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APM of Smashers. July Update - The Fastest Peach


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
even when you're in the air you can spam out a fair, or something
still useful lol

stab, sometimes people purposely don't fast fall a laser, like when you're trying to control space or intercept someone coming down from the air, so it's not always 100% to assume that (although you can see when he doesn't pretty easily)

i bet mango's jigglypuff would actually have a pretty close avg. apm to raynex, depending on the match
but it would be hard to figure out since he sometimes spams left and right in the air for spacing purposes


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
stab, sometimes people purposely don't fast fall a laser, like when you're trying to control space or intercept someone coming down from the air, so it's not always 100% to assume that (although you can see when he doesn't pretty easily)
Oh I see.

I'll pay more attention to that if I do another Falco match.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
270 is the apm of a pro toss players
pro zerg players can get to 800's lol, of course with a little spam

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
270 is the apm of a pro toss players
pro zerg players can get to 800's lol, of course with a little spam
yeah uh we don't care, we're measuring the apm of melee and not anything else. trolling's against the rules fyi.


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
yeah i dont actually do it >_>
I just play really silently. lololol.

Naw seriously. I used to beat the **** out of my controllers until I paid attention to Ryoko playing Peach. He was pretty ridiculous as far as tech skill with Peach went for his time, and I could rarely hear his hands on his controller, and ever since then I've tried to play a lot softer. It's actually done wonders for my control and speed, because my hands don't recoil nearly as much from hitting the buttons.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
I just play really silently. lololol.

Naw seriously. I used to beat the **** out of my controllers until I payed attention to Ryoko playing Peach. He was pretty ridiculous as far as tech skill with Peach went for his time, and I could rarely hear his hands on his controller, and ever since then I've tried to play a lot softer. It's actually done wonders for my control and speed, because my hands don't recoil nearly as much from hitting the buttons.
whoa seriously, thats crazy, cactuar-****ing silent killer


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
i suck and got a full-time job, so i've been too busy to help with this for the last month.
but i promise tomorrow i'll finally do my eggz count ^.^
and maybe linguini and kdj...need some more character representation up in here.

love what you've done with the thread, rockcrock, let me know if there's anything i can help with :D


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
Jman's APM

Way back in the thread Joe(plicate) requested Jman's APM for his match against Eggm. I was pretty bored so I decided to do it and it was actually pretty quick compared to others. Here's the match: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXYHSuuwBkw

One thing I'd like to mention is that Jman's moves like Cactus but Cactus moves like Cactus better. :psycho:

But seriously, his APM would have been lower than this but there was a good 10 seconds that Eggm was literally between a rock and a hard place and Jman continually did Shine -> Shffl'd Nair

If you don't want to read the whole thing then here

total actions: 496
match length: 1:56


Match starts 0:00

dash left
dash right
ftilt (2)
dash right
dash left
waveshine left (5)
dash right
dash left
dash right
dash left
dash left
dash right
dash attack
shine (2)
full hop
double jump left (2)
fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
platform drop
dash left
dash right
dash left
full hop Nair (2)
Fast fall
L cancel
dash left
dash right
waveshine right (5)
Shine (2)
Shffl'd Nair (4)
dash left
dash right
dash left
dash right
dash left
Shffl'd Nair (4)
Shine (2)
Jump canceled shine (3)
Full hop Nair (2)
Fast fall
L cancel
turn around
charged usmash (2)
dash left
full hop
double jump
fast fall
full hop right (2)
ledge drop
double jump left (2)
dash left
dash right
dash left
DI shine
double jump
side B (2)
dash right
dash left
dash right
Shffl'd Nair (4)
Shine (2)
full hop
double jump left (2)
fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
platform drop
L cancel
dash right
dash left
Short hop
Neutral B
fast fall
dash left
Full hop Nair (2)
Fast fall
L cancel
Dash left
Full hop Nair (2)
Fast fall
L cancel
dash left
dash attack
turn around
utilt (2)
full hop
double jump left (2)

Time of Eggm's First death: 0:27
total actions: 131

ledge drop
double jump left (2)
side B (2)
side B (2)
dash left
Full hop
waveland right (2)
dash right
dash left
DI Bair
DI Bair
shield roll right (2)
dash left
Shffl'd Nair (4)
waveshine left (5)
dash left
JC grab (2)
DI jab
dash right
dash left
Shffl'd Nair (4)
shield roll right (2)
dash right
dash left
Full hop (2)
platform shield drop (2)
dash right
dash right
dash left
Shffl'd Nair (4)
DI Nair
getup attack
dash right
Shine (2)
Full hop
double jump left (2)
Fast fall
L cancel
dash left
Full hop Bair (2)
Fast fall
Dash right
Full hop Nair (2)
Fast fall
L cancel
wavedash left (3)
dash left
dash right
utilt (2)
dash attack
wavedash down (3)
shine (2)
Shffl'd Bair (4)
turn around shine (3)
dash left
dash right
dash left
dash right
dash left
dash right
dash left
wavedash right (3)
Di Nair
DI shine
tech roll right (2)
full hop
double jump left (2)
fast falled Bair (2)
L cancel
DI Fair

1 minute mark
total actions: 256

Wavedash left (3)
short hop right (2)
shield roll right (2)
short hop left (2)
double jump right (2)
fast fall
turn around
turn around
Full hop right (2)
Fast fall
spot dodge
dash left
pivot (2)
full hop
fast fall
dash left
JC grab (2)
short hop
shine (2)
double jump
fast fall
dash right
wavedash left (3)
dash right
Full hop Nair (2)
Fast fall
l cancel
full hop right (2)
double jump left (2)
fast fall
Full hop Nair (2)
Fast fall
L cancel

Time of Eggm's second death: 1:13
Total actions: 313

Turn around
Full hop
Neutral B
Neutral B
Neutral B
Shffl'd Dair (4)
dash left
short hop
fast fall
full hop left (2)
wall jump right
airdodge left (2)
short hop
DI nair
double jump
Up right (3)
ledge drop
double right (2)
L cancel
turn around
DI bair
Up B right diagonally up (3)
Wavedash right (3)
dash right
wavedash left (3)
Shffl'd Dair (4)
Shield roll left (2)
get up attack
Wall tech
Shffl'd Dair (4)
Shine (2)
Shffl'd Nair (4)
Shine (2)
Shffl'd Nair (4)
Shine (2)
Short hop left (2)
Shine (2)
Shffl'd Nair (4)
Shine (2)
Shffl'd Nair (4)
Shine (2)
Shffl'd Nair (4)
Shine (2)
Shffl'd Nair (4)
Shine (2)
Full hop Nair (2)
L cancel
dash right
Fast fall Bair (2)
L cancel
Turn around
Full hop right (2)
Wavedash right (3)
Wavedash left (3)
dash right
dash left
dash right
JC grab (2)
Shffl'd Uair (4)
Full hop
Neutral B
Neutral B
Neutral B
Full hop
Neutral B
Neutral B
Neutral B
Full hop
Neutral B
Neutral B
Neutral B

Time of Eggm's Third death: 1:45
total actions: 451

Full hop
Neutral B
Neutral B
Neutral B
turn around
wavedash right (3)
Full hop right (2)
Full hop
DI Nair
double jump
Up B diagonally down left (3)
Ledge drop
Double jump left (2)
Fast fall
L cancel
waveshine right (5)
double jump left (2)
L cancel
Shine (2)
Short hop right (2)
ledge drop
double jump left (2)
L cancel
full hop right (2)
Ledge drop
shine (2)

End of match: 1:56
Total actions: 496


Nairs: 23
Dair: 5
Uair: 2
Bair: 13
Fair: 0

Usmash: 3
Dsmash: 0
Fsmash: 0

dashes: 69
wavedashes: 14

jab: 4
dtilt: 0
utilt: 1
ftilt: 1

Shine: 22
Neutral B: 16 (most were in between Eggm's stocks)
Up B: 2
Side B: 3

taunts: 0


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
awesome lol, thanks

it looks like fox is usually 220-280 when they play, and around 300 when they're gettin off/spamming

edit: the 304 cactuar match got put on private
is there any way we could still see it?
or who was it vs, if you remember, etc


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
The cactuar match was him 4 stocking scar. Pretty sure the title was "Why cactuar doesn't have a combo video". I looked on Scar's channel and it wasn't there. =(

And idk how to do the APM of anyone but spacies so a Samus main or something has to step it up lol
Jun 27, 2005
the west
i dont see how finding apms for matches in which the players arent necessarily trying to have high apms or do as much as they is interesting anymore. its not measuring how fast someone can be in melee just how fast theyre going when they arent trying to go fast, thats like measuring how high a jump is when the person is going for a lateral jump or something


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
i dont see how finding apms for matches in which the players arent necessarily trying to have high apms or do as much as they is interesting anymore. its not measuring how fast someone can be in melee just how fast theyre going when they arent trying to go fast, thats like measuring how high a jump is when the person is going for a lateral jump or something
This post screams "Do zelghandi"
May 3, 2009
lol I have some spare time right now, so I'll try to do an oldschool HugS match (place bets, over or under 150)

loser does a Gimpyfish match.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
i dont see how finding apms for matches in which the players arent necessarily trying to have high apms or do as much as they is interesting anymore. its not measuring how fast someone can be in melee just how fast theyre going when they arent trying to go fast, thats like measuring how high a jump is when the person is going for a lateral jump or something
Id have to agree, I want to be impressed with something hella high. But on the other hand theres nothing terribly wrong with just checking how fast players play during their matches.

So not how fast can they play, but how fast do smashers play during a match.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2003
Play Project: M! Florida
i dont see how finding apms for matches in which the players arent necessarily trying to have high apms or do as much as they is interesting anymore. its not measuring how fast someone can be in melee just how fast theyre going when they arent trying to go fast, thats like measuring how high a jump is when the person is going for a lateral jump or something
Because the goal of this topic is not to acquire a MAX APM. I was interested in discovering the average APM of a good smasher. I didn't really know what to expect before the initial tabulations were made. I would have still made this topic even if the APM was under 100. Sure, finding the highest APM could be exciting, and does have it's own value, but that was never the purpose. The purpose is to discover the realistic average APMs of pro smashers, and that's the way this topic will be conducted.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
Well nothing is realistic when you include **** 4 stocks in like 2 minutes in your average calculation.
Thats very realistic for THAT player and others of that calibur.

I mean realistically, that person got 4 stocked in 2 minutes. The point is that, they werent trying to play as fast as they could for simple APM calculations. They had an opponent and their goal was to play smash with them in hopes of winning the match.

I believe thats the avg encounter scenario for this game so it counts for avgs.
May 3, 2009
Statistically speaking, a match like Axe's 4-stock would be an outlier assuming the "average" game goes 4 minutes and each player down at 1 stock. So it shouldn't count towards the "average" APM of a game.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Thats very realistic for THAT player and others of that calibur.

I mean realistically, that person got 4 stocked in 2 minutes. The point is that, they werent trying to play as fast as they could for simple APM calculations. They had an opponent and their goal was to play smash with them in hopes of winning the match.

I believe thats the avg encounter scenario for this game so it counts for avgs.
You kidding me? Like nothing else to say to this other than that. Well ok I can always add on :\ lol. Basically with matches like that you're taking a top performance from one player, or a bottom performance from the other, either way you're taking a special example, and when it comes to things like this, special examples just won't do. To do this fairly you'd need an average from each player and take that average and put it into the calculation for the overall average (which would be derived from the process for every other player). Of course that's a very unrealistic and tedious thing to do, so to get around that it would be good to just use matches that aren't entirely one sided, because when a good player vs's another good player it shouldn't be total **** in one side.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
You kidding me? Like nothing else to say to this other than that. Well ok I can always add on :\ lol. Basically with matches like that you're taking a top performance from one player, or a bottom performance from the other, either way you're taking a special example, and when it comes to things like this, special examples just won't do. To do this fairly you'd need an average from each player and take that average and put it into the calculation for the overall average (which would be derived from the process for every other player). Of course that's a very unrealistic and tedious thing to do, so to get around that it would be good to just use matches that aren't entirely one sided, because when a good player vs's another good player it shouldn't be total **** in one side.
Thats a fair assumption, but with any data set, you will have high points and low points. As long as you dont have a bunch of matches representing high or low datum then you should have a very similar average that will not be skewed left or right.

Your solution is just take the middle ground when more accurate avg are actually calculated as a whole, including high and low points which come out to a middle.

IMO its best not to cut off the first and fourth quartiles because its possible for the highs to be more common or a better representation of the lows and that would increase the avg a little and should be more accurate and vica versa for the lows.

I guess I just dont see the problem with it statistically, seeing as how it was an actual match. I feel that an outlier would be something like Silent Wolfs tech skill vids where hes trying to break the bank, that doesnt show the avg anything of smash gameplay as a whole. Thats just a dude with **** fingers.
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