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School is in Session 4: *Results!!* UPDATED!! January 8th, 2011!


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
Oh man, shoutouts to Ripple for pulling the greatest racist moment in jest I've ever witnessed in my LIFE at my house


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Full shoutouts after pools, I know Hilt had given them to Day, so they should be up soon.

But as for pools.

(What I know...)
Pool 13:
Fonz: Lucario
Vinnie: G&W (used ICs some in bracket but not pools)
Me: ICs, Pika
i forget his name sorry =/: mk
Jiffyboob: Ness, Wario, MK
forget name: G&W
Hael Phael: ROB/Pika
Random Hero: I saw him using tink..


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2008
haha hilt i'll think about it =). blackanese ill miss you lolll you and tko are the funniest smashers i know along with jerm, and thanks nicole >< it is really depressing to me, so much consistancy to just get ***** =(. I wish we could've talked more you seem super cool/nice.


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Alright, While I was at work I had time to do a few things since we weren't that busy...Yay Snow...I'll do shout outs when everything is posted and all that crap. But first things first about how this tournament was handled.

A lot of things happened that made the tournament last longer than what it should have. Pools was already mentioned so I don't need to go into detail about that.
After pools, there were a ton of friendlies going on with people who were eliminated from pools. There was also players who finished there matches and played friendlies afterward. M2K and Z were one of those players that were done without reporting there matches and had Kel waiting for cause he thought they were doing a tournament match. That's just wrong. That holds up the tournament. Players NEED to report there matches...

This time around Lain can't be blamed cause he wasn't there.

There wasn't anyone enforcing rules... Whats the point of having rules for a tournament if they aren't going to be enforced?
I also felt like the TOs were doing more than they can handle. It's okay to ask for help especially if you have weaknesses in areas like, getting people's attention. People should offer to help but sometimes it's up to the person in charge to seek it. And I know that people in charge usually feel bad when make they make decisions that effect people in the tournament and hesitate. But you have to do what's best for the tournament. MLG tournaments should be an example to everyone. They set a guideline and either you follow those rules or you face the consequences. Simple!

The downtime in pools was INSANE. If the Top 3 placers are guaranteed regardless of what the other players score I feel those pool sheets should be turned in early to provide more space and reserve more time so the bracket can get generated, adjust accordingly if changes need to be made.

I know players tend to get impatient during the times they aren't playing and they like to wonder. But someone should enforce that they stay on deck and ready, so things can run more fluent. So next time, have people in charge who can speak up and make things happen. Rather than just hoping for the best to happen. People are selfish when it comes to things, especially when it comes to getting people to get there stations, and stop playing friendlies so the tournament can progress. I feel like there should always be someone at the TO desk...Someone who's in charge of course. There were times when random peeps were just around the laptop. Be more responsible and on top of things.

Also, the bracket switch made me mad and I wasn't even involved. That's just been careless. I felt like that shouldn't have happened at all. Not going to go deeper than that.

And everyone should thank Day for getting a new Venue that quick. If she didn't find one...everyone would have been super mad but she ended up making it happened. Chi did a good job, much better than last time. Hilt always does a good job. There are few things that should have been done differently like not allowing people to change there names in brackets since that causes unneeded confusion...

In all honesty...I did not want to forfeit any of my matches. And I'm sure Majority of the other players didn't want to either. I know MAJORITY of the people were tired and had long drives and all that Jazz to deal with. I only live like 20 minutes from the venue. No one expected it to last as long as it did and we made plans with that in mind.

It's not often that I get to kick it with the peeps on the East Coast or the peeps who live further away in the Midwest. I'd rather enjoy the time I have with them while I can. Those are all cool peeps, it's just rare that we get to spend time with one another since we live so far away. I like playing games and winning money off of it when the opportunity presents itself. But I like to enjoy life and share priceless moments with cool peeps I rarely get to hang with. I'm willing to sacrifice a few things to enjoy a moment in life. I told Allied that I'd give Blackanese a good time *pause (no homo) in Cincinnati...so I felt like i needed to. And we all enjoyed ourselves...Next time we will be more liquored up though...haha

I know the next one will be more amazing.

Side Note: keep ya ears listening and your eyes open... There's going to be something so amazing planned for an upcoming event. It's going to be the best thing that happened in this community in a while...Stay tuned...

Sage JoWii

Smash Champion
Nov 20, 2008
Austin, TX
Alright, shoutout time ;D

Y.b.M.- I finally said what's up even though I didn't have anything to talk about really. Catch me at the after party, with a drink in hand, or while I'm on that green ish and we can kick it.
Coney- You're one of my new favorite smashers. Good **** on beating M2k w/ that 3stock. You're so...technical when you commentate. Like a golf announcer. I feel like we could partner up for commentating and have some awesome lol. You still look like Syndrome though, and on the way home to StL we found an old picture of Jay Leno? Don't worry bout it.
Logic- I don't hate you even though you play Olimar because you're still cool. >_> But you shouldn't play Olimar because he's laaaaaame.
Atomsk- Quit sandbagging. Otherwise you'll get it in yo' lips. We need to get drunk.
Kingtoon- Get on that MJG status. You had the last match won if you'd have just timed him out. Camp harder with less than a minute on the clock and a 40 percent difference.
SneakyTako- Corey's right, you're mad cool. thanks for telling me about how to prioritize my mashing/DI; Sometimes people forget to tell people the basics because they're basic, but if I didn't know, I never would've without people like you. <3 (No homo).
Excel- MM, 10dollars, Bo3. Get at me if you thnk you can take that money. (and on a slightly friendlier note, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You didn't really have too big a chance with the people in our pool. To be fair, neither did I)
Tmacc- Stop losing confidence. You gotta learn to go into your matches knowing you're going to win, regardless of whether you will or not.
Smash64- You are too cool Ed. Seriously, we need to smoke together.

And to anyone else I forgot, GGs.

Btw, Today, this tournament could've been so much better. Most everything has been said so I won't rewrite any of it. Three things though, MLG isn't coming back so why use their stage list which is janky at best. Why no LGL when all the major tournaments are probably going to have one. Good **** getting another venue so fast.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Remember that most of these comments are suggestions, Day. You don't HAVE to add them, but they would be greatly appreciated. Don't let the way the tournament turned out get you down or anything. You were a great TO, and so was Hilt. I can't wait for the next SiiS! :)


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
I had a great time at this tourny. I had a great time playing everyone. I learned a lot playing against a bunch of different peeps and found my motivation to be improve as a player. I can't wait for the next one.

Ally: Good **** my man, It's always fun seeing you at a tourny, and the car ride up was just ridiculous lol.

Katy Perry (Atomsk): It was cool rooming with you guys, and Although I was a bit dissappointed that you didn't use ICs vs me in pools we still had a good set. Next time I'll just be good enough to make you use ICs.

Kingtoon: My boy Kenny Elston. I love how we always see each other at tournies. No1 else from the call has the balls to travel places. You showed up the MW pretty bad though. 5th place? Kingtoon best Toonlink.

Arty: It's always awesome being able to play you at tournies. That aggressive falco you have is so damn sexy.

Blue Rogue: We only got to play a few friendlies but it was awesome getting to actually play you. And while I may bot have proved its impossible for wario to beat Sheik the MU is still hella fun. I never realized that wario had a hard time killing Sheik, and now that I know that it's gonna b e a big help in the future.

Hylian: I'm so mad I couldn't beat you while you were sick. The difference in skill is so clear between us, but we still had a good set. Hope you get well soon.

Sago: It was great seeing you again after all this time. I'm really sorry I got you confused with DLA you guys look nothing alike >.< Talking with you was a lot of fun and your positive attitude is contagious. Can't wait until we get to play again.

King Beef: My man KB. We only got in that revenge MM (that I lost) but p[laying you is always fun man. Can't wait until the next time. Imma make you look silly in our next set ;D

Nicole: I really enjoyed the set we played. I like to think I'm good at the Sheik vs Peach MU and you still gave me a horrible *** whooping. (This part is about to be mad corny) I wanna say thank you for helping me to get my motivation back. Like I know it wasn't really intentional but seeing someone use a mid tier and still enjoy this game and place well means a lot to me. I had kind of given up for a while, but now I wanna get good again and a lot of it has to do with our set, so thank you.

Kenny: I always talking with people from MD/VA. You guys are always so awesome. Your snake was so good too. I was really sleeping on you after our doubles set but that MM came down to last game last hit. If you hadn't messed up that pivot grab I probably would have lost. Your Pikachu is amazing too. Hopefully we'll be able to play each other again sometime.

Roller: Thiis man is so mad that he tied with me ;D

Quivo: Meeting you was mad fun. I had the complete wrong impression of who you were at first lol. Your toonlink is sexy though. Fun set in doubles

Judo: Don't sweat your results man. Sheik's a character that takes enormous amounts of mental energy to play, esp the way you play her. So i can really see how the length of the tournament can affect your playstyle.

Links24: Man you are my favorite Ohio smasher. But you aint Kingtoon. Why ain't you Kingtoon? He showed up the **** up lol. I still <3 you though. just gotta change that gamer tag. TwonLinks22 baby it's the future of your career.

Tutu: This man lucked his way into the bracket only to get dead last? If you're gonna get dead last in bracket then let some1 else in damn. Over here just wasting other people's desires to play and ****. That's just too mean.

Hilt: You 3 stocking me in our set really helped me to calm down. idk why. But I'm glad we got to play again. Your olimar is so good man. Tough luck in bracket man I know that you'll be able to do better next time. esp if you don't have the duties of a T.O as well as a player.

SpongeJordan: My man sponge. You most definitly improved from the last SiiS. But **** that whack *** ***** kennispam. I'm your new wall. Just ignore his corny ***.

Tmacc: Maybe I was reading you wrong, but I felt like you were a bit salty about being able to beat me and not make it in the bracket even though I made it in. Either way it was a good set we played.

TKO: I feel like you majorly choked against me. Like you came in previously frustrated, then game two it just got worse. You should have made it into the bracket over me, the way you were playing against everyone else once you calmed down. Still it was a good set and was good seeing you again.

Smash64: It was a good set we had in pools. I wish I could have gotten revenge on your snake from Nope's though.

WTP: It was fun teaming with you. Sorry I lost us some games and sets. Thanks for letting me ride with you guys last minute.

Clowsui: By the time we played you seemed to be really tired, but the way you were playing earlier in the day your falco has improved a bunch. I really wish we could have played more Falco vs Sheik its such a fun MU.

Izumi- It was cool rooming with you, and we had a good set in doubles. Hope you had a good ride back.

Speed- Thanks for watching my sets on livestream and believing in me. You telling me not to give up really helped me pull through pools after Hilt 3 stocked me.

Nappy- Thanks for believing in me too, even though I let you down =[


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Sago: It was great seeing you again after all this time. I'm really sorry I got you confused with DLA you guys look nothing alike >.<
His hair is a lot cuter than mine... but I look better in a sombrero


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
so the lgl literally took out md's hopes of top 3 :(
between lgl, norfair/brinstar/m2k taking him to game 3 was completely pointless


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC

Thanks to everyone who told me to feel better. Not going to be many shoutouts because I was asleep the whole tournament lol.

Atomsk - Sorry I couldn't even give you a fun match lol. I hope to be in playing shape next time, promise I'll get to you in bracket :p. Regardless of me being sick, you got a ton better against IC's lol I was beating your mk when you stayed at my house and you almost 3 stocked me twice here.

Logic - Thanks for supporting me haha you're a cool dude.

Kain - Teams was a lot of fun, I felt like we started working well together near the end. Sorry I was so sick, it probably held our team back :/.

Arty - GG's in teams.

Capem - GG's, I'll be prepared next time :p.

Fonz - Sorry you had to leave, i wanted to play you :(.

Sago - Thanks for the orange!

Quik - GG's in teams and pools! I know wario pretty well :p.

Nicole - Lol nah you guys could do just as good as me you just have to believe you're that good :p.

Shugo - Bad tournaments happen don't sweat it, I placed 65th once LOL. Nice seeing you again.

Dooms - GG's in bracket :p.

Quivo - Nice meeting you, sorry we couldn't play :(.

Future - Play Ic's more silly.

Tutu - Match-ups still bad, don't worry about me being sick lol.

pane - thanks so much for the orange juice!


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Not sure if my pool has been posted yet, but...

Pool 6

1. Shugo :falco:/:metaknight:
2. Sago :metaknight:
3. Mister Eric :rob:
4. DLA :ganondorf:/:metaknight:/:pikachu2:/:falco:/:popo:
5. Tyr :lucas:
6. 4biddin :fox:/:metaknight:
7. TheKiest :dedede:/:kirby2:/:metaknight:

I'm pretty sure this is accurate.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2008
Reston, VA
My pool was stacked and my loser's bracket match was more ridiculous than my winner's bracket match (seriously, I had the loser of AZ and Coney in losers round 1!) I'm not sure what to make of all that, but whatever...shoutouts! :)

1. Mew2King - Grats on winning blah blah blah
3. Katy Perry (Atomsk) - Never played ya. Probably never will. :/
4. AlphaZealot - I'm way too excitable, but it's no reason to be unsportsmanlike. Still, it felt good to take a game off ya considering how I tend to struggle against Diddy.
9. Kain - Yeah, I didn't play you on GB. It was AiB.
9: Y.b.M. - You missed two of my victory fist pumps. :p
13: DJ Iskascribble - Don't lose your parking ticket next time! :mad:
13: Blue Rogue - I failed ya, but you still beat xzax. Learn to beat Falco!
13: Hylian - I'm more convinced now that Ivysaur counters ICs. LOL!
17: Infern - Happy belated birthday!
17: Fizzle - It's funny: Everytime we're in the same tourney you either fail hard or impress me somehow. Good stuff beating Shugo.
17: Fonz - Thanks for the advice.
25: Quik - I came so close...again! I wonder if I'll ever beat a Wario.
25: King Beef - Seriously...we need to play more.
25: xzax - If I knew who I was going to play in loser's, I'd probably have fought harder. :p
33: Quivo - I would have liked to play ya too.
33: Links - Hope you're feeling better.
33: Hilt - Dodged the Olimars again. :p
33: Mister Eric - Do you have the time? I never got to ask ya. :/

Pane - Comebacks are my thing.
Fuujin - You became really easy to read, but I couldn't figure out how to punish ya.
Hadesblade - I should've known better than to go MK against ya. That was a good CP.
Xero - I got wrecked game 2. Good stuff.
PT Mains - You all play the most fun character ever.
Fromundaman - What's the capital of Ohio again? Oh yeah.
King - Always good to have ya along.
Clowsui - I was first in line for registration! :mad:
Crash - Bring back the Shoryuken!
Dayton - Cool hanging out with all ya for a short time. METAL GEAR!

(Exit sign pic will go here once it uploads. Stupid Photobucket.)


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
thanks dla

now all I need are 7, 10, 13

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Pool 7 was Xyless, King Beef, Future, Krys, WTP, Jnkoln, and Twilight Prince
Pool 10 was Sleep, Y.b.M., Akashi, Judo, Warfie, Rikku, and Technical Chase
Pool 13 was Random Hero, Slim Jim, Jiffy, Roller, Vinnie, Fonz, Hael, and VGM

I don't know the characters for certain for all of the players, but this is so people will know if they're in a pool that has been mentioned and can speak up. Also so that if some people that have given characters previously that said the wrong number, we can know if there was a mixup. I have all of the pool sheets right in front of me now, haha.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
I'm pretty sure that these are the characters

Xyless - :peach:
King Beef - :pikachu2: :peach:
Future - :metaknight: :popo:
Krystedez - :pit: :wario:
WTP - :falco:
Jnkoln - :lucario:
Twilight Prince - :metaknight:
Sleep :falco: :metaknight:
Y.b.M. :kirby2: :zerosuitsamus:
Akashi :snake: :marth:
Judo :sheik:
Warfie :diddy:
Rikku :lucario:
Technical Chase :dedede: :snake:
RandomHero ?
SlimJim :metaknight: :kirby2:
Jiffyboob :ness2: :wario:
Roller :pikachu2: :popo:
Fonz :lucario: :metaknight:
Vinnie :gw: :rob: :metaknight:
Hael :pikachu2:
VGM :gw:


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I used falco in my pool as well.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Pool 7 was Xyless, King Beef, Future, Krys, WTP, Jnkoln, and Twilight Prince
1: Krys :pit: :wario:
2: KB :random:
3: Future :popo:
TP :metaknight:
WTP :falco: :kirby:
Xyless :peach:
Jnkoln :lucario:

Xyless may have used more than just Peach, and I don't know how to order KB's characters because I didn't watch all of his matches.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2006
Chicago/Ann Arbor
I only went Zelda against Krystadez on a whim, partly because I just knew I wouldn't beat him.

It was more like :peach: :diddy:, though I didn't win any games with Diddy that I remember.

Also I've been diagnosed with JOHNS! I had a UTI that started around a week ago that really flared up on Saturday. yesssss


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
St. Louis, MO
So how many of the MMs from the tourney thread actually happened? Like... 1%?
"Hey, I think we agreed to a MM in the thread."
"Did we? We probably did. Well, if you want, we can do it."

Spoiler alert: The MM didn't happen.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Alright, since they haven't been posted yet and people are waiting for them, here's the list of 49th place and up for shoutout purposes. Not going to add them to the OP since that'll be Day's job and stuff, unless she asks me to. So just use this post to get your placements outside of top 33.

49: TKBro
49: Lou
49: SoraSin
49: DLA
49: MX778
49: Fuujin
49: Slim
49: Legan
49: Izumi
49: Rowan
49: Silhouette
49: Warfie
49: TWSS
49: Twilight Prince
49: Ripple
49: Excel
65: Smash64
65: fZk
65: Fromundaman
65: Tyr
65: Zwarm
65: HadesBlade
65: Jiffy
65: Today
65: Solecalibur
65: Wrath
65: Zephil
65: Sleep
65: Machine Gun Norm
65: Xyless
65: Katakiri
65: Auspher
81: Tmacc
81: JoshKip
81: Dajayman
81: 4Biddin
81: Clowsui
81: Pane
81: VGM
81: King
81: Geno
81: Composer
81: Mr. E
81: Technical Chase
81: Aposl
81: WPT
81: Radium
81: Jowii
97: SpongeJordan
97: Juushichi
97: FYJ
97: Kiest
97: Jayford
97: Xero
97: Hael Phael
97: Prime
97: Calebyte
97: Steep
97: :(
97: Rikku
97: Cobra Chain
97: Jnkoln
97: 134
97: Calebyte
113: Umashi
113: Jetzger


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
Hey guys, hopefully I can get replays from day tko, tonight and upload.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2010
Chicago, Chillinois
Speaking of replays, whoever had the wii at station 15 with the piece of tape on it that had some name and also had all those texture hacks like the green greens battlefield, I saved a replay on your wii (game and watch vs PT) and would very much love at least the replay file of not a full upload =)

Anyway, I had fun at this tourney all things considered and will do shoutouts later...maybe when dubs is up
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