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The Best in the Galaxy: Samurai Goroh for SSB4 - Confirmed for Assist Trophy

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Aug 10, 2011
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Thanks to N3ON for the banner.

Samurai Goroh Enters the Frey!

An Overview and Introduction:

Samurai Goroh is a pilot samurai from the F-Zero franchise. He has appeared in the series since its creation, piloting the amazingly fast Fire Stingray. Goroh is Falcon's long-time rival and ex-colleague from when they were both working as Bounty Hunters on the same Police Force. Being a Samurai, he wields a katana. Currently, he leads a band of intergalactic thieves. As far as Smash Bros. is concerned, Goroh has made appearances in Super Smash Bros. Melee in the opening movie, racing against Captain Falcon. Additionally, he appeared as a trophy. In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Samurai Goroh was again added as a trophy, but was also the only F-Zero character to become an Assist Trophy.

Why Smash 4?:

The F-Zero series in Smash so far has solely been represented by Captain Douglas J. Falcon. It is also a big enough series to warrant the addition of a newcomer, despite not having a recent game. Metroid didn't have many recent games before Smash 64, yet Samus was added, so Goroh can still get in. Wielding a katana, he can have quite a nice amount of fighting potential. He's Falcon's rival, helping with his "next in line" status. And, unlike Black Shadow, Goroh's fans want him for valid reasons. Many Black Shadow fans just want him to take Ganondorf's old moveset so he can get a new one (he definitely has some legitimate fans, but many of them just want him for these shallow reasons, which is rather insulting to Black Shadow as a character).

Common Points Against Goroh's Inclusion (and Counterarguments):

Point 1: The F-Zero series is irrelevant and doesn't deserve a newcomer.

Counterpoint: This is bar-none the most common Goroh-detraction that people throw against him. Let's start by establishing a few things. "Relevancy," as people like to call it, is not the same thing as "recency." Relevancy actually refers to importance. And while it is true that F-Zero has not had a new game in quite some time, I don't think this means much against Goroh. Sakurai's guidelines for character inclusion are:
Sakurai said:
- The character's inclusion must make people want to buy the game.
- The character must be unique
- The character must fit into the style of Super Smash Bros.
- They must contribute to the game balance.
Nowhere does it mention that the character must have had a recent game. On the contrary, Goroh does quite well in meeting the criteria. Furthermore, the pool of possible choices is running quite low nowadays. Most of the "All-Stars" that remained were added during Brawl. That may have seemed like Goroh's best chance, being that F-Zero GX was still shiny and brand new, but honestly. Look at who Goroh had to compete with. With contenders like Dedede, Olimar, Wario, Pit, Meta Knight, Lucario, Ike, and Diddy Kong, it's no wonder that Goroh was skipped over. This time, by comparison, the pool of possible playable pals is puny. If anything, Goroh has a better chance this time.

Point Two: We have enough sword users/he'd be a Takamaru clone:
Counterpoint: This is the less common counterargument against Goroh (thankfully...), but sadly, it still exists. The "sword user" argument is weak and superficial, as there are many different ways to wield and fight with a sword. Heck, Goroh's sword is a katana, which has not been used in a Smash setting so far.

And usually when that gets brought up, people who use this argument state that Takamaru, who is a rather likely newcomer, would hinder Goroh's chances, seeing as they both use a katana. And to that, I repeat: there are multiple ways to use a sword. After all, Link and Ike both use Western-European broadswords, and they have very different fighting styles. While Takamaru is more of a typical samurai with nimble and precise slashes, mixed with his other weapons in his arsenal, Goroh is a samurai in name only, who does reckless hack-and-slash maneuvers, referencing his own recklessness and the nature of the F-Zero racing games.

And here's SSBF's quality overview of Goroh, which I feel is a fair assumption. He and I share the belief that Goroh is a good bet in the sense that he's a "gut feeling" character.
And finally, Samurai Goroh, who seems to be the "middle of the road" character. He seems to be one of those character who doesn't necessarily have any big advantages over the others, yet he doesn't seem to have anything significant going against him. He's not a highly requested character, but still pops up enough to be noticed. F-zero is a franchise that is currently dormant, but I don't think Sakurai cares about recentness (and I do think he will look at adding a F-zero character one last time). While none of the F-zero characters are significantly different in importance, Goroh seems to stick out in being well-known (being Captain Falcon's rival). Probably the most important is that he doesn't share the same disadvantage as the others in C class. He doesn't have competition that could very well outclass him (like Bowser Jr, Chrom and Saki), he's not third-party (like Professor Layton), he doesn't come from a franchise where many are opposed to a fourth rep (like Krystal) and he doesn't come from a franchise where Sakurai will likely have super high expectations with characters (like he will with Zelda, which even Ghirahim may not fulfill).

I imagine that Sakurai has been looking at adding Goroh ever since pre-Melee (where he was featured in Melee's cinematic trailer, making many think he would be added). My theory is that had he not had such strong competition, he would have probably gotten into Brawl. Now that with the pool having dwindled down significantly, it seems as Smash 4 is his chance to finally get in and I have the feeling that Sakurai will be bringing Goroh to Smash.
Possible Movesets:

[COLLAPSE="Opossum's Moveset for Goroh."]

Now with Goroh, I only had a few things to go on: His machine, the fact that he's a samurai, and his cocky attitude. As such, I tried to make the moves reflect that, and F-Zero itself, especially in his Down Special.

Samurai Goroh
A: Right Katana Swipe 6%
AA: Left Katana Swipe 6%
AAA: Samurai Goroh performs a “Sparta Kick” for 8%
A Side: Goroh does an outwards swipe of the katana for 12%.
A Up: Goroh swiftly moves the sword up to a 120 degree angle for 9%.
A Down: Goroh jabs the katana down diagonally in front of his feet. 6%
Dash A: Does a stumbling-type movement and jabs the katana downward as he runs. Does 8%

Smash Side: Goroh swings the katana in an upward arc for 18%.
Smash Up: Swiftly brings his katana down from over his head to the ground for 20%.
Smash Down: Goroh swipes his katana along the ground in a circle and produces a small ring of fire for 22%.

Air A: Goroh does a somersault flip for 14%.
Up Air A: Goroh spins his katana upwards (similar in execution to Pit’s Up Air) for 10%.
Backward Air A: Goroh slashes his katana backwards for 7%.
Forward Air A: Goroh kicks outward for 4%.
Down Air A: Goroh slashes a downward flamed arc for 6%.

Grab and Pummel: Goroh grabs the foe and knees them in the torso. Pummel does 2%.
Forward Throw: Goroh picks up the foe and body slams them for 13%.
Back Throw: Goroh throws the foe back and kicks them for 8%.
Up Throw: Goroh throws foes upwards and jabs them with the katana for 9%.
Down Throw: Goroh throws the foe down on them and stomps on them for 12%.

His Neutral B would be the Stingray Slice. Samurai Goroh would slash his sword in an overly-fancy arc to start off the move. Then, in reference to his machine, the Fire Stingray, a flame emerges from the sword. It forms a Stingray shape, and glides along toward the opponent. It can reach the length of two and a half Battlefield platforms. Upon impact, the Stingray bursts for 15% damage and a fire effect.

His Side B will be the Katana Combo. This is somewhat similar to Marth’s Side B in some respects. Goroh steps forward and begin a katana slash, quickly succeeded by another. Now, for the third one, you could keep going for a normal slash, hit up for Goroh to do a headshot (this dazes opponents if sweet-spotted), or Down for a foot swipe which causes tripping. With all three hits, the move does 18%. It is a pretty good move for mix-ups.

His Up B would be the Fiery Tornado. Goroh swings his katana around him at a feverous pace. It glows, and then bursts into flames. He then rises upward in a tornado of fire while spinning. It does 18% and has a burn effect if opponents are hit.

Samurai Goroh's Down B would be Speed Boost. This is key to Goroh’s playstyle. Goroh first says, “I gotta speed up!” After a pause, he faintly glows red and jumps a bit. After this, for the next 30 seconds, all moves are executed 50% faster and do 5% more damage. In addition, he will move at Captain Falcon’s speed. It requires a ten second cool down before the next use.

Finally, his Final Smash would be Red Canyon Raid. Like in F-Zero GX, his lackeys would swarm the stage and attack the foes for 30%. Goroh will then go offscreen and return in the Fire Stingray, which zooms horizontally across the stage with the knockback of a racer on Port Town Aero Drive. This also causes an additional 25%.
[collapse=GoldenYuiitusin's Goroh Moveset]Jab Combo: Goroh punches, then slashes with the sword twice.

Forward Tilt: A hooked punch.

Up Tilt: Goroh swings his sword overhead.

Down Tilt: Goroh stabs forward while crouching.

Forward Smash: Goroh will thrust his sword forward rapidly multiple times, with the final thrust sending an opponent flying.

Up smash: Goroh thrusts his sword upward.

Down smash: Goroh sheathes his sword, then stomps twice like a sumo.

Dash Attack: Goroh recklessly charges forward, swinging his sword like a madman. This is similar to his Assist attack in Brawl, though he has knockback resistance as he does it.

Neutral Aerial: Goroh will spin like Wolf’s Neutral Aerial, but have his sword drawn.

Forward Aerial: Goroh rapidly slashes forward a few times like his midair Assist attack.

Backward Aerial: Goroh will elbow behind him.

Up Aerial: Goroh backflips, as he slashes upward with his sword.

Down Aerial: Goroh will thrust downward with his sword.

Pummel: Goroh headbutts his opponent.

Forward Throw: Goroh kicks his opponent forward.

Backward Throw: Goroh sheathes his sword, then rolls backward and throws his opponent.

Up throw: Goroh sheathes his sword, then uppercuts his opponent upward.

Down Throw: Goroh slams his opponent to the ground.

Neutral Special: Stingray Slash
Goroh will charge up energy with his sword while yelling “Stingray….” when the Special Attack button is held. When the button is released, Goroh will slash his sword forward yelling “Slash!” The longer the attack is charged, the longer and more powerful the slash is. Goroh must at least finish yelling “Stingray….” before the button is released, or else the attack will fail.
Inspiried by the Rider Slash from Kamen Rider, specifically the Ongeki Ha: Kishin Kakusei from Kamen Rider Hibiki Armed Form.

Side Special: Goroh Chop
Goroh will quickly sheathe his sword, then leap forward with an explosive double karate chop.
Inspiried by the Rider Chop from Kamen Rider.

Up Special: Stingray Thrust
Goroh will leap high into the air, then crash down sword-first at a diagonal angle in front of him.
Inspired by the Rider Thrust from Kamen Rider.

Down Special: Samurai Steal
Goroh will quickly reach in front of him. If he makes contact with someone, he grabs them, then pushes them away. If they were holding an Item, Goroh steals it for himself. If they were holding a large item, it will either fall on top of them or Goroh at random. He cannot use this move if he’s already holding an Item.

Final Smash: Fire Stingray
Goroh will call out to his Fire Stingray, which will initiate an attack like the Blue Falcon. If it makes contact, the opponent is stunned and frozen in place as he hops on top of it (he modified it to run autopilot) and flies off screen. He comes flying from the side of the screen with his sword drawn preparing for the Finishing Cut as he hits the opponent with a powerful sword strike at insane speed. When it hits the opponent, it will zoom in and show him striking them in slow motion. Once he strikes, he will hop off the Fire Stingray back to where he started as it flies off screen. Anyone unlucky enough to be in Goroh’s way as he flies forward will be rammed by the vehicle, even after he hops off.
[Collapse=Jhonnykiller45's Moveset]Ground attacks:
A- A quick left-handed punch
AA- A diagonal sword slash
AAA- A strong "Sparta Kick"

Foward tilt- A strong foward slash
Up tilt- An upwards sword slash, kinda like Ike's
Down tilt- A quick low diagonal slash

Foward smash- A strong downwards sword strike with electric effects
Up smash- Goroh does 2 consecutive sword slashes upwards
Down smash- Goroh slashes the ground with his katana

Pummel- Goroh knees his opponent in the torso
Foward throw- Goroh slashes his opponent foward
Up throw- Goroh throws his opponent upwards and slashes them
Down throw- Goroh elbows his opponent downwards
Back throw- A strong back throw followed by a kick

Aerial attacks:
Foward air- Goroh stabs his sword foward, and if sweetspotted, will deal more damage and will set the target on fire
Up air- A rough upwards slash, not unlike his foward tilt
Down air- Goroh does a rough downwards slash that can spike opponents
Back air- A quick back kick

Special attacks:
Neutral B: Stingray Slash- Samurai Goroh charges up his katana with electricity and does a strong downwards slash in shape of a stingray
Side B: Boost Fire- Samurai Goroh quickly dashes foward while slashing his katana, kinda like Fox Illusion or Falco Phantasm
Up B: Stingray Spin- Samurai Goroh charges up and quickly spins his katana upwards to gain momentum, the attack can be charged for longer to gain more
momentum and to deal more damage
Down B: Stingray Counter- Samurai Goroh goes in a "come on!" stance and if anyone attacks him, their attack will be countered with a powerful katana strike

Final Smash: Fire Stingray- Samurai Goroh calls for his machine, the Fire Stingray, stuns his opponent and sends him into the Red Canyon from F-Zero GX, then he proceeds to run over his opponent to finish him off[/Collapse]
[Collapse=Moveset by Professor Fandango from Deviantart]

Hageshii: I did my best to not include his sword because seriously there are too many swords as it is. Though he's a samurai I see a bit of sumo in there as well so this moves has him thrusting his hands back and forth while standing still.
Ordeal: Any clues as to where I got these move names from? This is a heavy charge forward and if it connects Goroh knocks his opponent to the ground and can follow up with a few punches. An ordeal indeed. I think a Tekken character does this.
Meteor Storm: Despite his size Goroh is supposedly quite athletic and one his specialities seems to be his ability to perform multiple backflips. I simply substituted forward flips because that seems to make more sense play wise. He does this in a sort of squatting pose, rather than curled into a ball.
Screw Drive: Goroh dives down, spinning with his fist out and bounces heavily off the ground (like the Bowser Bomb, performing this on the ground will precede the move with a small jump.)
Fire Stingray: Capitalising on the Ganondorfyness (TM) I pretty much lifted his Final Smash wholesale but replaced pig Ganon with the titular race car. I suppose it could leave a temporary trail of fire behind it too.

Any other Movesets are appreciated.

With that, please feel free to discuss.

Samurai Goroh's Band of Thieves (Supporter List.) : 32 and counting

Master Rapier
Super Smash Bros. Fan
Golden Icarus
Last edited:


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I just do not think Samurai Goroh is necessary.

He has not been seen in awhile AND doesn't offer much except for swordplay. There are potential sword characters from unrepresented franchises. They offer swordplay seen before in their games, as well as a glimpse into another world.

Just seems that he has no special ingredient, no mojo, nothing to spice the next ultimate Nintendo fighter with.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Was thinking of getting this going, good to see that I didn't need to push it.

Anyway Goroh has my support. I can see a lot of possiblilities with him that can't be found in other sword newcomers or other newcomers in general.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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@Bowserlick: I suppose that is something that can change by different people's opinion. It depends on how you look at it. It also depends on how creative you want to get.

@---: I looked in the Backroom after posting this and saw you wanted to make one, and then felt bad. :laugh: Anyway, want to share some ideas?


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2011
Yes, Sm4sh very much needs another F-zero character it's the only veteran series that doesn't have a second character. I personally want either Samurai Goroh or Black Shadow.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
@Bowserlick: I suppose that is something that can change by different people's opinion. It depends on how you look at it. It also depends on how creative you want to get.

@---: I looked in the Backroom after posting this and saw you wanted to make one, and then felt bad. :laugh: Anyway, want to share some ideas?
True. I am just stating why I think he has a slim chance. If I had to guess, I would suspect no more F-Zero reps. I feel that Captain Falcon portrays the game well with his fighting style (fast, all-over the place, dangerous) and that another character would only fulfill the need for padding the franchise's representation, but adding little substance.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Yes, Sm4sh very much needs another F-zero character it's the only veteran series that doesn't have a second character. I personally want either Samurai Goroh or Black Shadow.
Pretty everything that you mentioned, I agree with. Goroh for the win!


Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I'm game for Goroh, since we don't have any actual playable samurais yet. And of course, F-Zero is in need of a new rep.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
@---: I looked in the Backroom after posting this and saw you wanted to make one, and then felt bad. :laugh: Anyway, want to share some ideas?
That's okay, not really my style to start one of these threads anyway. I would have started a Goroh thread if no one else did, not a big deal to me.

Fire StingRay. Just putting this out there, as it would be cool if Goroh could get some fire or electrical attacks (wouldn't be as weird as Falcon getting flaming punches and kicks).


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I wonder if Samurai Goroh will slice with the shape of a electric stingray as an after effect? well at least if Goroh is going to follow animal motifs similar to Captain Falcon's falcon motif.


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Aug 10, 2011
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SW 2859 6322 5208
I wonder if Samurai Goroh will slice with the shape of a electric stingray as an after effect? well at least if Goroh is going to follow animal motifs similar to Captain Falcon's falcon motif.
I have something similar to that in my Moveset, but instead a literal Fire Stingray that launches from the end of the katana.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
I also agree that the F-Zero series deserves a new rep. I'd like to see either him or Black Shadow, or even both if possible. I think S. Goroh could have a playstyle unique enough to set him apart from other characters.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I think that if Ganondorf truly does finally get his own moveset, Ganondorf will take all of his original moves (in Melee and Brawl) with him, and have most of the other remnants of his Melee play style not return (I'm not mentioning his Brawl plat style, because there was nothing to play).

Samurai Goroh could then take Melee Ganondorf's style that doesn't get used by Ganondorf, keep some of his power (well, maybe make him a tad weaker), and give him an all-new moveset based around some of his samurai moves and a katana (used by a giant and big man), and you got yourself a crazy new character (or 2).

That sounds like a win-win for all (assuming either character has the Melee Ganondorf "feel" or both feel like half a Melee Ganondorf).


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2011
I think that if Ganondorf truly does finally get his own moveset, Ganondorf will take all of his original moves (in Melee and Brawl) with him, and have most of the other remnants of his Melee play style not return (I'm not mentioning his Brawl plat style, because there was nothing to play).

Samurai Goroh could then take Melee Ganondorf's style that doesn't get used by Ganondorf, keep some of his power (well, maybe make him a tad weaker), and give him an all-new moveset based around some of his samurai moves and a katana (used by a giant and big man), and you got yourself a crazy new character (or 2).

That sounds like a win-win for all (assuming either character has the Melee Ganondorf "feel" or both feel like half a Melee Ganondorf).
I would hate for Goroh just to take Ganon's moveset it would make him feel kind of wasted. Also, Ganon wouldn't feel the same as he did in past games and I think he should stay the same. Also, even if he could use his sword it still sounds like he would be a clone and that is not good.


Vagabond With Flowers ~
Dec 24, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
Samurai Goroh definitely has my support, if anything for just another F-Zero representative in general.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I would hate for Goroh just to take Ganon's moveset it would make him feel kind of wasted.
That is why I am implying that Samurai Goorh take part of :ganondorfmelee:'s play style, maybe a few of the moves :ganondorfbrawl: had that :falconmelee: didn't that :ganondorfbrawl: doesn't carry over to a new moveset. Then, Goroh gets his own moves, his own plat style (with elements of Ganondorf from Melee specifically), and everybody is happy.

I do want to add I think Ganondorf will be given a sword and (dark) magic to use for at least few moves in Smash WiiU and 3DS (so you get where I'm coming from Wizz).


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2012
Neat idea cuz goro will probably end up kinda like a heavy captain falcon : /

Say i know lots of people would think this shouldent even be asked? But if there were to be a THIRD REP for fzero who might it be?
Cuz for some reason i cant wrap my mind around it being black shadow xP



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If I honestly had to pick a third rep, I think Pico would be cool. Not the most likely, but cool.


But Goroh's better anyway.

Deleted member

I support Goroh. But I support WATASHI WA SHINEN guy more.

(That's Black Shadow for those who don't get that.)


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2011
Neat idea cuz goro will probably end up kinda like a heavy captain falcon : /

Say i know lots of people would think this shouldent even be asked? But if there were to be a THIRD REP for fzero who might it be?
Cuz for some reason i cant wrap my mind around it being black shadow xP

I don't think Goroh would be a clone of Falcon I think he will definitely have samurai swordsman moveset.

Also, Black Shadow is definitely the other best choice for a new F-zero newcomers.

Someone needs to make a Black shadow support thread

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I think that if Ganondorf truly does finally get his own moveset, Ganondorf will take all of his original moves (in Melee and Brawl) with him, and have most of the other remnants of his Melee play style not return (I'm not mentioning his Brawl plat style, because there was nothing to play).

Samurai Goroh could then take Melee Ganondorf's style that doesn't get used by Ganondorf, keep some of his power (well, maybe make him a tad weaker), and give him an all-new moveset based around some of his samurai moves and a katana (used by a giant and big man), and you got yourself a crazy new character (or 2).

That sounds like a win-win for all (assuming either character has the Melee Ganondorf "feel" or both feel like half a Melee Ganondorf).
I don't think Goroh should be having Ganondorf's old moveset. He's a samurai, so I expect Goroh to utilize samurai-styled attacks.

Basically, Ganondorf's old moveset sounds more like Black Shadow's type of thing.

Deleted member


Basically, Ganondorf's old moveset sounds more like Black Shadow's type of thing.
I really hate it when people suggest B. Shadow gets Ganondorf's old moveset...
Many people look at Black Shadow as a way to pass down Ganondorf’s moveset to someone while he gets a new one. This is highly unfair, especially to someone like Black Shadow. From the anime, Black Shadow has numerous powers that would allow both he AND Ganondorf to not be semi-clones of Captain Falcon, namely the ability to fly, teleport, telepathic powers (mind control, memory wipes, and nerve attacks), black magic rituals and shadow manipulation on top of physical strength and durability. In the games, he is not without power as well, and is one of the few to actually show supernatural ability within the games themselves (not even Captain Falcon does), by creating dark clones of characters out of thin air and creating energy chains to bind people, as well as a few telekinetic abilities.
But this thread is about Goroh, so I'll leave it at this.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
I believe that if any F-Zero character should get in it would be Samurai Goroh. He's been around since the beginning and is Falcon's rival. I would imagine him as a wild dirty brawler with a sword. He would pull cheap shots like sucker punches or stomps on down opponents. Also because of his body size I could see him doing some Sumo style moves too.

These are a couple of Special moves he could have.
-Stingray Slash: He swipes his sword that emits a pink and red tail that curls from top of his head and spikes down in front of his opponent.

-Spin out: Similar to the spin out that F-Zero cars can do. He would pull his sword out and spin around on a horizontal fashion knocking everything away. It would be somewhat like a combination of DK's and Adult Links Up B.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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SW 2859 6322 5208
I believe that if any F-Zero character should get in it would be Samurai Goroh. He's been around since the beginning and is Falcon's rival. I would imagine him as a wild dirty brawler with a sword. He would pull cheap shots like sucker punches or stomps on down opponents. Also because of his body size I could see him doing some Sumo style moves too.

These are a couple of Special moves he could have.
-Stingray Slash: He swipes his sword that emits a pink and red tail that curls from top of his head and spikes down in front of his opponent.

-Spin out: Similar to the spin out that F-Zero cars can do. He would pull his sword out and spin around on a horizontal fashion knocking everything away. It would be somewhat like a combination of DK's and Adult Links Up B.
I do like the Spin Out reference. Did you happen to see the moveset in the OP by any chance?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2012
I'd like another F-Zero character. I doubt we'll get one, since there hasn't been a new game for a while and there won't be a new one in the near future.:(

Out of all the characters, Black Shadow and Samurai Goroh are the two who stand the best chance. Goroh is a veteran with a large fanbase, while Black Shadow had a very prominent villainous role in F-Zero GX.

(And no, people want Black Shadow for more reasons than "he can have Ganondorf's old moveset".)


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2011
I'd like another F-Zero character. I doubt we'll get one, since there hasn't been a new game for a while and there won't be a new one in the near future.:(

Out of all the characters, Black Shadow and Samurai Goroh are the two who stand the best chance. Goroh is a veteran with a large fanbase, while Black Shadow had a very prominent villainous role in F-Zero GX.

(And no, people want Black Shadow for more reasons than "he can have Ganondorf's old moveset".)
While F-zero definitely hasn't had a game in A LONG TIME, I feel like the F-zero series will get another character due to the fact that it is the only series that is a veteran from smash 64 and hasn't had a second character yet. Also, I don't think Nintendo has Entirely forgotten about F-zero enough to not put in a secondary, they are putting F-zero in Nintendo land which makes me think there is a good chance we could see a new F-zero game on Wii U.

Deleted member

@Wizz: What about Yoshi and (Zero Suit not counting) Metroid?


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
@Wizz: What about Yoshi and (Zero Suit not counting) Metroid?
I don't know why Zero Suit Samus wouldn't count. As far as I can tell, Sakurai designed her intending her to be as full-on of a character as any other and as Metroid's second rep - we just tend to tack her on as a "transformation character" even though she only (barely) shares a Final Smash.

As for Yoshi, the main problem, IMO, is the potential newcomers from that series aren't as "standout" as other characters the SSB4 team will consider. Kamek nor the Baby Bros measure up to characters like Ridley, King K. Rool, or even someone less likely like Krystal, and a second Yoshi rep hasn't been as popular as a second F-Zero rep anyways.

ANYWAYS, in regards to Samurai Goroh, I don't have a problem with him making the cut for SSB4. He's been demanded since Melee and most people have no or little problem with a second F-Zero rep.

Deleted member

There's always Baby Bowser, who is the main villain of the series, nearly exclusive to the series (only being out of it once; M&L PiT), and has actual fighting capabilities.

Honestly, he's only overlooked because he's a small Bowser and because of Bowser Jr.


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Aug 10, 2011
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SW 2859 6322 5208
Even though the series hasn't had a game in a long while, I still think by right it deserves another character due to being one of 2 (3 to some people) series from the original game that only has one character that can easily get another.

Here's an interesting discussion point: Hypothetically, if for example, Takamaru got in, would it effect Goroh's chances due to both being samurais?

I personally would think not, seeing as Takamaru has other non-katana weapons, as well as the fact that the current swordsmen don't exactly fight like the others, but I just wanted some other opinions to get some discussion going.

Deleted member

Takamaru wouldn't affect Goroh in any way.
Especially since they have completely different fighting styles.
Takamaru is more refined and precise. Goroh is reckless and wild.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Comparing Goroh and Takamaru is like comparing Ike to Link.

They both have swords (katanas?) but beyond that they're completely different. Only silly Chronobound thinks they'd be clones of each other.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I see. Good thing I'm not alone about them being easily distinguishable. I just asked because that is what a lot of Goroh detractors seem to think.

I like the Ike to Link analogy. Works pretty well.

Anyway, here's some music that I think could work well on an F-Zero stage. I just like this particular tune. :



Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2011
I see. Good thing I'm not alone about them being easily distinguishable. I just asked because that is what a lot of Goroh detractors seem to think.

I like the Ike to Link analogy. Works pretty well.

Anyway, here's some music that I think could work well on an F-Zero stage. I just like this particular tune. :

I would love any new F-zero music. My most wanted F-zero music would be F-zero GX's version of Big BLue (the unlockable true version) or night of the big blue from the story mode. Although, I know it might not be in due to their already being a big blue theme in there.
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