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Showdown in Downtown 2: inb4august - Livestream by ESChamp | USA attendance!


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2010
Yeah your right but its defintly a huge reason why in those 2 characters I mentioned



Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2011
Richmond Hill
Lol talk about pool subbing, I sickly hope ur all kidding, I'll just give ally the prize money with an added bonus to just be kongmetal an entire tourney XD and I'll be the best brawler eva



Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2009
Etobicoke, Ontario
Lol talk about pool subbing, I sickly hope ur all kidding, I'll just give ally the prize money with an added bonus to just be kongmetal an entire tourney XD and I'll be the best brawler eva

^^This. TBH, Pool subbing and **** like it are the reason all the other competitive communities can't take us seriously.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
It's up to the discretion of the host, and Tin hasn't posted in a while. I don't think he'll allow such a thing. And I don't agree with it either.

I want pharaoh to attend but being subbed in pools can't be allowed. I personall;y think that by 4:30pm, pools are just about being finished up, I think pharaoh would have enough time to sit down and play all his matches in a row.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
I could breeze thru em easy u kno i dont loaft on matches and i never getto half the timer



Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
ok, i never get to half timer with snake

and u got sooo effin lucky its ridiculous we are gonna MM again


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Allow me to introduce myself. I am the president and founder of the Anti-Cruxis Association. In the text that follows, I will explain why stopping Cruxis is fundamental to the survival of our society. Here's a quick review: It's easy to tell if Cruxis is lying. If his lips are moving, he's lying.

Cruxis' obiter dicta sound so noble, but in fact when it comes to Cruxis' newsgroup postings, I maintain that we have drifted along for too long in a state of blissful denial and outright complacency. It's time to bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to the current debate. The sooner we do that the better because the whole of Cruxis' hotheaded, self-centered worldview may perhaps be expressed in one simple word. That word is "wowserism". Let me explain: Cruxis' cuckoo forces are nothing more than subservient blobs of easily controlled protoplasm. That's why they're so willing to help Cruxis make his self-fulfilling prophecies a key dynamic in modern jujuism by viscerally defining "anatomicophysiologic" through the experience of impudent authoritarianism.

I've known some imbeciles who were impressively unbridled. However, Cruxis is confused and that trumps unbridled every time. For his indelicate plans to succeed, Cruxis needs to dumb down our society. An uninformed populace is easier to control and manipulate than an educated populace. Within a short period of time, schoolchildren will stop being required to learn the meanings of words like "antiprestidigitation" and "phototelegraphically". They will be incapable of comprehending that purists may object to my failure to present specific examples of Cruxis' reprehensible crotchets. Fortunately, I do have an explanation for this omission. The explanation demands an understanding of how Cruxis' propositions are merely a stalking horse. They mask his secret intention to create an atmosphere that may temporarily energize or exhilarate but which, at the same time, will pose the gravest of human threats.

Cruxis' acolytes can't defend their undertakings. While this lighthearted statement adds sorely needed humor to an otherwise tense situation, people tell me that Cruxis' epithets are built on a backlash fueled by anger—in the form of resentment, spite, vengeance, envy, loss, and bitterness over declining status—on the part of bleeding-heart vandals. And the people who tell me this are correct, of course. There is no contradiction here; even though it is my opinion, as well as that of the courts, dozens of professional organizations, and numerous religious leaders, that the only winners in Cruxis' games are ambulance services and funeral homes, you mustn't forget that we mustn't let Cruxis increase subservience to his monolithic engine of communism. That would be like letting the Mafia serve as a new national police force in Italy.

Throughout history, there has been a clash between those who wish to develop an alternative community, a cohesive and comprehensive underground with a charter to give you some background information about Cruxis, and those who wish to abet ethnic genocide, dictatorships, and callous politicos. Naturally, Cruxis belongs to the latter category. If he manages to spawn a society in which those with the most deviant lifestyle, inhumane behavior, or personal failures are given the most by the government, civilization will crumble almost immediately. Investigators from a future era will need to sift through the charred wreckage of our society looking for the black box to figure out what happened. Maybe they'll even discover that one of Cruxis' most loyal apostles is known to have remarked, "Absenteeism is the key to world peace." And there you have it: a direct quote from a primary source. The significance of that quote is that courage is what we need to discuss the programmatic foundations of Cruxis' brutish whinges in detail—not politeness, not intellectual flair, not cleverness with words, just courage. And it sometimes takes a lot of courage to look a hateful, conniving suborner of perjury in the eye and tell him that I have some advice for Cruxis. He should keep his mouth shut until he stops being such an unctuous, macabre exponent of prætorianism and starts being at least one of informative, agreeable, creative, or entertaining.

It is certainly the height of ironies that mass anxiety is the equivalent of steroids for Cruxis. If we feel helpless, Cruxis is energized and ramps up his efforts to provide unscrupulous conspiracies with the necessary asylum to take root and spread. Rest assured, he likes to pit people against each other. Such activity can flourish only in the dark, however. If you drag it into the open, Cruxis and his secret police will run for cover like cockroaches in a dirty kitchen when the light is turned on suddenly during the night. That's why we must encourage opportunity, responsibility, and community.

Cruxis has certainly never given evidence of thinking extensively. Or at all, for that matter. I must ask that his grunts burn away social illness, exploitation, and human suffering. I know they'll never do that so here's an alternate proposal: They should, at the very least, back off and quit trying to contaminate clear thinking with Cruxis' mumpish reports. One might think that Cruxis dismisses his foes as either servants of an existing power structure or as sufferers of false consciousness, and this is, not surprisingly, the case. If I try really, really hard, I can almost see why he would want to pour a few drops of wormwood into our general enthusiasm. Couldn't you figure that out for yourself, Cruxis? To use some computer terminology, his camp has an "installed base" of hundreds of the most puerile ragamuffins I've ever seen. The implication is that Cruxis' primary goal is to dam the flow of effective communication. All of his other objectives are secondary to this one supreme purpose. That's why you must always remember that Cruxis has warned us that one of these days, infantile party animals will ransack people's homes. If you think about it, you'll realize that Cruxis' warning is a self-fulfilling prophecy in the sense that Cruxis is often accused of damaging the self esteem and physical health of millions of young men and women. His torchbearers usually respond with a message along the lines of, "So what? At least Cruxis isn't leaving a generation of people planted in the mud of an indecent world to begin a new life in the shadows of vandalism." I suppose there's an argument to be made for that, but aren't we forgetting that it would please Cruxis greatly to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet?

If you think you can escape from Cruxis' manipulative smears, then good-bye and good luck. To the rest of you I suggest that there is an unpleasant fact, painful to the tender-minded, that one can deduce from the laws of nature. This fact is also conclusively established by direct observation. It is a fact so obvious that rational people have always known it and no one doubted it until Cruxis and his votaries started trying to deny it. The fact to which I am referring states that I, for one, frequently wish to tell Cruxis that I disagree with his nefarious cajoleries. But being a generally genteel person, however, I always bite my tongue.

There are rumors circulating that it is crystal-clear that Cruxis hides behind the carefully managed prevarication that lying is morally justifiable as long as it's referred to as "strategic deception", so let me just clarify something: His victims have been speaking out for years. Unfortunately, their voices have long been silenced by the roar and thunder of Cruxis' winged monkeys, who loudly proclaim that governments should have the right to lie to their own subjects or to other governments. Regardless of those violent proclamations, the truth is that if he had his way, schools would teach students that Cruxis' screeds epitomize wholesome family entertainment. This is not education but indoctrination. It prevents students from learning about how Cruxis likes to posture as a guardian of virtue and manners. However, when it comes right down to it, what he is pushing is both inarticulate and diabolic.

Cruxis' assertion that "the norm" shouldn't have to worry about how the exceptions feel serves only to illustrate his ignorance and poorly hidden bigotry. It is no more complicated than that. Even if we accepted Cruxis' strictures, so what? Does that mean that he's renowned for his racial and cultural sensitivity? Of course not. In summary, it is my prayer that people everywhere will join me in my quest to force Cruxis into early retirement.


Smash Cadet
May 26, 2011
After having a talk with poke in the all is brawl smash talk chat room last night, i have decided that i will come to this tourney this will benefit me since i need all the match up experience i can get.

Me losing is part of the process to getting better in brawl so i simply will accept that.
Instead of being bothered by me losing i will put all of my frustrations turn all of that into my own source of energy that will make me play alot better and be stronger as a player.

My secondary character is no longer luigi, i have come to the decision that after i spent 3 days of my time in offline training mode in brawl that my new permanent secondary will be snake and only snake.
My reason for this is simple luigi is great when going up against diddy, but the problem with luigi is that he his up b is not even great unless you have the timing down 100% alot of times i find that i get punished for missing my up b way too many times.


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2009
Etobicoke, Ontario
Impressive, that speech passed my 5 second "paste parts of it into google to test for plagiarism" test. My hat off to you, good sir, for an inspiring original speech, or at the very least, for covering your tracks extremely well.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia

I've managed to get some sponsors to work with me for this tournament :). These sponsors include:

Official Website: www.eschamp.com

ESChamp will be providing a professional quality livestream. Omega Collectibles wasn't able to jump on board this time because this is an A&C Games tourney, so I'll see what I can do with A&C to help me out :]


Also throwing in a reminder to the good people that are attending this event.

Please Bring Setups :]


Smash Ace
Nov 8, 2010
Whitby, ON
May I be cynical for a bit? I hope you don't mind, but with Swordgaurd's latest barrage of cuckoo hariolations, I can't resist the urge to make a few cynical comments. I urge you to read the text that follows carefully, keeping an open mind, from the beginning to the end, and without skipping around. I further recommend that you take breaks, as many of the facts presented will take time to digest. You, of course, now need some hard evidence that Swordgaurd will go into the trash can of history with a very black and shameful file full of attempts to open the floodgates of sesquipedalianism. Well, how about this for evidence: Every time Swordgaurd tries, he gets increasingly successful in his attempts to provide raucous conspiracies with the necessary asylum to take root and spread. This dangerous trend means not only death for free thought but for imagination as well.

When I hear Swordgaurd say that the cure for evil is more evil, I have to wonder about him. Is he entirely wanton? Is he simply being abhorrent? Or is he merely embracing a delusion in which he must believe in order to continue believing in himself? To answer that question, we need first to consider Swordgaurd's thought process, which generally takes the following form: (1) The ancient Egyptians used psychic powers to build the pyramids, so (2) it is patriotic to violate values so important to our sense of community. Therefore, (3) we should abandon the institutionalized and revered concept of democracy and thus, (4) laws are meant to be broken. As you can see, Swordgaurd's reasoning makes no sense, which leads me to believe that when he stated that he answers to no one, I concluded that he was totally tactless. Now that he claims that he commands an army of robots that live in the hollow center of the earth and produce earthquakes whenever they feel like shaking things up a bit on the surface, I avouch that he's crossed the line into post-rationalist neo-Hegelianism. When surveyed, only two percent of his understrappers agreed with the statement, "Swordgaurd is known for fabricating evidence." This is a frightening statistic to those who rely on, or simply support, social tolerance and open-mindedness.

Some vexatious egotists have raised objections to my reinterpretations of historic events but their objections are all politically motivated. Still, Swordgaurd insists that his ravings will spread enlightenment to the masses, nurture democracy, reestablish the bonds of community, bring us closer to God, and generally work to the betterment of Man and society. Has anyone, at any time, ever been more wrong? One might as well ask, "What in tarnation was Swordgaurd thinking when he said that he has the authority to issue licenses for practicing nepotism?" The key to answering such questions is to realize that for Swordgaurd, all roads lead to wowserism. He claims that metagrobolism is the only alternative to insurrectionism. I think that the absurdities within that claim speak for themselves although I should add that I am not predicting anything specific. I just have a feeling, an intuition, based on several things that are happening now that Swordgaurd will make empty promises by the end of the decade. This letter has gone on far too long in my opinion and probably yours as well. So let me end it by saying merely that nerdy obstructionism has long been the nucleus of Swordgaurd's remonstrations.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I was wondering if A&C Games would sponsor a tournament at their location, I mean it seems reasonable enough that they should. Am additional shirt for 1st place or something? Really doesn't hurt.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
This letter is largely extemporaneous and unedited. I'm hoping that a stream-of-consciousness approach is the most honest way to convey information about how one immanent characteristic of Geoffrey Hamilton's suggestions is that they spoon-feed us Geoffrey's pabulum. In the text that follows, I don't intend to recount all of the damage caused by Geoffrey's filthy ****-and-bull stories but I do want to point out that Geoffrey doesn't want us to know about his plans to make conditions far worse than could ever have been the case without his conscienceless efforts. Otherwise, we might do something about that. My sources tell me that he intends to crush the remaining vestiges of democracy throughout the world any day now. Not on my watch! I am therefore calling upon all good citizens to punish him for his balmy ultimata.

I happen to believe that I have a dream that my children will be able to live in a world filled with open spaces and beautiful wilderness—not in a dark, lazy world run by the most apolaustic sods you'll ever see. Geoffrey's statements such as "There should be publicly financed centers of particularism" indicate that we're not all looking at the same set of facts. Fortunately, these facts are easily verifiable with a trip to the library by any open and honest individual.

Geoffrey raises an enormous hullabaloo and tries to drown me out every time I state in public that his narrow mind cannot embrace that feeling of pure philanthropy that first prompted people to drag him in front of a tribunal and try him for his crimes against humanity. Let me explain. He accuses me of being dimwitted whenever I state that he exudes the foul odor of tuchungism. All right, I'll admit that I have a sharp tongue and sometimes write with a bit of a poison pen, but the fact remains that you'd think that someone would have done something by now to thwart Geoffrey's plans to defy the rules of logic. Unfortunately, most people are quite happy to "go along to get along" and are rather reluctant to straighten out his thinking. It is imperative that we inform such people that if Geoffrey gets his way, we will soon be engulfed in a Dark Age of Bonapartism and indescribable horror. That's why I'm telling you that he uses defeatism to rifle, pillage, plunder, and loot. That's the large elephant in the room that nobody ever talks about. Nevertheless, I aver that people really ought to start talking about it because then they'd realize that it's easy to tell if Geoffrey is lying. If his lips are moving, he's lying. If we intend to defend democracy, we had best learn to recognize its primary enemy and not be afraid to stand up and call him by name. That name is Geoffrey "Phiddlesticks" Hamilton.


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2008
Toronto, Canada
This letter is largely extemporaneous and unedited. I'm hoping that a stream-of-consciousness approach is the most honest way to convey information about how one immanent characteristic of Geoffrey Hamilton's suggestions is that they spoon-feed us Geoffrey's pabulum. In the text that follows, I don't intend to recount all of the damage caused by Geoffrey's filthy ****-and-bull stories but I do want to point out that Geoffrey doesn't want us to know about his plans to make conditions far worse than could ever have been the case without his conscienceless efforts. Otherwise, we might do something about that. My sources tell me that he intends to crush the remaining vestiges of democracy throughout the world any day now. Not on my watch! I am therefore calling upon all good citizens to punish him for his balmy ultimata.

I happen to believe that I have a dream that my children will be able to live in a world filled with open spaces and beautiful wilderness—not in a dark, lazy world run by the most apolaustic sods you'll ever see. Geoffrey's statements such as "There should be publicly financed centers of particularism" indicate that we're not all looking at the same set of facts. Fortunately, these facts are easily verifiable with a trip to the library by any open and honest individual.

Geoffrey raises an enormous hullabaloo and tries to drown me out every time I state in public that his narrow mind cannot embrace that feeling of pure philanthropy that first prompted people to drag him in front of a tribunal and try him for his crimes against humanity. Let me explain. He accuses me of being dimwitted whenever I state that he exudes the foul odor of tuchungism. All right, I'll admit that I have a sharp tongue and sometimes write with a bit of a poison pen, but the fact remains that you'd think that someone would have done something by now to thwart Geoffrey's plans to defy the rules of logic. Unfortunately, most people are quite happy to "go along to get along" and are rather reluctant to straighten out his thinking. It is imperative that we inform such people that if Geoffrey gets his way, we will soon be engulfed in a Dark Age of Bonapartism and indescribable horror. That's why I'm telling you that he uses defeatism to rifle, pillage, plunder, and loot. That's the large elephant in the room that nobody ever talks about. Nevertheless, I aver that people really ought to start talking about it because then they'd realize that it's easy to tell if Geoffrey is lying. If his lips are moving, he's lying. If we intend to defend democracy, we had best learn to recognize its primary enemy and not be afraid to stand up and call him by name. That name is Geoffrey "Phiddlesticks" Hamilton.
oh you


Supreme Dirt

King of the Railway
Sep 28, 2009
Wait Mr L do you seriously consider Charizard's recovery bad? What are you smoking and where can I get some?


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2010
San Antonio
Is there anyone in or near barrie that i can carpool with to this? I haven't been to any tournies yet and i would really like to go to this one. Someone please help me out D:


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2009
I played Wifi today.
Then I realised why I stopped Playing it.
Not being able to PS Nado. What is this Bull Feces ?


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2010
lol no I never said charizard's recovery is bad. It's easily the best of the 3 pokemon.

When I said those characters recovery is big reason what makes them low tier I meant Ness & Link <_<


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2009
lol no I never said charizard's recovery is bad. It's easily the best of the 3 pokemon.

When I said those characters recovery is big reason what makes them low tier I meant Ness & Link <_<

GaW vs Ness.

Ness: Nooo! I'm Offstage!
Sakurai: You must Recover.
GaW: I don't think so. BUCKET MOTHER ****ER I CAN USE IT !!!!

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Wait Mr L do you seriously consider Charizard's recovery bad? What are you smoking and where can I get some?
Thats my line >:[

Is there anyone in or near barrie that i can carpool with to this? I haven't been to any tournies yet and i would really like to go to this one. Someone please help me out D:
I'm not 100% sure what transportation is like from Barrie to Toronto. I doubt anyone will be driving from up north bro. I'm sayin, you should check out maybe go Train, or coach busses that reach Barrie. If you need help lookin, just post in dis thread, and I'll see wut I can hook you up with : D.
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