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What type of Smasher are You?


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
mix between competitive/semi-pro/hardcore smasher.

i love losing just because i can learn my mistakes and get better and salute my opponent a fair good game ^^, im a pro smasher where i goto any nearby tournaments and went to a few out of state ones but dnt do it for a living rather an addicted hobby ^^ and a hardcore smasher cause well i love it no matter what ^^


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2008
I'm a mixture between casual and competitive. I like to play hard and use advanced techniques to win but I don't as far as to participate in tournaments.


Smash Rookie
Jul 12, 2008
Yoshi's Island, die Shy Guys!
I would pretty much be Competitive and Hardcore. I've been playing my Melee everyday whenever I'm bored playing the computer or my Xbox 360. I'm Competitive because I don't have any of those stupid items that seem to help everyone. And I'm hardcore, because I like to play the game, and destroy Level 9 Computers.


Smash Rookie
Jul 12, 2008
first of all very nicely written topic i must say, hit everything spot on, as for what type of smasher i am... i'd have to say competitive/casual, i enjoy reading up on new things that have been discovered, and constantly practice certain AT's and test out new things to help boost my game, but i also have that little smasher inside of me that likes to gather a couple friends around and stick 4 of us on fd in metal/fast/giant mode with 99 stocks :p thats always fun to do, imo, brawl is a game for everyone, theres always someone that might be interested in doing some of hte many things u can do on brawl :p as for the non-smashers, well they need to be educated of the things u can do with brawl (or ssbm/ssb for that matter) and if they decide not to like it, oh well, their loss :)


Smash Rookie
Jul 10, 2008
i would consider myself a casual/competitive player entirely. I mean I DO win but I don't sit there trying to beat my friends over and over. If i win, I win. If lose, I lose. I play just to have fun and every couple weeks or so i try to learn a new skill or technique. There's just nothing like very high/pokeball/99stock/mini survival match :p

I hate those type of people who r obsessed with winning. It takes the fun out of the game completely when you have a friend that will get mad when he loses.


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
I want to be competitive, but I don't exactly know how I'd fare agaisnt other people. Not many of my friends have the game, or are interested in the game, or even like the game (I know, freakin' CRAAAZY), so back in melee days, I was pretty lonesome when it came to smash. I'm in a small town, so no tournaments are ever close, doubt my dad will drive me to one, so I don't have a lot of experience in the professional world of smash, wish I did. :/
I recently discovered the SWF friend finder, and it's hooked me up with a few matches, most of which I did pretty well in. Most were close matches, and I won and lost a few. It was fun though, and it got my confidence up.
Anyone wanna 'rate' my play-style, PM me with your friend code! I'd love to duke it out! Also add me as a friend, so you can message me and let me know what I could use work on! Help me get better! Help me become competitive instead of just the casual gamer.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
Competitive. Simply for the adrenaline rush of comboing your mates *** every game.

Always have been competitive since the days of CS 1.6

I dont think i could play any other way? (apart from playing RPG's like Final Fantasy occasionaly)


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
Hmm when I think about it.. I love the stage final destiantion and smashville. I'd rather play with no items. and I like one-on-ones or team matches. I think I'm kinda competitive.f

also--can someone point me in teh direction of a tournament rules thread. As in--which stages are officially banned, and what not--and are items ever allowed in tournies? I don't think so..


Smash Rookie
Jul 13, 2008
I'm not one for tournaments. I am generally competitive, but it's less so in this game because I know I'm not as good as a lot of people.

I like playing with all items on at medium spawn rate, though I can play without them if my opponent prefers it that way.

I can handle Smashville because at least it has a platform floating around, but Final Destination is just too boring for me. I prefer stuff like Delfino Plaza, Castle Seige, Pictochat, Frigate Orpheon... pretty much the stages that have some sort of variety. I also like playing on my custom stages.

I use Toon Link because I like that he's really mobile and can rack up damage at a distance.

Kaotik Cemetary

Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2008
Competitive smashers have sucked the fun out of the game by reducing smash to 1v1 no item battles on Final Destination only. These self proclaimed Pro smashers are only good at the way THEY play the game. All Casual smashers think that playing with items on very high on Temple is a deep and enriching gameplay experience. Hardcore Smashers spend all of their time finding glitches so they can exploit and break the “real way” to play smash. People who don’t play smash are worthless.

If you’ve been outside the smashboards for more than 17 seconds, you have probably heard some of these stereotypes. Good thing none of them are true (except maybe that last one).
<p align="center"><img src="http://smashboards.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/what-kind-are-you.jpg" /></p>
It’s time to set some things straight. I believe it would do us all good to try to work out some definitions so that we can work out our differences.

<p align="center"><strong>Non-smasher:</strong> A person who doesn’t play smash.</p>
Though the definition seems clear enough, I must add that in order to qualify as a non-smasher, you have to either have never played any of the Smash Bros. games or explicitly state a refusal to play them. Basically, these people are mainly gamers who have never owned an N64 or a Nintendo Gamecube. It’s important to remember that there’s nothing wrong with these people. Most of the people in the world are these people. We need them to power our livelihood. Also, before you got your hands on Smash, you were one. Never forget where you’ve come from.
<p align="center"><strong>Casual Smasher:</strong> A person who plays smash as a recreational activity. These gamers play smash as a pastime, diversion, or as a resource for relaxation and enjoyment.</p>
Ultimately for these gamers, Smash is all about having fun in any style. Winning a losing matches is secondary to creating exciting experiences. This is why playing with items appeals to these players so much. What’s more exciting than throwing a bunch of pokeballs all over the place and running around as chaos commences?

As soon as someone gets upset or angry (at losing perhaps) the situation would have then gone too far for the Casual Smasher. Because everyone is just trying to have fun, there’s no need to get upset and throw your controller across the room. Though Smash has rules and clear objectives, they’re of a lesser priority for these players. They encourage people to try and win, but not at the expense of anyone else’s fun.
<table width="2">
<td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
<p align="center"><strong>Competitive Smasher:</strong> These gamers are serious about getting better at smash.</p>
The rules of the game are important because they create structures and yield gameplay that can’t be found anywhere else. Because the point of playing a game is to win, these Smashers do exactly that. These gamers will analyze their game to discover weaknesses and attempt to correct them. They’ll discover or acquire a technique and practice until it’s second nature. These smashers would never say “you’re taking the game too seriously” because they know, like anything in life (sports, music, school), taking it seriously is the best way to live. Only when you work for things do they truly become worth it; they truly become a part of you.

Though these gamers may not always have the time, it’s important to keep in mind that the only thing that differentiates a competitive smasher and a casual smasher is their respective attitudes. It has nothing to do with skill level. Those who simply have to desire to get better are competitive smashers, even if they never have any one else to play with for real competition.
<p align="center"><strong>Pro Smasher:</strong> A pro smasher is an expert player.</p>
There are many definitions of what makes a professional. Some define being a professional as being able to earn a living by, in this case, playing smash. I didn’t like this definition because earning a living is still quite difficult for professional gamers. After all, gaming in general is relatively new to the professional world of competition.

The only way to prove yourself in smash is to compete. Participating in tournaments is an easy way to compete and potentially establish yourself as an expert player by placing high. With Melee, competition was usually your friends, unless you were tapped into some kind of community. I grew up on smashboards, and I owe my allegiance to those boards. Through this community, I found out about tournaments, players, and techniques, and have been traveling all over Texas for the last 5 years or so just to compete.

Just because you win a local tournament doesn’t make you pro either. It’s important to get a sense of the overall evolution of competitive smash play. Thanks to youtube, smashers everywhere have an easy way to post and share videos. When someone is good, like <a href="http://youtube.com/watch?v=nOKyMf_sa7U">Bombsoldier</a> for example, the world can know about him and the new level of skill to reach.

There are certainly other kinds of experts in the smash universe. Some people aren’t good at mind games or pushing buttons fast enough. For these people, they might enjoy doing research about smash.You can also be an expert by holding the high scores in any of the single player modes (Break the Targets, Home Run Contest, Adventure Mode, Challenge Mode, Multiman Melee).

What’s important to remember about the pro smasher is they still have fun. Because fun can be thought of in many different ways, and come from a variety of experiences, we must be careful to accept other people’s preferences and methods for having fun. Some people really like applying themselves. I am one of these people. I enjoy experimenting and finding completely new ways to play. I don’t believe any pro smasher would continually go to tournaments if they weren’t having fun or being satisfied in some way. Nobody is forcing them to go. Because they choose to go, then there’s a good chance they enjoy it.

Every competitive player has their own personal line that they draw between doing everything it takes to win, and still having fun. I know I drew the line at “I must play Kirby.” For me, it was all about Kirby, and I didn’t care about any other character. This is probably the worst decision I could have made for my Melee “career.” I’ve suffered so much because of Kirby’s weakness. But even when I lost hard, I was still having fun. As long as I played Kirby, I was on the fun side of the line. Ultimately, it was my choice, and I went down fighting for what I believed in.
<p align="center"><strong>Hardcore Smasher:</strong> a player who will stick with Smash no matter what happens to the game.</p>
If L-canceling is out, if wave-dashing is out, if Marth is out, if Fox is nerfed, if there are no more original stages for target test, if the Brawl is not online, the Hardcore smasher will shrug and quickly move on. I know some may think that being hardcore is wining and nitpicking over the smallest details, but this is a misconception. The primary definition for “hardcore” is being “unswervingly committed”. This means, not matter what you’re sticking with Smash.

I fall under this definition of hardcore. I’ve written literally hundreds of pages about smash. I have owned the game since day 1 on the N64. And I’m planning my college schedule light next semester so my academic career isn’t flushed. I’ve set aside money so that I’ll be sure to be able to afford Brawl when it hits. Plus, I have two reservations for the game just in case a delivery truck tips over, or one of my friends foolishly forgets to reserve a copy. This is what it means to be hardcore. Not necessary all the specifics, but simply being committed.

I can hear some of you saying, “But wait a minute. I thought you said you were a Pro smasher. How can you be a hardcore smasher too?” I’m so glad you asked.

Being a Casual/Competitive/Hardcore smasher is all about your attitude. It’s very possibly to be a Hardcore-Casual Smasher. And for all you competitive/pro smashers reading this, inside us all there is a little casual smasher sitting around just goofing of on pokefloats with items on high. It’s good to recognize that.

Notice how none of these definitions have anything to do with “items on or off” “final destination only” or “must play tiers.” It’s all about who each individual smasher is and the choices they make. Everyone is different. Respecting these differences is how we’ll all get along when Brawl rolls around.

I am completly a competetive smasher no doubt. I go for every ko and always try to improve my skillz ;);

Zero X Unit

Smash Cadet
Jul 14, 2008
When i'm with my good friends I fool around and try not to be so competetive XP....But, wth random people i'm hardcore @_@


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2008
Why do we use the word "Hardcore"? Why not dedicated or some other word?

Anyways, I'm competitive because of my yearning to become better, even though I kinda suck.
I'm somewhat Hardcore too, becuz I bought Brawl purely becuz it was SSB3. Although the online, huge amount of characters, and graphics were nice too. lol

The Myk

Smash Rookie
Jul 15, 2008
I'm a Casual Smasher! Except I can tolerate many things, so I don't mind if it's 1v1 no items Final Destination...just playing Smash is fun!


Smash Cadet
Jun 26, 2008
im a 1 on 1 person just real kick ***
with 1 on 1 can test skill lvl .
and what Myk say "mine friend and i play much in final destination and no items and with 3 life's ^^


Smash Cadet
Apr 6, 2004
I'm definitely competitive, because I always play to win and I always try to find ways to get better.

That said, when playing with my friends it's almost always Free For All (4 people), 3-4 stocks, items on Low rate (AT's off, because we all hate Mr Resetti) and random stages. We've voted for a few stages to be turned off mainly just because we hate them.

My personal favorite style to play is just 1v1, items off, any non-moving stage, 3-4 stocks but I don't usually get to play that way unless we're only with 2 people. Most of the time I just make sure I'm the last man standing in FFA matches. Well, the last battle is usually between the same two people, me included. Often we'll have 2 stocks left so at least we can duke out the last battle in relative peace :p


Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2008
Indiana, USA
I love duels. I can focus on one target, evade, block, parry around and then execute. In brawls, I stoop to the level of ultra-pressing A and C-stick :p

System Failure 333

Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2008
Wow I felt like I was reading many elements in my smash experience... I'm quite new to the community and haven't competed with the outside world of smash so it's too early to know if I'm a pro, but I'm definitely a hardcore-competitive smasher... And so many things applied to me, like the fact that my brother keeps claiming I can't possibly be having any fun with the way I play against him (items off and very serious, letting him touch me very little)... I don't think there's any way I can make him understand but at least a lot of us here do!!!

HW_Dark Link

Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
In Shadow...
Im a hardcore-competitive Brawler
I dont like items I feel they r rediculously overpowered(but smash balls r awesome! lol)
In melee they were more fun.
I prefer 1 on 1s with someone above or near my skill level
I dont play ppl who ***** about everything >_>
I like any stage except the ones that KO u lol.
Im ALLWAYS trying to get better but my friends cant keep up with me. Online sux and until I go to college theres no one to play.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2008
Central Ohio
one word "aggressive"

Yes im an aggressive shiek player i dont like sitting back and waiting for aproach, i go by the rule "offense is the best defense" if your not being juggled/combo'd/ftilt locked by me your being edge hogged. I like to play people that are better then me because i learn more and get better but unfortunately i dont have any friends that are better then me.

HW_Dark Link

Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
In Shadow...
one word "aggressive"

Yes im an aggressive shiek player i dont like sitting back and waiting for aproach, i go by the rule "offense is the best defense" if your not being juggled/combo'd/ftilt locked by me your being edge hogged. I like to play people that are better then me because i learn more and get better but unfortunately i dont have any friends that are better then me.

Dude Same
Im no camper I go for the kill!
I love Brawlers like that :D
Thats how a match is supposed to be "SUSPENSEFUL"
Not oh Im so good I spam projectiles :p
Those matches r easy and a waiste of time
All I need r pros to play locally :(


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2007
it depends......im a reactive type of player...basically rock,paper,sizzors type of person.......if the person is boring and not doing much....i sand bad hard and do silly stuff....iim more of a smasher than a brawler...brawl is fun but melee i like more of course because i can be more technical....brawl is more strategy more than technicality...............and you can quote me on that if you want...its what i believe dont make it a big deal..


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
San Diego
Id call myself a Hardcore-Competitive /Pro Smasher...somewhere in the middle of competitive and pro(mostly because Im dont just want to get better, im already good but im not REALLY good so in that aspect i want to get better.)

Im also a Hardcore-Ness player. Ive mained Ness since smash 64....and I always will main Ness


Smash Lord
Jun 20, 2008
Houston, TX
Id call myself a Hardcore-Competitive /Pro Smasher...somewhere in the middle of competitive and pro(mostly because Im dont just want to get better, im already good but im not REALLY good so in that aspect i want to get better.)

Im also a Hardcore-Ness player. Ive mained Ness since smash 64....and I always will main Ness
u know when people say things like
"i mained link since 64 and melee..then ill main him in brawl..i will stay loyal.."(this refers to every character) blah blah blah
ure freaking stupid
try every character and see how good you are with each and one of them
dont stay only with the one u started since u was a little kid
even if u alredy tried to main someone else u could still keep trying


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2008
UK, England (We got Brawl late. Get over it.)
To be honest, I find placing myself into one of the groups you've described would be a little tedious, vain and boastful. A true Smasher does not need to be put into any one of those stereotypical groupings.
Besides that, I live in the UK, so Brawl has only recently been released here about two weeks ago. Most people here in the UK are still new to the game, including myself. Some, also including myself, are not new to the series itself, but are still learning the ways of Brawl.

u know when people say things like
"i mained link since 64 and melee..then ill main him in brawl..i will stay loyal.."(this refers to every character) blah blah blah
ure freaking stupid
try every character and see how good you are with each and one of them
dont stay only with the one u started since u was a little kid
even if u alredy tried to main someone else u could still keep trying
I don't think the insult there was at all necessary. When people say that they've mained someone since 64, just as I have always mained Yoshi, they do only mean mained. Maining does not refer to only ever being one character. Instead, it implies exactly what it says: the player mainly uses said character, but do often use other characters, too.
You should try thinking about what you've read before hurling ignorant insults at other members.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2008
UK, England (We got Brawl late. Get over it.)
Well said
But in a way I envy ppl who played the same character through all 3 games
B/c to tell u the truth I use everyone
Um... whom was that 'well said' compliment directed at...? :laugh:
I've mained Yoshi in all three games. Being the same character too often becomes extremely repetitive, though, and is rather dull. Frankly, doing so is taking the game a little too seriously. I vary between about 5 different characters from time to time, and also like having 'random' battles sometimes. Playing 'random' can sometimes really show whom are the best players.
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