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Official Samus

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Definitely seeing some Metroid Other M inspiration coming in for Smash 4, despite the hatred for it. Her finishing moves and her Sensemove could be utilized for a much more refined and efficient CQC and throw game than what she has in Brawl. Imagining Samus tossing Bowser around with the lasso throw is hilarious.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2010
A place.
Brawl's Samus seemed to have no inspiration from Prime other than appearance despite the Prime games being the most recent during Brawl's development so I wouldn't be too sure about Samus's moveset being affected by Other M.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Samus's design in Brawl was taken from Metroid: Zero Mission. I hope it stays that way. Other M Samus looks so ugly.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I'd like to see her with her Other M design - namely no metallic bulge -, her Down B becoming morph ball mode, and for her to not suck anymore.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI
Hopefully she'll get a slight to decent power buff as a lot of her moves, especially on the ground, do really below average damage, and since most of her kill moves are grounded it would make her a bit better at killing. Her grab game needs work too; she doesn't need a ludicrous chain grab but it would be nice if they would at least halve the lag on her grabs so they aren't so overly risky. Bombs need a contact hitbox and a sooner action frame so they can be utilized.

Those are the basics that would make me happy.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I like her Melee play style as a long-ranged tank. Her effective close-range moves are designed to push the opponent away from her and into project range. Her throws can borrow elements from Other M (although that was a clunky game).

Make her charged shot scary again. I hate how Samus seems more powerful out of her tech-based suit which just happens to be loaded to the hilt with actual weapons.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Well, of course, we can't forget that Sakurai does not intend for this game to be competitive and Namco Bandai is the team working on this new project, so my expectations aren't too high. :-| In some of these posts, I'm reading about ways in which Samus could be improved in Brawl as it is now but I expect Smash 4 to be an entirely different game, so just giving Samus some buffs here and there probably won't cut it. Anyway, now for things that I would like to see in the new Samus:
  • Restore Samus to her status of being heavier than Ganondorf. She's in a big suit of metal, complete with jetpacks and weapons. No reason she shouldn't even be heavier than Snake, let alone Ganon.
  • Increase her falling speed. Jumping is and always has been a chore with her because of how long she just hangs in the air. Another reason for increasing the falling speed would be to increase the desire to use bomb jumps as a recovery tactic, something that has become pretty much obsolete for Samus when she can just float back towards the stage without any risk of falling to her death.....ever.
  • Bring back the usefulness of Samus's bombs. As was stated by someone else earlier, they should have constantly active hitboxes and should also act on their own much sooner. It should also be made much easier to bomb jump. Increasing her falling speed a mite would help in accomplishing this.
  • Give Samus a morph ball mode, one in which she can roll around and freely drop bombs. This could possibly be an alternative to her bomb attack so that, instead of dropping off a bomb, she becomes a morph ball with a new, but limited, moveset. More on this in a new post or an edit of this one...
  • Samus is clearly a defensive zoning character meant to have good setups in certain mid- to long- range situations. With this in mind, give Samus a better long-range pressuring game. The most obvious means of accomplishing this is improving her missiles. For one, I really think they should remove the mechanic that causes Samus to stop shooting her missile if she lands on the ground while shooting it. This might complicate stuff like missile cancelling but from Brawl, it's become clear that was never at the forefront of Sakurai's mind.
  • Allow Samus to charge her charge shot in the air. She's, like, the ONLY charge character who can't do that. >:-/

Edit - More on that new morph ball form:
I stated that this new form should have a new, limited moveset. For instance, pressing B could launch a bomb. Pressing downB would reset her back to her original form. It could be made so that bomb jumping is only possible in this morph ball form. This would prevent accidental bomb jumps when she's in her normal form. I think her speed and mobility should also be increased while in this form. Not only would this be true to the Metroid (especially Prime) series, where her morph ball was as fast or faster than her running speed, it would also provide Samus the possibility of creating some very interesting setups. For instance, she could shoot a smash missile, transform into the morph ball form, rush over to the opponent under cover of the missile, drop a bomb on top of them, revert back to her original form, and continue her pressure. Along this line of thinking, I think the transformation into and out of this morph ball form should be extremely fast, 5 frames or less. This would definitely make those setups I envisioned possible.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2012
Her slow falling speed was a throwback to Metroid, Metroid 2, and Super Metroid, where she really did fall very slow. I kind of like it, since her slow falling speed has been a consistent trait to set her apart in all three games. However, her falling speed is much faster in both the Prime trilogy and the newer 2D Metroids, so I wouldn't object to a faster fall speed.

The Morph Ball needs to be integrated more. I like bubbaking's ideas, but I'd also like the option of a Final Smash in Morph Ball form that doesn't transform her into Zero-Suit Samus (AKA the Power Bomb); likewise, a Zero-Suit Samus Final Smash that doesn't transform her into normal Samus, so that people who like one character but not the other aren't forced to switch. If bubbaking's down-B version doesn't work, I'd at least like a Morph Ball crawl; it makes no sense that Zero-Suit Samus can still crawl (Like in Zero Mission), but regular Samus can't activate her vastly superior Morph Ball.

I'd return the Grapple Beam stage grab to its Melee version; it's more dynamic and it also looks smoother.

Her Charge Beam works, but I really wouldn't mind having it changed; it operates nothing like the Metroid series version, and uncharged shots seem pretty worthless compared to missiles.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Samus should be able to hold a charge shot and then smash down B to scatter a bunch of little bombs for damage, just like in super metroid.

One thing that bugged me about Samus in Melee was that her super missle was just a fast regular missile. Brawl fixed that and made it like the one in Super Metroid, but they nerfed her to holy hell. Atleast Sakurai refers to the classic games in a sense.

Either way Samus needs some buffs:

-Give her the smash 64 dash, it was so fast and a tribute to Super Metroid Samus and her light speed dash.

-Bring back her bomb cancel. In Melee Samus was able to cancel the bomb jump in to an aerial. This was a great pressure tool.

-let her aim where she shoots. This idea was in Brawl but they gave it to the wrong character; Pit. Give Samus this ability since she is a projectile centric character

-Give her some kill moves. Just look at her Nair from Melee to Brawl, just sad, can't even kill at 200+ percent without DI. Return the knockback of her missles and Nair.



Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2011
New Jersey
I think Samus should have her down B be similar to the way Snakes B is now, but with less damage. I also think she needs her Utilt to KO from 110-130% and then she can be good.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2012
Disney World
Give her more suits you can switch into like the fusion & gravity suit that add their own effect to her, not just be a color change, that's all I would add to her.



Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2009
Buff Samus and make her projectiles more useful, such as making them transcendent. Many characters can easily negate a fully-charged Power Shot in Brawl which makes absolutely no sense in the gaming and realistic worlds.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2012
Hopefully she'll get a slight to decent power buff as a lot of her moves, especially on the ground, do really below average damage, and since most of her kill moves are grounded it would make her a bit better at killing. Her grab game needs work too; she doesn't need a ludicrous chain grab but it would be nice if they would at least halve the lag on her grabs so they aren't so overly risky. Bombs need a contact hitbox and a sooner action frame so they can be utilized.

Those are the basics that would make me happy.
Couldn't have put it better myself.



Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI
  • Restore Samus to her status of being heavier than Ganondorf. She's in a big suit of metal, complete with jetpacks and weapons. No reason she shouldn't even be heavier than Snake, let alone Ganon.
  • Increase her falling speed. Jumping is and always has been a chore with her because of how long she just hangs in the air. Another reason for increasing the falling speed would be to increase the desire to use bomb jumps as a recovery tactic, something that has become pretty much obsolete for Samus when she can just float back towards the stage without any risk of falling to her death.....ever.
  • Bring back the usefulness of Samus's bombs. As was stated by someone else earlier, they should have constantly active hitboxes and should also act on their own much sooner. It should also be made much easier to bomb jump. Increasing her falling speed a mite would help in accomplishing this.
  • Give Samus a morph ball mode, one in which she can roll around and freely drop bombs. This could possibly be an alternative to her bomb attack so that, instead of dropping off a bomb, she becomes a morph ball with a new, but limited, moveset. More on this in a new post or an edit of this one...
  • Samus is clearly a defensive zoning character meant to have good setups in certain mid- to long- range situations. With this in mind, give Samus a better long-range pressuring game. The most obvious means of accomplishing this is improving her missiles. For one, I really think they should remove the mechanic that causes Samus to stop shooting her missile if she lands on the ground while shooting it. This might complicate stuff like missile cancelling but from Brawl, it's become clear that was never at the forefront of Sakurai's mind.
  • Allow Samus to charge her charge shot in the air. She's, like, the ONLY charge character who can't do that. >:-/
I think she should be less floaty but it would be weird for her to have an average falling speed. The morph ball form would be an intriguing change from just bombs. I would imagine her being able to ball jump, use boost ball, and possibly power bombs along with normal bombs for a limited moveset. I feel like her charge shot should have more utility than just being a charge attack, I do agree it should get an air charge, maybe if you held B it would charge it or you could tap it for a quick shot or two on the ground or in the air to help mix up her zoning game.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2012
I have always been disappointed with samus(even if i do third here) samus just doesn't play like she played in metroid.

But the real thing i would complain about is she doesn't have the ability to rapid shoot energy blasts
Or the the ability to aim here shots

But i did have this idea which was, if you charge your shot to Full and samus has it stowed
Then instead of pressing B what if your Fair/Usmash shot of a bunch of little ones?

Cuz when samus does those moves im always expecting for them to shoot stuff :/



Smash Master
Jul 7, 2006
Seattle, WA
Switch FC
I alwys wondered: could there be a way to incorporate the Plasma Beam into her moveset? an idea i had is that if you hold in a fully charaged blast and don't use it for a minute, she shoots oput a Plasma Beam that can pass through objects and strike multiple targets.



Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2012
But i did have this idea which was, if you charge your shot to Full and samus has it stowed
Then instead of pressing B what if your Fair/Usmash shot of a bunch of little ones?

Cuz when samus does those moves im always expecting for them to shoot stuff :/
That would be great; it fits Samus' "projectile character" status, it looks cool, and it adds some versatility to a full Charge Beam.

I alwys wondered: could there be a way to incorporate the Plasma Beam into her moveset? an idea i had is that if you hold in a fully charaged blast and don't use it for a minute, she shoots oput a Plasma Beam that can pass through objects and strike multiple targets.

I'd prefer seeing the Ice Beam. It's much more of a signature ability, especially with its utility in taking out Metroids.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
I have always been disappointed with samus(even if i do third here) samus just doesn't play like she played in metroid.

But the real thing i would complain about is she doesn't have the ability to rapid shoot energy blasts
Or the the ability to aim here shots

But i did have this idea which was, if you charge your shot to Full and samus has it stowed
Then instead of pressing B what if your Fair/Usmash shot of a bunch of little ones?

Cuz when samus does those moves im always expecting for them to shoot stuff :/

If you were able to store a charge shot and use it during an aerial you would be missing out of two different moves to use during an actual fight. Imagine coming back towards the stage without being to fair or being able to space an angled f-smash because you couldn't use your moves in fear that you would lose your charged shot. It would make Samus even worse since you couldn't effectively defend yourself while having a charged shot.

I did mention an idea similar to this earlier. I suggested that if Samus had her charge shot stocked and smashed down B it would scatter a bunch of little bombs on the ground and explode at different times, just like in Super Metroid.

Or she can have her light speed jump by smashing Up+B. You can charge it for a short time, and the distance is about half a fox illusion. You can hold either left right or up and when you release she'll tackle the enemy. Besides Link, Samus is the only character with a smash B in the game, may as well give her more to give her more power suit based attacks.

Or they could just improve the charge shot and buff her attacks, whichever is better.



Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I would not mind each character have two different B moves with slightly different effects. The B move can be chosen before battle. Samus could have her regular shot or ice beam. The regular B would be a KO move, while the ice beam could be amiable, low KO, ability to create ice on the floor, and ability to slightly slow down characters.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2010
A place.

Or she can have her light speed jump by smashing Up+B. You can charge it for a short time, and the distance is about half a fox illusion. You can hold either left right or up and when you release she'll tackle the enemy. Besides Link, Samus is the only character with a smash B in the game, may as well give her more to give her more power suit based attacks.

While the Shinespark would be a good idea, the Screw Attack is more iconic so I'm not sure if it would be the best idea to replace it.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I would not mind each character have two different B moves with slightly different effects. The B move can be chosen before battle. Samus could have her regular shot or ice beam. The regular B would be a KO move, while the ice beam could be amiable, low KO, ability to create ice on the floor, and ability to slightly slow down characters.
This would cause a lot of balance issues. IMO, if they really want to include more specials, they could change up the control system (this would not surprise me what with Namco's involvement) or include EX Specials. In Samus' case, you'd get different specials at the cost of meter.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
I think Samus should have her down B be similar to the way Snakes B is now, but with less damage. I also think she needs her Utilt to KO from 110-130% and then she can be good.
What do you mean "similar to the way Snake's B is now?" Do you mean Samus should be able throw her morph ball bombs or what? :/

This would cause a lot of balance issues. IMO, if they really want to include more specials, they could change up the control system (this would not surprise me what with Namco's involvement) or include EX Specials. In Samus' case, you'd get different specials at the cost of meter.
Well, I have nothing against the use of a revamped control system that makes use of EX inputs, but I really don't like the idea of using meter. It kinda takes away from the essence of Smash. Tbh, I just wanna hit you, not worry about how much meter I'm building up and using and all that. Soul Calibur used to be one of my favorite fighting game series cuz it was just 'Hit your opponent with your awesome weapon and try to look cool doing it!' Then, SC V came out and introduced the meter mechanic and it all went to heck for me.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Well, I have nothing against the use of a revamped control system that makes use of EX inputs, but I really don't like the idea of using meter. It kinda takes away from the essence of Smash. Tbh, I just wanna hit you, not worry about how much meter I'm building up and using and all that. Soul Calibur used to be one of my favorite fighting game series cuz it was just 'Hit your opponent with your awesome weapon and try to look cool doing it!' Then, SC V came out and introduced the meter mechanic and it all went to heck for me.
What is this essence of Smash you speak of?

And Soul Calibur was one of your favorite fighting games because of "blah, blah, blah"? That applies to every game really, especially non fighters like Bayonetta. Meter just adds a layer of strategy. Look at it in terms of RPGs and it's not all that weird.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2012
I think Samus could use a bit of an overhaul. She should obviously be more like Melee, but she could use a few new moves, considering she's entirely based on Super Metroid still. Throw in some Prime stuff. And her Prime 2/3 Varia Suit. We can just pretend Other M never happened. And I wouldn't miss Zero Suit Samus.


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2012
San Antonio, Texas
I used to play melee all the time and i always liked using Samus and blowing people away with my blaster and the super missile, so when i got SSBB i was excited because i thought, "It's an all new console with better graphics and there has been new Metroid games, she is going to kick *ss". Wow I was disappointed. She got downgraded almost all the way to the bottom of the 35 character ladder. I'll admit, her screw attack and morph bombs are better now, her blaster and missiles are now terrible. Her grapple range was cut down, and they downgraded standard A combos. Almost everything is worse about her. In a 5 stock match in SSBM with my two bros. and a level 9 CPU, i used to get at least 5-8 kills. Now, with the newer over powered characters, i get a lot more kills from the final smash than actually hitting them. Lighter and weaker Zero Suit is almost 20 ranks higher on tiers.

So for the newest Smash, Samus needs a overhaul. Keep most of the same moves, but toss most of the old brawl stats. In melee, even though she wasnt the best, she was good, but in brawl, she is the metaphorical equal of a Magikarp. She needs to have her blaster and missiles repowered to make her an actual long range threat. Her grapple lasso should be about 50% longer, to counter-act her relatively weak throws. Also, she is in a Power Suit built by the technologically superior Chozo, she should be able to punch an enemy more than a foot. That also means she should be heavier, and wont be able to get K/Oed because she floats down to an enemy.
So basically, improve her weapons and stats to counter the newer characters coming in.

But the Morph Ball, that needs to change completely. In no Metroid game do you enter Ball form, drop a bomb, and then become normal. You would enter, and then stay in ball form. You could roll around, drop bombs of course, but also be able to use the Boost Ball and even the Hyper Ball from Prime 3. The Boost Ball would be a one or two second charge, before a high speed roll that would damage enemies and still go through them, similar to Lucas's PK Thunder. On the ground, as its charging you could go up diagonally at about a 35 degree angle, and in the air, you could go steeply down or slightly up.
There would be no grapples or shields, and the only B moves would be bombs you are in Hyper Ball. You could still jump and double jump, and you would be able to launch straight into a Screw Attack from Ball form. Using your Boost Ball over an edge would not make you immobile, but you would have a faster falling speed than normal Samus.

Also, Zero Suit and normal Samus would be their own separate characters. While it was a good idea to be able to use both through smash balls, but sometimes i just want to use one of them, but i am forced to change to keep the smash ball from others. So Samus would still use her Zero Laser, but Zero Suit would get her own unique Final Smash.

So any advice or criticism would be helpful, but i am a strong supporter of the Metroid series for Super Smash Bros, and i want it to be the best it can be.:samus:

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Morph Ball as a Down B could finally fix Samus' horrible roll dodges as well. As she could have the 'Sence' roll ability from Other M. Other M could also be inspirational as to how to handle the Charge Shot. Making it also a direct physical hit maybe when used after a combo of physical moves? I honestly thought regarding the power of Samus' regular attacks and aerials, that it really suited her. Cause honestly: Samus ain't no physical fighter. So her being quite strong physically in Melee felt weird to me. But I miss the projectiles, especially the Missiles. Those need more options, and the power they had in Melee. Also, chargeable missiles would be cool. AND: Samus her regular uncharged Charge Shots need to be more useful. Her regular A moves should allow her to follow up better, but remain about as strong as they are in Brawl. Also, the Grapple Beam needs it's old range.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2012
Morph Ball as a Down B could finally fix Samus' horrible roll dodges as well. As she could have the 'Sence' roll ability from Other M. Other M could also be inspirational as to how to handle the Charge Shot. Making it also a direct physical hit maybe when used after a combo of physical moves? I honestly thought regarding the power of Samus' regular attacks and aerials, that it really suited her. Cause honestly: Samus ain't no physical fighter. So her being quite strong physically in Melee felt weird to me. But I miss the projectiles, especially the Missiles. Those need more options, and the power they had in Melee. Also, chargeable missiles would be cool. AND: Samus her regular uncharged Charge Shots need to be more useful. Her regular A moves should allow her to follow up better, but remain about as strong as they are in Brawl. Also, the Grapple Beam needs it's old range.
She's in a suit of high-tech armor and is very athletic, so I don't see how it's weird. And I don't mind the lack of the morph ball mode, I just dislike how the bombs are completely useless. Agreed on everything else. Samus needs to be more like Melee and needs a bit of an overhaul.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Check out this post I made on this thread a little while ago:

In some of these posts, I'm reading about ways in which Samus could be improved in Brawl as it is now but I expect Smash 4 to be an entirely different game, so just giving Samus some buffs here and there probably won't cut it. Anyway, now for things that I would like to see in the new Samus:
  • Restore Samus to her status of being heavier than Ganondorf. She's in a big suit of metal, complete with jetpacks and weapons. No reason she shouldn't even be heavier than Snake, let alone Ganon.
  • Increase her falling speed. Jumping is and always has been a chore with her because of how long she just hangs in the air. Another reason for increasing the falling speed would be to increase the desire to use bomb jumps as a recovery tactic, something that has become pretty much obsolete for Samus when she can just float back towards the stage without any risk of falling to her death.....ever.
  • Bring back the usefulness of Samus's bombs. As was stated by someone else earlier, they should have constantly active hitboxes and should also act on their own much sooner. It should also be made much easier to bomb jump. Increasing her falling speed a mite would help in accomplishing this.
  • Give Samus a morph ball mode, one in which she can roll around and freely drop bombs. This could possibly be an alternative to her bomb attack so that, instead of dropping off a bomb, she becomes a morph ball with a new, but limited, moveset. More on this in a new post or an edit of this one...
  • Samus is clearly a defensive zoning character meant to have good setups in certain mid- to long- range situations. With this in mind, give Samus a better long-range pressuring game. The most obvious means of accomplishing this is improving her missiles. For one, I really think they should remove the mechanic that causes Samus to stop shooting her missile if she lands on the ground while shooting it. This might complicate stuff like missile cancelling but from Brawl, it's become clear that was never at the forefront of Sakurai's mind.
  • Allow Samus to charge her charge shot in the air. She's, like, the ONLY charge character who can't do that. >:-/

Edit - More on that new morph ball form:
I stated that this new form should have a new, limited moveset. For instance, pressing B could launch a bomb. Pressing downB would reset her back to her original form. It could be made so that bomb jumping is only possible in this morph ball form. This would prevent accidental bomb jumps when she's in her normal form. I think her speed and mobility should also be increased while in this form. Not only would this be true to the Metroid (especially Prime) series, where her morph ball was as fast or faster than her running speed, it would also provide Samus the possibility of creating some very interesting setups. For instance, she could shoot a smash missile, transform into the morph ball form, rush over to the opponent under cover of the missile, drop a bomb on top of them, revert back to her original form, and continue her pressure. Along this line of thinking, I think the transformation into and out of this morph ball form should be extremely fast, 5 frames or less. This would definitely make those setups I envisioned possible.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Morph Ball as a Down B could finally fix Samus' horrible roll dodges as well. As she could have the 'Sence' roll ability from Other M. Other M could also be inspirational as to how to handle the Charge Shot. Making it also a direct physical hit maybe when used after a combo of physical moves? I honestly thought regarding the power of Samus' regular attacks and aerials, that it really suited her. Cause honestly: Samus ain't no physical fighter. So her being quite strong physically in Melee felt weird to me. But I miss the projectiles, especially the Missiles. Those need more options, and the power they had in Melee. Also, chargeable missiles would be cool. AND: Samus her regular uncharged Charge Shots need to be more useful. Her regular A moves should allow her to follow up better, but remain about as strong as they are in Brawl. Also, the Grapple Beam needs it's old range.
Other M would disagree with you there among all the Metroid games. What I think she should be is an aggressive zoner of sorts.

And this post reminded me of why 3D Fighter combos would be so good for Smash. Her using the charge shot as part of a specific combo reminds me of Devil Jin using his lasers during a combo.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2012
Other M would disagree with you there among all the Metroid games.
I disagree with Other M.

Even if we were to include the lethal strikes, she can only perform those on weakened opponents; she otherwise just uses her traditional arsenal.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
I would like for her Final Smash to change. Rather than the Zero Beam, I'd like for her to use the PED system from Corruption.

It would be a "transform" style Final Smash. It would increase her speed and strength, and alter her specials to act like the Phazon attacks from Corruption:

*Charge Beam becomes Hyper Beam. Rather than a single bullet, it is a rapid-fire array of snaking blue projectiles that chase the enemy.
*(Super)Missile becomes Hyper Missile. A lightning-fast projectile with extraordinary launching power, but absolutely zero tracking.
*Morph Bomb becomes Hyper Ball. Samus enters Morph Ball form, and remains in it so long as the player holds B. While in Morph form, Samus is faster, and emits blue lightnng that deals rapid damage.
*Screw Attack becomes a (non-canon) Hyper Screw. She simply moves faster and higher and deals more damage.
*Her grab becomes the Hyper Grapple, and deals damage simply by holding the enemy (and perhaps drains the health into Samus, like the Electro Grapple could in Corruption?)

In addition to giving Samus some interesting options and referencing Prime, this version of a Final Smash would not have to remove the "Final Smash to go Zero Suit" mechanic of the Zero Beam. As the Final Smash's active time draws to a close, there is a warning beep. If Samus taunts during this time, she vents the remaining Phazon in the suit in a cloud of blue air, that damages foes, and goes back to normal. If she fights on, the suit auto-vents after a few more seconds, and the strain placed on the suit causes it to break off, revealing Zero Suit Samus.

It would give Samus players a way to perform her Final Smash without having to enter the Zero Suit mode, if they choose not to.

I think that this sort of Final Smash would be more dynamic and interesting than a huge laser.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Or we can use the Hyper Mode from Super Metroid.
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