight, Marth... Snake is just broken... I see him slightly faster than ness and lucas.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
that would do for the EarthBound series: an antagonist character.

if the EarthBound series is represented by Ness, Lucas and Masked Man / Claus, I see no more need for more characters to represent the series, anyone agree?

overall, I think all the series should have a playable antagonist. like Mario has Bowser, Zelda has Ganondorf, Kirby has Dedede, Star Fox has Wolf... same should apply for other series: Gharnef, Hardin, Nergal or Black Knight (among others) for Fire Emblem, K. Rool for DK, Claus or Porky for EarthBound, and so on...

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
that would do for the EarthBound series: an antagonist character.

if the EarthBound series is represented by Ness, Lucas and Masked Man / Claus, I see no more need for more characters to represent the series, anyone agree?
There's Porky, though there will be issues in terms of which version to use and how the character would work in fighting style and programming (especially the Mother 3 version).


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
There's Porky, though there will be issues in terms of which version to use and how the character would work in fighting style and programming (especially the Mother 3 version).
if not Porky, then Claus, it's either one of them. but yeah, I think Porky would be more difficult to implement. could stay a boss, much like Mario has playable Bowser and Petey Piranha as a boss.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2012
Claus is a perfect char for ssb4 couse to be honest i wouldent miss lukas that much.

BTW wheres jeff's support!!?!



Smash Cadet
May 8, 2012
Bradford, Ontario
that would do for the EarthBound series: an antagonist character.

if the EarthBound series is represented by Ness, Lucas and Masked Man / Claus, I see no more need for more characters to represent the series, anyone agree?

overall, I think all the series should have a playable antagonist. like Mario has Bowser, Zelda has Ganondorf, Kirby has Dedede, Star Fox has Wolf... same should apply for other series: Gharnef, Hardin, Nergal or Black Knight (among others) for Fire Emblem, K. Rool for DK, Claus or Porky for EarthBound, and so on...
Ya those three characters would be perfect for me as well.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2012
I really have a hard time about wich villain i want <_<
I never played any of those games but Claus,Porky,and Gygas all look cool.
I would go with clause, specifically because he'd look and play like lukas. And then it would leave room for a new sidekick character to go next to ness (jeff) :awesome:



Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
but Lucas doesn't have a Sword... or an Arm Cannon... or a Jet Pack... with Bat Wings! In fact, these are the qualities that make him a perfect choice to be playable!

Deleted member

Human Meta Knight with Samus cannon. :troll:

JK. Meh, Claus/Masked Man would be kind of cool, even if I'd rather see his (and Lucas') father Flint first.
And Porky, since Super Smash Bros. Crusade made him work.

EDIT: I'm kind of indifferent to the Mother series though, so I don't really care if a character gets in or not.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
but Lucas doesn't have a Sword... or an Arm Cannon... or a Jet Pack... with Bat Wings! In fact, these are the qualities that make him a perfect choice to be playable!
Sword? Arm Cannon? Jet Pack? Sounds like a Sin & Punishment character or Mega Man. :awesome:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
Naw, man.


Re: Bat wings: They're really nothing like Meta Knight's. It's really just a bat-wing shaped glider for his jetpack.

Deleted member

I prefer to not have anymore Mother characters, but if there were to be one, I would rather have it be this guy over anyone else. Looks kind of cool if you ask me.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2012
probably playing Cave-Story
in my option I think his down "b" should be sheldkiller(stops foxes down "b" and similar) and side "b" double attack similar to Marths dancing blade attack but more simple


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Totally think he should be in this and then end the Mother series reps. Honestly, I want them to just close the gaps on some series like Star Fox, Donkey Kong Country, and so on. The only true disadvantage against him is the fact that the series would be over-represented, and even then, who cares? In Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale there was the opposite problem: A lot of characters that should have been playable and weren't. I'd rather prefer this over a lot of other choices.

I'm a supporter, and I also think the thread needs to be edited. Anyone know if the owner around here hangs anymore?


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2013
I don't know if you can edit thread titles here, but you might want to redact the HUGE Mother 3 spoiler for anyone who hasn't played or beat it yet.

Anyway, I TMM (or maybe a physical-based Ninten) would definitely be my first choice for another Mother rep, but to be honest I think two is enough. Mother is a very small franchise indeed. Having the same number of characters as there are games in the series is a little overboard in my eyes.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
I don't know if you can edit thread titles here, but you might want to redact the HUGE Mother 3 spoiler for anyone who hasn't played or beat it yet.
Mother 3 was released in 2006, 7 years ago. I'm all for keeping people unspoiled, but seven years is more than plenty to assume that those who wanted to stay unspoiled have played the game. I could understand that people were on the fence about this during Brawl's development, but now?

I think Claus would be a great addition; the synergy he has with Lucas is just through the roof. He could spice up the SSE's follow-up so much that it'd be like a curry. Though people feel like Earthbound is grossly over-represented already, I wouldn't mind if he joined the roster.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 23, 2013
He'd be soooo good but I really don't see it happening :( 3 Mother characters is too much, which would mean cutting one of the existing characters...
Unlike most peeps I'm alright with seeing characters not return if it means we get new ones in their place, but I can't see them cut Ness with Earthbound getting a European release... And Claus without Lucas would be weird.
I guess I'd settle for alt costume, with Lucas maye adopting some MM moves where possible.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
JK. Meh, Claus/Masked Man would be kind of cool, even if I'd rather see his (and Lucas') father Flint first.
And Porky, since Super Smash Bros. Crusade made him work.
Flint? The character who had no relevance whatsoever asides from being playable at the beginning of the game?
Honestly Porky didn't hold much relevance in either games asides from being a recurring villain of both. He did do a lot, yes, but not as much as Giygas/Masked Man. Giygas would probably be better just filling in as a role of a stage.
Just pointing these out.

Mother 3 was released in 2006, 7 years ago. I'm all for keeping people unspoiled, but seven years is more than plenty to assume that those who wanted to stay unspoiled have played the game. I could understand that people were on the fence about this during Brawl's development, but now?

I think Claus would be a great addition; the synergy he has with Lucas is just through the roof. He could spice up the SSE's follow-up so much that it'd be like a curry. Though people feel like Earthbound is grossly over-represented already, I wouldn't mind if he joined the roster.
Yeah pretty much. Do people actually think it'd really be over-representing? It wouldn't be THAT unnatural. We've had stranger things in Smash. In my eyes it's about as much of a stretch as 4 Fire Emblem or Star Fox characters; gets the series at a good status. I mean Ness/Lucas is still pretty fine but it wouldn't hurt. It makes practically most Mother fans completely happy, and it holds an even greater chance at a remake (Or at least a port) - It really wouldn't hurt.

As for "lol megaman" I've played a good portion of those games, all fighting games MegaMan has been in, Mother 3, and all the Smash Bros games. He would for sure be different.

Sin & Punishment? I guess I can see more relation there but even height on it's own is a huge difference. Before someone barges in and says "LOL GANONDORF" at least there was a somewhat similar model.

As for the following of what he has: A sword (That is a lightning sword, nontheless), Jetpack, PSI, Arm Cannon, Wings (Which do differentiate from the Jetpack as well), and honestly, more moves that even I forget. Out of Nintendo's entire roster he has some of the most moves available from his game alone.

Also as much as I like Jeff, that's just better as an assist trophy.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2006
Maybe he meant Duster?

Yeah I don't get how its over representing the series. Saw the porky thread with the same comments. I'd rather see characters with good potential movesets over the idea bigger series need more reps but we've hit the bottom of the barrel throw in Daisy!

Also agreed on Star fox. Star fox isn't that big of a franchise. 6 games. One a 3DS remake, and one is the adventure game some people don't want to acknowledge as a star fox game. Yet people want Crystal.

Is it bad that I hope there are two more playable mother characters for the lolz?

Deleted member

Flint? The character who had no relevance whatsoever asides from being playable at the beginning of the game?
Honestly Porky didn't hold much relevance in either games asides from being a recurring villain of both. He did do a lot, yes, but not as much as Giygas/Masked Man. Giygas would probably be better just filling in as a role of a stage.
Just pointing these out.
Masked Man was Porky's puppet. I wouldn't say that he did more, as Porky was essentially the main villain of Mother 3. You do have a point with Giygas, however, Giygas is far from feasible as a character due to not even having a definite and comprehendible form.

And I am aware of Flint's limited role; I just find a badass cowboy wielding nothing but a 2x4 to be more cool in itself than the forced concept of a cyborg masked being with an arm cannon, energy sword, and mechanical bat wings. :p It's like they tried too hard to make him "cool"...:laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Apr 23, 2013
Masked Man was Porky's puppet. I wouldn't say that he did more, as Porky was essentially the main villain of Mother 3. You do have a point with Giygas, however, Giygas is far from feasible as a character due to not even having a definite and comprehendible form.

And I am aware of Flint's limited role; I just find a badass cowboy wielding nothing but a 2x4 to be more cool in itself than the forced concept of a cyborg masked being with an arm cannon, energy sword, and mechanical bat wings. :p It's like they tried too hard to make him "cool"...:laugh:
Smash NEEDS a cowboy. There's angels and demons and swordmasters and princes and princesses and wizards and spacefighters and ninjas and robots and people with psychic powers, but no cowboy. There are few Stereotypically Awesome Things left uncovered by the series, but pirates and cowboys are glaring misses - and we even have the former if you wanna count Toon Link.
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